Bigen Permanent Powder

Have you tried Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color?

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    Votes: 117 63.9%
  • No, I have not tried this product!

    Votes: 66 36.1%

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I just relaxed my hair and put Bigen in. I'm sitting under the dryer now. It made my hair feel dry, but that was expected. This is my second time using Bigen, and I love it!
I use to rave about Bigen, but I've been growing out the black color for a year now and there is a noticeable difference in shine between the Bigen'd hair and the natural uncolored hair. The Bigen'd hair looks duller/dryer. I wouldn't have really known this if I hadn't decided to grow it out, but I'm glad I did. I won't be ever using Bigen again. Now I'm a believer that it does dry the hair out. :/
Im thinking about using Bigen to give my hair that DEEP BLACK look, but with all this PPD talk, I dont know!
It made my head swell and broke out in rashes i was in the hospital hooked up to the IV for hours from passing out. Since using this product i became allergic to most rinses
This a FANTASTIC rinse. No ammonia/no peroxide. It is the ONLY one that completely covers my white. My grey came in in one place and it is stark WHITE and Bigen covers it. My hair does not feel damaged or dry AT ALL after this. My hair laughs at Jazzing, and Beautiful Browns. Also, the shade selections are true to the samples. ANDDDDD it is CHEAP!

I love Bigen also, however it's not a rinse. It's a permanent color, It doesn't have Ammonia but when mixed with water it does turn to peroxide even though you don't add it. When I first tried it years ago, I treated it as a rinse and didn't shampoo afterwords. My hair was really dry and shedding. From that point on I made sure to shampoo and dc after I rinsed out the color and I never have a problem with dryness. The same thing with my sister, she would always tell me how dry and hard her would be after she colored with it. Come to find out she was treating it as a rinse, and not shampooing. For anyone who does try it, please make sure you shampoo and dc just as you would any other permanent color.
I love bigen but its NOT supposed to go on your scalp. If you can, have a professional apply it so that it doesnt get on your scalp (even when rinsing). I apply it using foils so that i leave a very very small part of the root uncolored. I rinse it with my head under the bathtub faucet so that its upside down and the water goes right into the drain. My hair is dark brown enough not to notice a few milimeters of uncolored hair and its worth not having PPD in my blood stream. I love the results!
I've still been using Bigen since the first time I posted in here. I've never noticed any unusual drying that I wouldn't get with any other kind of hair color. I do shampoo and DC afterwards, so that may be why. All and all things are still going well.
I used to use Bigen exclusively to cover up my grays, esp. a noticable huge patch that I have in the front. But i noticed that my hair got really dry and started breaking off more in the bang area. I rarely use heat and I think the Bigen had something to do with the reakage. Still on the lookout for a mild color for my grays..henna can be a bit tedious..
Ahem...ok, so in addition to any allergic reaction you may or may not have as a result of using this stuff, please keep in mind the inconsistencies that have been reported in this thread and others. Some ppl report an inky black that never comes out, others say it faded after two weeks or more. All this to say, the assumption is that this product is a permanent color, but sometimes it's not. The key is the powder developer it comes with in the box. Nowhere does the package state what volume developer is included. (Remember the box says "No ammonia" and "Requires no peroxide"--because it contains an unknown volume of crystallized developer that is activated by water.) So less volume developer creates "demi-permanent" results; more gives more permanent results. So this is something to keep in mind if you plan on using on the same day as a relaxer. Some heads can handle that, but b/c I never know what volume I'm getting with this product, I err on the side of caution and wait 14-21 days post relaxer. (For example, I get more permanent results from Asian BSS Bigen vs. Wal-mart Bigen :look:)

HTH :)

Wow Artemis, thank you for this explanation. It really makes a lot of sense too.
I know the directions say to not wash after dying.......just rinse it out....but I wash my hair then condition it for 30mins.

Use a good moisturizing conditioner afterwards and you should be fine.
Be sure and let us know how it turns out.

I love my bigen. :yep:

Another very helpful post, thanks Puddles.
I love Bigen also, however it's not a rinse. It's a permanent color, It doesn't have Ammonia but when mixed with water it does turn to peroxide even though you don't add it. When I first tried it years ago, I treated it as a rinse and didn't shampoo afterwords. My hair was really dry and shedding. From that point on I made sure to shampoo and dc after I rinsed out the color and I never have a problem with dryness. The same thing with my sister, she would always tell me how dry and hard her would be after she colored with it. Come to find out she was treating it as a rinse, and not shampooing. For anyone who does try it, please make sure you shampoo and dc just as you would any other permanent color.

Thanks for this helpful post FL.
When i had my really i love-black-not-looking-natural-hair so bad, i used to use it. And also another one like it, that i think is japanese ... i looove how my hair color turned out, but to take the black color out of my hair, i had to chop it off
Guess Im the odd ball here. I loveedd it before I found out it was breaking my hair. I stop using it early this year and my hair is thicker and lengthening.
I wanna try it again because my hair was so black but it was really dry and didn't really shine...
Guess Im the odd ball here. I loveedd it before I found out it was breaking my hair. I stop using it early this year and my hair is thicker and lengthening.

