The first two videos made me sick...I can't even watch the others. I think Mom had something to do with it.

We go hard on these Innanets
I did not see the show and only know what's in this thread (plus the videos).

So, they were married and had this girl (at 9) living with them. She assaulted his wife and caused her to lose her hair. Dad sided with his daughter despite all evidence apparently pointing to the child lying about what she did. And here they are 9 years later still married?!?!?

I'm trying to wrap my mind around how a person could stay with a spouse who so utterly did not support them mentally or emotionally.

This is why so many women do not like to deal with men with kids. In this case though it seems clear that dad had a crappy relationship with the child and the biomom. It still looks crappy all these years later. Dad needed to check that drama a long time ago.

I saw this full episode. I believe the biomom is responsible for the attitude this little girl has. She put Nair in the stepmoms conditioner when she was 9. In that clip I believe she is 18. She lied about it the whole time and the husband believed the daughter over the wife and it caused a rift in their marriage. When it came out that she lied the biomom was shocked, but then she said "Ok she did it. Now what you go do about it?" She said it kind of like she was heckling the stepmom.

The little girl would lie to her dad and say her mom was abusing her and making her take care of all the children and that she couldn't go to school and then when she went home to her mom she would make up lies about her father and stepmom.
This episode is on now on the CW! I'm still in shock!

I just watched the episode as I missed it the first time. Clearly this is pattern as she has mixed things with her grandmothers things as well as an exgirlfriend of her dads. She has major issues, she has zero remorse and what goes around comes around.
Supergirl said:
What's the context surrounding that situation? Just curious

Ok not tryin to side with the daughter but what happens on a show and what happens at home is a different story. Its like both are the truth with parts left out.

Did the stepmom get questioned? Did she get a lie detector test. In my experience when there's a problem the adult never has to answer one question, while the child gets criticized.

We dont really know their situation, and I for one think its childish to go on a show and put your personal business out for others enjoyment, when all you want is sympathy.
I saw the whole show and I don't know why but the step mom irritated the hell out of me. She was just keeping it going despite the fact that her hair had grown back enough to catch a braid. The counselor lady even said, "you keep going on about your hair, it's your hair , it grows back and thank goodness it wasn't worse" or something of that nature but I agreed with her. The husband at one point even referred to the step mom's bitterness as a burden by saying, "....cause this is what I gotta deal with".

But on the first show the step mom was acting like she didn't feel comfortable with the man having a relationship with his daughter because of what had happened which I feel is dead wrong. It was a terrible thing the girl did and her attitude was so stank but the kind of approach that the step mom was taking, "oh you did it, look what you did to me, you're a liar, etc".....that's not going to yield the response you want especially from young kids. they are going to immediately go on the defensive mode.

I agree that this child needs help and it does seem like her stank attitude came from her mom because of her actions in the first episode, but the step mom needs to check herself as well. Yes, it happened and the girl did it. She needs her az slapped but more so she needs help, I don't ignore that. That's the woman's hair and she did something that could have been potentially more dangerous than it was. But still.....why dwell on it? Accept the fact the girl did it, lock up your products, and move on. If she loves the man, be happily married but don't expect the man not to have a relationship with his daughter because that happened. Unless that's what he has decided on.

Yeah that evil smirk when the results came back was a facade, that girl is embarrassed but wants to put on that, "yeah Im a bad az" role. But nah, she does need some sense knocked in her butt because the lady was right about one thing.....if she does something like that to someone else, she may not be so lucky next time.
ManeStreet said:
sckri23 did u see the show?

No and I dont want to I dont watch shows like that cause its just ppl wanting sympathy or their 10 min of fame so they put their business on a show

ETA: thats just my personal feelings im not tryin to tell people to stop watching or going on those shows cause who knows it might help some people but I dont trust that people really go on TV for help....
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sckri23 said:
No and I dont want to I dont watch shows like that cause its just ppl wanting sympathy or their 10 min of fame so they put their business on a show

ETA: thats just my personal feelings im not tryin to tell people to stop watching or going on those shows cause who knows it might help some people but I dont trust that people really go on TV for help....

interesting perspective
I think that sabotaging hair producta for someone to lose their hair is a type of assault. People sue hairdressers for overcutting or sabotage don't they? After all the work, daily sacrifices, COST, time etc. and some one was jealous and put something in my hair products to destroy, poison my hair I would be ready to fight. The husband was not very upset, it appears the kid should be with her mother. Is she going to put something in her stepmother's food next? She is a threat to the marriage at the least.
I have a step daughter and honestly I don't know how I would react in a situation like this :nono:

All I know is that it has been my goal to have mid back length hair since I was 10 years old, if someone put Nair in my hair products I would probably black out and wake up in prison :look:
I agree. Everyone that goes on those talk shows are paid by the company that own the network, by sponsors, etc. I have a cousin that went on one of those non-sense shows, she and her partner made up the ridiculous story and got paid.
You can't receive psychological help in one hour in front of a live studio audience. There is something seriously wrong with that girl, and her parents should be ashamed of themselves for going on TV and not seeking real professional help.
Oh how I despise Dr. Drew...
Bunnyhaslonghair said:

I don't know if this has been stated, but what kind of nair/hair remover was this? To make you have permanent hair loss? I've "naired" same areas time and time again and it ALWAYS grows back. I believe her, but i wonder how long she left it on with out feeling the burning? And did she rub it into her scalp? Serious hair loss for sure...but permanent balding??

Reading the top comment of this clip also made me think...

ETA: I see it was pink lotion so maybe she did "grease" her scalp with it.

