May 11,12,13...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans?

Steamed with Silk Dreams Vanilla Silk and Claudie's Vere Oil, then moisturized with Claudie's Tea Spritz, Isha Cream and Tiffani Ceramide Pomade. Finished it up by putting my hair in flat twists until the next wash day. :)
Got me some molasses so going to search the forums for how to use it!

Gonna give myself my first ever black tea-rinse too, followed by a WGO/Keratin/Panthenol B5 hair mask that I just picked up at the supermarket.
Got my MT in from last night, and after breakfast I'll be co-cleansing with Wen & Ren! Then detangle with AM, and trying Deva-Curl Heaven in Hair for the first time. Going out later, so I'm just gonna rock a WnG.

I chelated with Elucence Acidifying Shampoo
Did a Nutrine Garlic Cowash followed by Claudie's Fortifying Conditioner
Now sitting with Mega-Tek and a Plastic Cap
Will Rinse in another hour and Steam with Marie Dean DC'er
Will do a Coffee, ACV and Tea Rinse throughout my Regimen
Shampoo W/ HE drama clean
Do a HOT under the steamer W/ coconut oil
Condition W/ ORS olive oil hair masque
I'm about to do a hot oil pre-poo with coconut and jojoba oil, followed by a wash with AOHSR shampoo and a deep condition with AO white carmelia and keracare humecto overnight.
Deep conditioning and dusting after I twist. I am getting braids in a week and I have been alternating moisture and protein to get my hair ready...
Dc with EVCO and organic raw honey with pommagranate ! Co wash with suave strawberry essence condish, then use my Claudies tea Spritz and the moisturizing ends insurance. Air dry overnight, M&S Sunday and bun for the coming week.
I massaged some Trigger into my scalp.

In a little while, I'll cover my hair with CD Mimosa Hair Honey and let it sit for a fewhours. Then I'll wash, do some protein, then DC with CD Black Vanilla Smoothie.
Sunday evening (hopefully), I plan to do a HOT and deep cond treatment, oil rinse, cw, massage in a cheapie cond and Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Mask as my leave-ins, gel it on back to get the waves poppin', and wet bun to air dry as usual.
Well, this is the plan but it hasn't happened yet. :lol:
I'm going to shampoo, condition for 20 minutes with a cap and no heat. Apply leave-in and air dry.
I co-washed, washed, rinsed....and mixed a new leave in....then did some chunky twists and now I'm going to wrap up my hair...and may wear a textured bun on the 14/15.