You know it's interesting that you posted this because I called my stylist yesterday after posting in here and she said that she'd prefer I not use any kind of dye on my hair.

The only thing she'd put on my hair is a semi or demi-permanent and so I told her that I use henna and indigo and she suggested I stick with that.

She is not comfortable putting Bigen on my fine relaxed hair. She said that if my hair was a little thicker and fully natural, she'd take the chance with it. She loves and believes in having long healthy hair and all of her clients, including me have long healthy hair. So I trust her judgement and decided not to use the Bigen on my hair anymore.

Henna and indigo is fine by me anyway. I just wanted to find something in the BSS that I can just walk in and purchase to color my hair with:ohwell:. I tried.

Good luck to all who wish to use it and congrats to those who use it successfully, but I think I will pass on this one.
The positives: no peroxide, no ammonia
The negatives: dries hair out, takes at least 2 boxes to color, permanent

I combat dryness by adding oil to the dye, then sitting under the steamer. I wash out with CON, which is a moisturizing shampoo, deep condition adding color protein filler and Macadamia Nut Oil and a little porosity control.
I am confused. I bought this at an Indian store to try on my mom cause I thought it was natural. Never used it cause I haven't researched it yet.

Now it sounds dangerous and I don't know about using it. I noticed she had purchased some too so maybe I should warn her. Anyways my question is does this have peroxide in it or not? there have been conflicting posts.
I like Bigen because it the only dye that covers my gray temple hair. I only put it in th temple and like Jamarra said it is dark. I've been using dark brown and it looks black, can't find medium brown. If you can suggest alternative to covering those gray difficult strands I'm on on it.
^^^ Henna+ indigo, in 2 steps. That is my only suggestion for covering Bigen. It'll take some time to give the most intense "blue black", but it's a better alternative, IMHO. Yemeni henna seems to do best w/ grey coverage in terms of how dark it gets, but all hennas will cover grey! :)

Jamaraa, I do have henna. It funny this thread was activate right after I brought 3 boxes of dark brown at Walmart! My hair color is medium brown but like I said nothing covers those gray hair. I'm not looking for black so I'll just try the henna. Thanks
^^ Just do a 1 step henndigo then. That'll give you medium-dark brown w/ reddish highlights. If you want it browner, use less henna...if you want it redder, use less indigo. Search here for the recipe/technique or PM me. I'd start maybe 2.5 hours to leave it on initially and then see how you like it. It takes a few days for you to see the full color. If you want it darker, just leave it on longer. Your greys will be well colored/covered. :yep:

Put your Bigen on the product exchange...somebody will want it.

We think alike I had already decide Sunday to take them back to walmart. I'm at work yes early so can't see links but I'll definately check the link out later. Thanks
I actually have used it three times now...and it was after following this thread. the first time was some months ago

and according to the thread I mixed it with some oil and
something else...and much more water and I conditioned but not deep hair was unbelievably dry..I could feel it as soon as it was rinsed
even wet it was already very very drying so adding the other things did not offset
that ....but it was the best alt to covering the time for me
very messy ans I used TWO BOTTLES :spinning:but to cover all my hair
it was necessary.. think of it like a virgin perm...
my hair and i were like:blush:

and I hesitated to get black I was advised at
my beauty supply to get chestnut black or something with
brown overtones-based coloring closer to my natural hair color
Bigen gives kind of reddish highligt to the gray....

second tmie ...I did not add the buffers and did not deep condtion
used two bottles and it was dry again

my hair I'm a natural I guess ..4c-ish? strong...and did not break..but I was concerend

this last time ..ONE BOTTLE...and it was touch up only on spots the gray was sprouting....AND I deep conditioned for two hours.....

my hair feels fine .
it's grown actually so the Bigen use did not damge it ..per se...:look:
but stellar hair care is a must

..I know what to do know it was trial and error but all the ladies that advocate the DC's KNOW what they speak of
if you use this product I reccomend and I will do this myself ...dc''s before
and dc after....and during...

Bigen has worked well for a lot of ppl. I wouldn't totally slam it. The only real negative thing about it is the PPD which is only an issue for SOME people. A lot of ppl like Bigen because of the fact that it's so permanent. I stopped using colors like Jazzing because it bleeds and you have to reapply it like ever 3 weeks to keep a real black color. And if you're someone who CW's regularly--you can forget about it. I stopped using Bigen because it stains the hair so well, I felt like it was stealing some of the sheen in my hair--it wasn't as shiny. Never had any breakage. I have since started using Natural Instincts. It works great. It does have a minimal amount of peroxide--but not enough to damage, IMO--especially the dark colors. I know for some the Natural Instincts black didn't completely fade, but it CAN be lifted by one of those color removers like Color Fix or Color Oops, Uncolor, etc. which IS NOT bleach. I figure, if I ever want lighter hair again, or highlights--that is still an option. The Bigen, you DEFINITELY have to grow it out and cut it off. That's another reason why I stopped using it---it's the most permanent black out there. lol And I don't like the fact of having "no options" if I ever wanted to change up my color.