I have used Nair when in college and stopped because it burned my skin so bad it the color nor hair grew back to that spot. Some people are more sensitive than others to certain chemicals.
I actually watched that show today because I remembered this thread and a few things stuck with me:

- They kept referring to the allegedly sabotaged item as “hair stuff” but the photo shown was of a half turned bottle of Luster’s Pink Lotion (I know that bottle well :lol:).

- The step-mother stated that she had applied the allegedly sabotaged hair stuff every day to moisturize her hair, which explains why the damage was so pervasive and permanent.

- The girl laughingly admitted to putting nail polish in one of the father’s previous girlfriend’s hair products to the step-mother after she suspected that her hair stuff had been sabotaged.

- The girl’s response was always a flippant “I didn’t do it” versus “OMG, I would never do that to you and I’m hurt that you think I would.”

- I could see that the biological mother’s spidey senses were telling her that the daughter had done it, but she couldn’t bring herself to drop a dime on her daughter, especially since she feels guilty for being a half-a**ed parent to her (she had the dirty-looking, darkened hands, palms and nails of a habitual user).

- I’ve seen that girl before - different face, different body, different name, but same behaviors. I believe she did it in a fleeting moment of anger and spite in retaliation for a perceived slight. However, I also know that she will never admit to having done the deed; she will go to her grave with that lie on her lips.

- I think the step-mother is not as innocent as she is portraying herself. I believe that she annoyed or subjugated the girl in some way on a small scale, and the girl got even by any means necessary. The punishment did not fit the perceived crime, but it does fit the girl’s established MO, which is to engage in clandestine warfare against her enemies because she is essentially powerless.

- The father initially put his daughter first, which is what he was supposed to do. Step-parents are not supposed to receive seniority over existing children, particularly minors (why would anyone want a partner that wouldn’t put their child first?).

- The tears the girl shed were on her on behalf - she wants it all to go away because she’s tired of having to deal with this issue over and over. In other words, she wants it all to go away so that she can move on...with impunity.

- At some point, the girl will retaliate against her father for having betrayed and abandoned her because of this episode. She will bide her time until the perfect time to strike presents itself.

- The step-mother has the inalienable right to want to bust the girl’s a** for damaging her scalp over some trivial BS.
I have a step daughter and honestly I don't know how I would react in a situation like this :nono:

All I know is that it has been my goal to have mid back length hair since I was 10 years old, if someone put Nair in my hair products I would probably black out and wake up in prison :look:

i would have left him, simply because i can't make him choose between his daughter and i. i could never trust that demonic child and wouldn't want her around my other children.

they bio parents are crappy because nobody is holding that child accountable, since they weren't really there for her to begin with. she is damaged and i wouldn't want to have nothing else to do with her or her father. they can have each other. that is some scary stuff. next, she will be poisoning food.
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I'm gonna say they were paid to be on the show. They had a shocking story = ratings

A close look at the dynamics of the convo (everybody; both shows) reveals that the situation wasn't being handled in the "therapeutic" sense. The psychologist was definitely not using the basics of therapy (empathy) when she shouted "it's just hair." Both doctors did the very thing a counselor/therapist isn't supposed to do. Drew and "what's her name" made the situation worst..if there really is one.

The nair reminded me of Halloween while I was in jhs. Instead of eggs....kids threw nair in your hair. *shudders*
My sister saw this show yesterday on tv and called me all upset. This is so sad that someone would have that much hate in their heart to mess up someone's hair.
A woman that was on the maury show last month is now on the jeremy kyle show!!! what can one show do that another one cant? Its not therapy sessions its reality tv basically shock entertainment. Thats why I dont believe any of the issues that go on with those shows.
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I was late to pick my kids up from school watching this episode of Dr. Drew...just a mess :nono:

I think they came on the show for the lie detector- to get absolute proof that she did it (or not), since it had been such an issue of contention in the family for so many years

The child was living with stepmom and dad at the time she did this, so I'm side-eying mom for claiming he never took care of her. Did SHE pay child support when Destiny lived with dad? :rolleyes:

Miss Destiny is 18 now- fully grown- at the time this was taped. That's all ima say to stepmom :yep:

WORD....Fully grown indeed.

*removing earrings and shoes*

Aint no way, I would still be talking about love. This is more than just hair..this cold, calculated maliciousness that needs to be addressed via beatdown. She can lie and manipulate her way in therapy, but not this :whip:
my friend was saying the step mother needs to get over it or move on. that pissed me off, but i know she would be singing a different tune if one of her step kids did that to her.
I still think its the show, the issues, the "resolvement" of the issues is fake. There is no way that someone can get therapy from a tv show.

Plus most ppl don't want business to be told to family and friends, so you really think their gonna go on national tv telling a bunch of strangers their problems and watchin them argue and fall apart?

No!! Its acting and its rediculous that ppl would play a part and make fools of themselves for some money.
sckri23 said:
I still think its the show, the issues, the "resolvement" of the issues is fake. There is no way that someone can get therapy from a tv show.

Plus most ppl don't want business to be told to family and friends, so you really think their gonna go on national tv telling a bunch of strangers their problems and watchin them argue and fall apart?

No!! Its acting and its rediculous that ppl would play a part and make fools of themselves for some money.

I always wonder if the situations in these shows are real. But I think the show must pay good money for people to come on the show and some people are money hungry enough to go and tell the world their business
Yeah I'm mad at the "therapist" or "counselor" whatever for saying its just hair. Yes I understand that a relationship is more important than hair, but she didn't acknowledge the issue of the DEED that was done. The fact that she did something malicious TO her hair brings the issue of the hair into the relationship.

Is there a link to the full episode?