What's up with Crisco?

This part got my attention. Being natural, these are the ememy. I don't like them :nono: So would you use this on just washed hair, or after it has dried?

For SSKs I do it after a CW. I seal my from 2 inchs up from my ends all the way down with it after I put on my leave in. You may have to do a trial to see if it needs another oil added bc it's thick.
so i went and bought a hug tub of crisco and i haven't cracked it open yet. It was like 4.52 at walmart. Ill let yall know how it goes :)
I've been using crisco on my skin since I was a little girl. (not on my face, but on my body), I think its funny that so many people here haven't heard of this! My family uses it almost exclusively for skincare, that none of us have ever used it for cooking :lachen: it never had a wtf factor for skincare for me. I've never heard of it used on hair before, but if people seal with vaseline, I don't see a huge amount of difference. Folk look at me strange for putting olive oil on my hair, so *shrugs*. I've been having a problem with ssk's lately, I might try this on my hair sometime.
I've been using crisco on my skin since I was a little girl. (not on my face, but on my body), I think its funny that so many people here haven't heard of this! My family uses it almost exclusively for skincare, that none of us have ever used it for cooking :lachen: it never had a wtf factor for skincare for me. I've never heard of it used on hair before, but if people seal with vaseline, I don't see a huge amount of difference. Folk look at me strange for putting olive oil on my hair, so *shrugs*. I've been having a problem with ssk's lately, I might try this on my hair sometime.

My grandmother used to grease us down with Crisco when we were little. She would massage it into our skin after our nightly bath. :lachen: I need to revisit those old remedies.:yep:
I started using it for this reason. Recently started using it on my face and I LOVE IT. I may age gracefully after all.

Ummmm, I think I will do my Queen Helene scrub and moisturize with some Crisco. Let me get my individual stick out of the pantry. :lachen: Will it scorch your skin in this hot weather? Are you only using it at night?
I wish you all had told me this YEARS ago!!! To know it's an effective eczema cure?! GUYS!!!!!
Thank you all, i'm going to buy and try this tonight!
Crisco?! I never would have thought of that!! This thread is awesome!

Definitely going to have to give this one a try!! It's less expensive and more easily accessible than raw coconut oil, so I really have nothing to loose. I think I'll whip mine with some shea butter for my skin as my hair doesn't seem to like shea butter.

For my hair, I don't know that I'll mix it with anything just yet. I'll have to wait and see... :scratchch
I'm not evennnn gon' tell ya'll how much $$$$ I spent last year looking for the 'perfect' butter to moisturize my hair during the Winter Months.....:ohwell:

When everything I needed to keep my hair in tip-top shape was right in Aisle 13!:lachen:

This Fall/Winter, Crisco will definitely be my Hair moisturizer of 'Choice'.:grin:
I used to swear by Crisco for my hair a couple of years ago. Eventually I stopped and I use shea butter now, but I loved-ded my Crisco when I used it. :yep:
Okay, Crisco users, do you keep yours in the fridge or at room temp? I just found a stick in my pantry and I'm trying it on both my ends and my skin. I love that there is no smell at all and so far I love how my skin (especially my tattoo) is responding to it. If it can handle the super dry skin of my tattoo, it's a winner! Don't know about my hair yet, because it's still slightly damp from washing so I'll have to wait until morning to see the results.
I mixed some crisco with some shea butter (equal parts) and whipped it up....:love4:! Used some on my 4 yo's hair, with beautiful reaults. very soft and moisturized. Even my 11 yo (who hates all things shea related) couldn't keep her finger's out of it. I'm liking it for skin and hair (added some scented oil :lick:).
I have used it and love crisco to seal in the moisture. I stopped using it a few weeks ago but will start again. It sealed in the moisture so much i had to let my hair dry out for a few days(think i used too much) a little bit and i mean a little goes a long way.
I tried crisco for my hair and:nono: it just made my ends bone dry. and I even put it on damp hair after my leavein...I think i'm hopping off this wagon.
I use organic "crisco" it is actually by spectrum and it is mechanically pressed organic palm oil. It helps to keep the moisture in. I use it on my skin after putting on lotion, haven't used it on my hair yet. Keeps me ash free daily and I live in dry place.
Ummmm, I think I will do my Queen Helene scrub and moisturize with some Crisco. Let me get my individual stick out of the pantry. :lachen: Will it scorch your skin in this hot weather? Are you only using it at night?

Ummm lady why do u have that cake in your siggy????
That's not right. It looks so good and I will never have any of it.

