Show your STASH!! *Pic Heavy*

Wow wow wow! I need to step it up! I only have like 5 products, brb running to the store. Envious of your salon like room
Show it, girl. You know you want to:poke:

Lol it would take me over an hour to take pics of all my hair products ... im going to take a quick full frontal shot of the bit in my bedroom .. its about 1/3 of my stuff

eta: crap .. forgot i have guests in my room , if they leave in there tonight imma take a couple shots and bounce
My pics are small but you get the general idea:

Hmm so as you can tell this shelf has no more space sigh .. I couldnt really get pics all of the products 'cuz I was trying to do quick pics. When the guests leave I may take better pics ... I missed out some sections towards the middle that has my CHI and got 2 b products..








a bit of the bathroom ones, a little messy so I didnt want to go into full coverage



MAN, I only wish I had the stash some of you girls do. lol Best thing about this thread though it helps me with my list on what to buy.~ Keep posting. I'll post my stash once i find my camera. >.<
My pics are small but you get the general idea:

Hmm so as you can tell this shelf has no more space sigh .. I couldnt really get pics all of the products 'cuz I was trying to do quick pics. When the guests leave I may take better pics ... I missed out some sections towards the middle that has my CHI and got 2 b products..








a bit of the bathroom ones, a little messy so I didnt want to go into full coverage



Let us pray.
Father in heaven....please save our sister, Plastic. AMEN. :thud:
My stash isn't very big -- certainly not compared to some of these! :shocked:

Here it is anyway:

Hair boxes at the end of my bed. And my beloved Carel soft bonnet dryer.

Inside the top box: hair toys, ponytail holders, and such

In the big box...
picture.php! I have a hot air brush and all the attachments, 3 flat irons, hair shears and a bunch of combs and brushes in here. Also my plastic caps live here. Normally my hand held mirror is in here too, but it's on my vanity or somewhere right now.

On this shelf, a box of rollers I hardly touch :lol:

I have 3 shampoos, which I keep in the shower

Conditioners and styling products

Miscellaneous stuff, some of which I haven't even used in a year or 2.

That's everything :look:
Ok... All I have is a webcam.. Waiting on my camera to be sent back to me.. :perplexed


Argan Oil, and JBCO is the two bodies you may not be able to make out. There is Aussie 1 liter conditioner in the back.. coconut oil you cant see.. Oh also Lacio Lacio.. that is hard to make out *sigh* webcams


This is the stash I use once in awhile, or extra... or products I dont even use anymore... actually Aphogee green tea and Aphogee 2 minute shouldn't be in here .. Lets JAM I've had for 4 years now .... maybe i should toss it :yawn:
Gurl U got a full in home salon!

looks like something out of MTV cribs...the middle class version.

My room wants to be like yours when it grows up!
Let's lighten it up in here a little :grin:. PJs UNITE! Show your stash!

I was just beginning to clean up my "room" when I thought, I have so much STUFF and decided to take some pics. Now, remember this is before I cleaned :look:.

I also counted 21 bottles in the upstairs master bath that I did not get pictures of. The green bins are full of product as well.:blush:










OP..I swear I just fainted lookin at those pics!!
OOOh look at all the goodies in these stashes ! OP......your in home salon is....:thud: :love:

And KhandiB that animal print flat iron is tooo cute! :yep:

my stash is quite small now, but I'll still post it anyway :)
I feel like I'm in PJ heaven! :lachen:

I'm not at home right now but to give you an idea of my stash...


At least 10-15 bottles, which includes but is not limited to:

^^Gotta have my ORS Replenishing and my cheapies for co-washes!

^^I'm a sucker for peppermint :yep:

Around 7-10 bottles, which includes:

^^I like this one. I think it has ceramides?

^^One of my faves, esp. if I've gone swimming.

Other Products
I have a ton of creams, leave-ins, pomades, etc. you name it!!!

^^ Oyin! 'nuff said :grin:

^^Ayurvedic Tea Bag

^^This one has Sweet Almond Oil, Catsor Oil, and Olive Oil

^^I don't use this as often, but I always liked applying it to my ends.
This is what 6 months on LHCF did to me :grin: :grin:
(To be fair, I had all the heat styling tools long before I knew what LHCF was):






But I'm super confident that once I find my staples this will be a thing of the past....:yep::ohwell::yep:
All I have to say Taz, is that if having a stash like that will help my hair to be as lovely as yours is, then just let me know where you got everything and I'm there. Even if I can't pay rent and, thus, have the stash on the streets - it's cool with me! :yep: :lol:
This is what 6 months on LHCF did to me :grin: :grin:
(To be fair, I had all the heat styling tools long before I knew what LHCF was):






But I'm super confident that once I find my staples this will be a thing of the past....:yep::ohwell::yep:

Hey, where are the pics? I got my popcorn ready .....

ETA: It see your STASH in all its GLORY!! :eek:
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I just realized that my stash is getting smaller and smaller as I figure out what my favorite products are. Maybe next year I'll be down to 3 products total. Did I just lie to myself? :look:


I'm driving to Rockville to take some Knot Today off your hands. Whole foods can't keep it in stock.
I'm taking a picture of my stash when I get home... it's time I faced this "addiction" head-on!!!
Wait, you can't see them? :perplexed: I can see them, I'm not sure what to do...

I couldn't see them at first either but I refreshed the page and then there they were.

On topic: Man, some of yall's stash look like my future stash.:lachen:Only 2 months on LHCF and I already have a ton of product! :blush: