SOO In Love With Suave's New Almond & Shea Butter Condish!


New Member
Hi, my fellow LHCF sisters! Just wanted to share that the PJ in me HAD to pick up the new Suave Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner (I have no use for the poo), and it left my hair so moisturized, soft, and sweet smelling. This stuff is like $1.97 a bottle at Wal-mart, and it does the trick, even on this 10-month post transitioning hair! I would have to say this is the best cheapie condish I've tried in years, aside from maybe ORS Replenishing Pak and VO5 Strawberries 'N Cream. Have any of you tried it yet, and what were your results? I can imagine making a delish conditioning concoction with some olive oil added to this condish and my hair melting like butter. I might just do that next week! :yep:
I'm glad it worked for you. I tried it and gave it away, it didn't seem to agree with my hair. But my natural friends seem to love it.
I'm glad it worked for you. I tried it and gave it away, it didn't seem to agree with my hair. But my natural friends seem to love it.

Thanks, yes maybe it works for me since I'm transitioning, and about half of my hair is natural already. Since I've been about 5 months post or more, shea butter has been a wonderful product on my natural hair, and not so spectacular on the texlaxed ends (nothing special, though not bad in and of itself). It's made a HUGE difference in the softness and manageability. This Suave A & SB may be a product that will work better on ethnic natural have a point there! I can see it being too heavy on Caucasian fine hair types...
This stuff is the bomb!! There's another long thread about it somewhere, alot of people seem to give it the thumbs up!!!
Hi, my fellow LHCF sisters! Just wanted to share that the PJ in me HAD to pick up the new Suave Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner (I have no use for the poo), and it left my hair so moisturized, soft, and sweet smelling. This stuff is like $1.97 a bottle at Wal-mart, and it does the trick, even on this 10-month post transitioning hair! I would have to say this is the best cheapie condish I've tried in years, aside from maybe ORS Replenishing Pak and VO5 Strawberries 'N Cream. Have any of you tried it yet, and what were your results? I can imagine making a delish conditioning concoction with some olive oil added to this condish and my hair melting like butter. I might just do that next week! :yep:

OMG I just used mine for the first time yesterday also! I compare it to Vo5 also (which I Loooove). I was able to just finger comb my hair and it was lovely. So I too am on board with this cheapie to cowash with.
I can't wait to try it. The commericial is comparing it to my beloved Aveda DR. If any Aveda DR users have tried this I'd love to hear your comments and reviews.
I am a 4a/b natural and I love this conditioner. It makes my hair feel great. I am going to use up my other stuff and use make this my co wash cond.
I really like this for co-washing :yep: It's more moisturizing than regular Suave

I also like to use it as a moisturizer/moistener when I twist and re-twist
It's aiight. I guess my hair doesn't like it as a leave in but I did try it as a cowash and the results were just ok, I like VO5 better.
I LOVES IT, i use it as a cowash or after i do a clear rinse...i love the smell and it makes my hair so soft. i give it a ****( 4 stars) for a cheapie condish .
MY hair didn't like it as a co-wash... my hair felt hard before the end of the week (which I attribute to the silicones in it)... I co-wash too often to use it regularly.

But it smells really good!
Hi, my fellow LHCF sisters! Just wanted to share that the PJ in me HAD to pick up the new Suave Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner (I have no use for the poo), and it left my hair so moisturized, soft, and sweet smelling. This stuff is like $1.97 a bottle at Wal-mart, and it does the trick, even on this 10-month post transitioning hair! I would have to say this is the best cheapie condish I've tried in years, aside from maybe ORS Replenishing Pak and VO5 Strawberries 'N Cream. Have any of you tried it yet, and what were your results? I can imagine making a delish conditioning concoction with some olive oil added to this condish and my hair melting like butter. I might just do that next week! :yep:

Same here, I threw that crap out but I use the conditioner for the 1st step in my condition-wash-condition and I'm loving it.
yes girl! I love this stuff! I happened to see it in my friends shower, so I decided to spend the night, just so I could try it out the next morning. (cheap I know :lachen:) well Im glad I did b/c im in love!! .................unfortunately I cant let myself buy any right now. Ive put myself on probabation from buying condish. I already have almost 20 bottles of Suave and VO5 sitting in my bathroom waiting to be used!! lol
loves this stuff:grin::grin::grin: one of my 2010 staples. i use it as a leave-in for my braids = soft, moisturized hair.
It was a miss for me. Cowashed with it yesterday. It robbed my hair of all slip that I gained from my prepoo/CON shampoo/Kenra condition routine the day prior - I'm about 9 weeks post. It also left my hair feeling coated, weighted down, a little on the rough side and sticking together. My hair wasn't matted and I didn't experience any crazy shedding thank goodness; it just wasn't a winner for me.
Hi, my fellow LHCF sisters! Just wanted to share that the PJ in me HAD to pick up the new Suave Almond & Shea Butter Conditioner (I have no use for the poo), and it left my hair so moisturized, soft, and sweet smelling. This stuff is like $1.97 a bottle at Wal-mart, and it does the trick, even on this 10-month post transitioning hair! I would have to say this is the best cheapie condish I've tried in years, aside from maybe ORS Replenishing Pak and VO5 Strawberries 'N Cream. Have any of you tried it yet, and what were your results? I can imagine making a delish conditioning concoction with some olive oil added to this condish and my hair melting like butter. I might just do that next week! :yep:

This has been my DC mix lately. Suave Almond & Shea, some Amla, Vatika, castor and maybe oilive oil mixed in and WOW my hair does exactly what you said.....melt like butter! I also use it to cowash with unless I'm getting henna out of my hair, then I'll use a regular Suave that is a little thinner. Need to stock up today at walmart.
This condish was just okay for my hair. It didn't "wow" me. My hair seems to like Suave Humectant.:look:

This has been my DC mix lately. Suave Almond & Shea, some Amla, Vatika, castor and maybe oilive oil mixed in and WOW my hair does exactly what you said.....melt like butter! I also use it to cowash with unless I'm getting henna out of my hair, then I'll use a regular Suave that is a little thinner. Need to stock up today at walmart.

^I may try this recipe and see how it works.^
I was all about the Humectant also until I started playing around with the Almond Shea and still buy if I can't find the other.
Okay.....if it is really better and more moisturizing than the Humectant....i gotta have it!! I'm texlaxed...but my hair LOOOOOOVES anything with shea butter in it!!
I love this product as well for co-washing. Some use it to deep condition as well with great results. Everybody seems to like the smell but me. I don't care for it. But it gives great slip and softness. And best of all it's cheap!
Does anyone love this product still? I remember when it came in the bright green, chartreuse bottle everyone loved it, but they cooled off when suave changed the formula and put it in the dark shiny green bottle.
I adore this conditioner for co-washing; it leaves my hair super soft, fluffy, and feeling Clean! I just restocked, and bought 3 big bottles :lick:
It's still good. three years ago, it helped get my hair back in order after a protein overload. I just can't seem to use anything to cowash my hair anymore. I bought a bottle a few months ago.