But on another note, did you guys say that crisco helps prevent SSK? if so, i wonder how it does that?
I remember in high school some of the older girls were on a natural beauty kick and so they stopped using store bought lotions and creams and were using things like fresh fruit and milk masks, baking soda cleanser and for moisturizer they were using margarine which is basically crisco with yellow food coloring and a flavoring agent. They did have extremely clear skin as a result. I've never used crisco or margarine for cosmetic purposes myself and these days I always have plenty of shea butter, and cocoa butter, etc., in stock - so I don't feel the need for it. For my school mates back in the day however - we did not have shea butter and the hydrogenated veggie oil was a lot better than the cheapie mineral oil based products that everyone used at the time. Many high end styling products use hydrogenated vegetable oil rather than petrolatum and I'm sure it's fine as a base to blend with other carrier and essential oils.
i'm not sure about putting this on my hair as it just seems to be too heavy... but i think i want to try it for my skin.

after you slather it on after your shower, do you feel at all sticky? like for instance, i have dogs, and certain products are too sticky so when my dogs walk past me and brush up against me it would leave a furry patch lmao. and this was wwwaaayyyy after applying it lol. is it like putting on vaseline???
i'm not sure about putting this on my hair as it just seems to be too heavy... but i think i want to try it for my skin.

after you slather it on after your shower, do you feel at all sticky? like for instance, i have dogs, and certain products are too sticky so when my dogs walk past me and brush up against me it would leave a furry patch lmao. and this was wwwaaayyyy after applying it lol. is it like putting on vaseline???

It is thick but it is less sticky and faster drying when I mix it with coconut oil/shea butter.
i'm not sure about putting this on my hair as it just seems to be too heavy... but i think i want to try it for my skin.

after you slather it on after your shower, do you feel at all sticky? like for instance, i have dogs, and certain products are too sticky so when my dogs walk past me and brush up against me it would leave a furry patch lmao. and this was wwwaaayyyy after applying it lol. is it like putting on vaseline???
I was fine as far as my skin. It did weigh my hair down but i don't have a problem with that when im just wearing it curly
I used it for twists and took them out the day after (yesterday). My twist out was huge and the puff I am wearing today as a result of that twistout still is. My hair loves this stuff.
Well I've been using it on my face once a day for a couple weeks, usually at night because during the day I have to focus on a moistuizer with sunscreen when I'm out during the day--the California sun is a beast for my light, 40+ year old skin, but anyways, y'all this stuff is the truth. I am seeing a remarkable difference.

I was really starting to show my age in my face, one of my biggest fears as a lighter skinned african-american woman. I remember as a little girl seeing pretty lighter skinned women literally break at 45-50. I think this and sunscreen and eyecreams will be my secret weapons. Crisco will go down as one of my top three LHCF finds, right along with creme of nature ultra moisturizing poo and s-curl.
Ok, I've been using it for a few weeks now and I would never buy any other moisturizer..I mix it with coconut oil and a little castor oil...Use it nightly to put my twist up to sleep in...Take them out in the morning for a fabulous twist out and curly fro...also use it weekly with my leave in conditioner....don't knock it till you try it..It works great, IMO...
I have thick 4b hair that can be extrememly dry and feel like straw. After reading this thread, I decided that it couldn't hurt to try this. I bought a small can of Crisco and small bottles of Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil and Tea Tree Oil. I mixed these three together and put on my hair after washing it and sat under a hood dryer with my hair wrapped in Saran Wrap for about 45 minutes to an hour. When I got in the shower to rinse my hair, the comb glided through it like butter. Even now, about a week and a half later, my hair is still moisturized and my ends feel wonderful. Also, m,y hair has shed a lot less than it had been. THis is definitely a keeper for me and so much less expensive than products that don't even work half as good.:drunk:
I picked up some Crisco after reading this thread a while back. I was surprised that it wasn't greasy and seamed dry to the touch while still feeling moist (does that make sense?). But, uh...I'm gonna pass on using it on my hair. It makes my airdried hair feel stiff...dare I say crispy (keep thinking of fried chicken. :lachen:). I guess stiff shouldn't be a problem if I'm bunning but, nah. I don't like it. Into the kitchen pantry it went.
I came back to give my review on Crisco. I have been using it on my face as a night time moisturizer since the end of June. Let me just say that I am sold on it. My skin looks fabulous.
I have been using this mixed with condish for my natural hair-


My hair is soft, curly, shiny-

I am TOO happy with CRISCO!!!

Got my mom hooked on it as well!

I think I may start using it as a face/body moisturizer as well.

And to think, I BALKED at this idea at first-