My Cornrow AND Braidout Videos :-)


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm 13 months post relaxer :yahoo:

Anyway... I've had my hair in pixie braids for 3 weeks and took them out on Friday... I love having my hair out cos I play in it... A LOT :spinning:

I started a youtube channel earlier this month (and I have 37 subscribers already :yay:) and had a few videos on my to-do list (which I did this weekend):

1. DC, cowash, airdry process (DONE):
2. Cornrows - How to (DONE):
3. Braidout (DONE) -

Funny thing is - I did the braidout ONLY for the video :lachen: I won't have time to record the video during the week and I was home most of the weekend. I'm going to put my hair back in cornrows now :lol:

You can see my video skills slowly improving in each video, I hope I'll get even better :yep:

I love how your braidout turned out. I'm fully natural and mine never look that good.
Thank you :)
What products do you use?
I think I might have to experiment with products when i'm fully natural... I hope I can still use lustrasilk though.

I love how your braidout turned out. I'm fully natural and mine never look that good.
Loved your vid. I liked the braid out vid with the natural light a lot better though cause I could see clearer.
Ok, so I watched the videos thinking "I'm finally going to hear MG British accent!" No such luck, boo! :(:(:(:(.
Nice videos, keep it up!
:lol: I used to LOVE that song so much... I love the instrumentals :grin:
I just started watching your first vid, and was so excited to hear Gongo Aso!!!! :D

Thank you :grin:
All that gorgeous hair! :love: Great videos, MG! Keep them coming!:yep:

:lol: Honestly I did try but I was having trouble recording a narration (it just wasn't picking up my voice), I'll practice during the week and hopefully get it right for my next video.
Ok, so I watched the videos thinking "I'm finally going to hear MG British accent!" No such luck, boo! :(:(:(:(.
Nice videos, keep it up!
and i cant wait for fitness videos, i work out 3-4 times a week. but i have snack food attacks at night sometimes.