New Suave Almond and Shea Butter (compares to Aveda)

Yeah. For whatever reason my hair doesn't love it anywhere near as much as the Aveda Dry Rememdy it's supposed to be mimicking. Which is too bad because my hair LOVES Dry Remedy :lick:

Mine either :nono:.

I used Damage Remedy for years, before trying Dry Remedy...which turned out to be just ok on my relaxed hair. But after making the decision to transition last year, I revisited it, and it's now a staple. My 11 months post hair loves the stuff.
Yeah, I love the suave almond shea...first bought it as a cheapie for cowashing, but fell in love. Like it way better than aussie moist. Have not tried the shampoo.
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Hello. I came back to say that I also used this as a leave-in conditioner. After roller setting and drying, my hair was actually shinier than usual (This may have something to do with the cones, as I have not used a conditioner with cones in a long time). Love it!
I actually like this a lot less than the regular Suave conditioners. This left my hair feeling stripped and dry.
I bumped this conditioner to give my review.

I love most Suave conditioners, but this conditioner right here is awesome!!!!

I've been looking for conditioners to use as a styling aid for the summer to get away from gels with glycerin that leave my hair too poofy during the warmer months.

I used lots of this on each section that I was to twist and then sealed with a little castor oil.

My twist outs are the softest and most defined that they've ever been and I can't stop touching and smelling my hair (the smell is great too).

I'm hoping this isn't a fluke as I plan to use this the entire summer. At less that $3 for a huge bottle, it is definitely worth it :yep:
Mine as well. I am glad I only spent $2 for this. I cant find the receipt so I cant return it.

pretty sure you don't need a receipt if you return it to walmart.

so i bought this again, the first time i used it. I thought it felt great but it left flakes in my hair :/ I guess i got a bad batch because i cowashed with it a couple weeks ago and no flakes.
I've been using this conditioner as a leave in and co-wash and its absolutely lovely.
IMO, It actually works better than the ORS Replenishing pak thats the same price:look:
That almond and shea butter conditioner is the bomb for a cowash on your hair or weave. I cowashed my weave with it and it came out so soft and light, I think I am going to have to purchase this as my co wash conditioner, it leaves your hair really soft!!I loved it!