6 Month Vitamin Challenge (Nov-April)

Last night I took my vitamins late so today since I'm at work, I plan on taking them when I get home this evening. Better late then never I'm learning.
I need to join this!!! I know I'm late but I have never been a big vitamin taker. I take them for a few days and stop. I just started taking them religiously 2 weeks ago. I need some motivation!!!
I haven't been checking in but I'm still taking my vitamins. I'm out of my fish oil and almost out of my multi vitamins. I have to restock this week.
When I started this challenge I had bad headaches. I immediately stop taking vits for about 2 weeks.. Restarted taking half the dosage, then gradually picked back up to initial intake amount. Since then, Ive been taking my vits religiously. Great progress, awesome challenge!!

More of a lurker, but Im always on the check in=)
i began taking 3,000mcg biotin, but when the bottle ran out, i mistakenly purchased a 300mcg bottle and my hair shed like crazy after a month on them...i'm talking so bad, i had to chop it off to the shoulders and begin again...
now its been a year on 5,000 biotin and its so thick and course i have to leave the relaxer on longer to get it to straighten. i also use more of the relaxer than i normally would.
and my nails are hard and thick.
i dont think it makes the hair grow faster, but definitely thicker. great for retention!
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Checking in. Went away on business for a week and forgot to bring my NAC, but at least I had my Viviscal with me. I'm back home and have resumed my regular vit regimen tonight with dinner.
Checking in ladies. I just started on my 6th bottle of Hairfinity and I love these vitamins sooooo much! I have finally reached APL by back layers and I am patiently waiting to make it to WL by 2013. I faithfully take two a day and I am doing so well right now. Keep pushing me ladies!!!!