OMG waist length natural youtuber

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I subscribed to her YT videos a few weeks ago because I enjoy her videos. I also stalk her fotki albums. I strongly believe she is a woman!! It is a shame that some people could make nasty comments about someone they don't even know:nono:. I am begining to think it's hair envy!!
Yep I said it:moon:
I wasn't trying to direct it at you specifically but I couldn't remember who used the word appalling lol.

Maybe it's because you haven't been on regularly in a while but for the last several months people have posted videos in the hair forum and the result is super long threads where all kinds of insults are thrown out. From "she's stupid for doing x, y, z" to "her/her hair is tore up, down, and back", and I've seen worse. And sometimes the videos are just random people on youtube and others are people who are "known" in the forum world.

I don't know if the LHCF culture has changed all that much, but when those threads are posted there aren't that many folks who don't insult the person in the video. And I've never seen anybody talking about go apologize and what not. In fact, folks go over to youtube and leave mean messages (which is extra IMO, but folks can do what they want).

All I'm saying is I'm surprised by the outcry at this one video. But then again, I shouldn't be. LHCF is a place where long haired folks are put on a pedestal so it makes sense that this woman is being defended so energetically.

Yes it has changed and not for the better IMHO. This is why I think alot of the "old heads" have left or either stay in lurk mode most of the time like I do. I can understand if things get out of hand a bit in off topic or entertainment but in the haircare section:perplexed. We are all striving for long hair or so I thought in this section so I would expect it to be more civil. This is just my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours. I just thought I would answer that question for you since I have been here for awhile. Now back to what this section is really about:
Your hair is beautiful:yep:.
Yep, I don't want to put anyone on blast but after reading the whole thread this post seemed to be the one that started the "fireworks".

It seems that the poster was responding to another post that has since been edited.
I'm just curious as to why people are going hard and talking about hypocrisy when the woman clearly stated that she is in fact a woman and a beautiful one at that. Jealousy can be so obvious at times. I miss the old LHCF.
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All I'm saying is I'm surprised by the outcry at this one video. But then again, I shouldn't be. LHCF is a place where long haired folks are put on a pedestal so it makes sense that this woman is being defended so energetically.

I haven't read the other threads where other youtubers are being talked about. Well, I did read the Ataaya(sp?) one, and ppl were criticizing her hair and hair practices. I feel like calling another a "man" or "manly" or even discussing is a lot different.

I understand you're trying to play devil's advocate for whatever reason, but even if this has gone on elsewhere, I would hope ppl would also realize it's mean and unnecessary. I also, understand that some ppl tend to see this board as a little "club" of sorts and post things not purposely trying to be mean or hurtful to that person, not thinking the person being talked about will see it. But like I mentioned in my previous post--this forum is VERY well known and very public, so ppl should post about other ppl from other sites as if they are reading it.

If this woman had short hair, my feelings about it would be the same. Her long hair has nothing to do with it AT ALL.

Good comparison with Ateya..from what I remember about those threads is that people were saying negative things about her hair practices which is is pretty much debatable because she puts it out there for people to discuss it in anyway they choose ..I do not recall anyone saying she was ugly, fat, mannish, or whatever. These are totally two separate areas IMO.
I have been a fan of Leobody for a while now. Ever since I found her Fotki. I have also watched her videos and I think she is a beautiful woman with gorgeous hair. It's so funny that she hardly does anything at all to her hair and yet it is long. I say that because after joining a couple hair forums it seem like the general population feels they need to keep their hair in protective styling to have long hair. When in fact I have never done that and had tailbone length hair.

As far as the comments about her gender. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. I have a deep voice as well and sometimes I get mistaken for a man on the phone or drive-thru. Which is a little offensive, but I let it go. This thread was about her HAIR NOT GENDER. Therefore, I am confused as to why the comment needed to be made besides to try and cut someone down. It's very sad that as black women we cannot rise above this type of behavior especially since I believe most of us are grown. This isn't Junior High or High School people.

And, no I'm not defending her because she has long hair. I was ridiculed throughout my life (even now) because I was/am tall and skinny with Diana Ross type hair (now I know how to tame it). Example....I once had a co-worker as me which finger did I use to throw-up with (she was in her 40's I was in my late 20's). I know what it feels like to have people talk about you on an almost daily basis and I wouldn't inflict that type of pain on anyone.
Can relaxed hair still be that thick?
It will be difficult since we relax so straight but texlaxed hair could be this thick. My hair is relaxed and it is still very thick when blow dried or air dried but once you use direct heat it will not be as thick as natural hair IMO.
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It's an unfortunate fact but true......when you decide to make things public (comments, pictures, etc.), you have to realize that you are bound to come across all kinds of negativity and positivity. For instance, in one OT post, I was the only one who wrote a dissenting (and valid IMO!) opinion about Tameka Foster (Usher's wife). By the end of the thread, I was labelled as being judgemental, unreasonable, and even to be "cheating myself" out of life......all of these words were written to me because of my opinion about a celebrity. This all came from people who would not even be able to recognize me on the street mind you. Now this situation doesn't really compare to being called a man, but I give this example to make the point that once you post something - it's a free for all. People will come up saying all kinds of things (personal too), both on LHCF and in the rest of the internet world. By saying it's a free for all doesn't mean I'm excusing people's behaviour, but moreso that....if you're going to post things (about yourself esp), you're going to have to learn to develop some really tough skin. Like incredibly tough skin because people aren't always that kind.....or their opinions just may hurt - even if it starts out innocently (not to say that this was the case). I completely understand this woman feeling hurt and feeling the need to make a reply video, but the nature of the internet (and LHCF) will undoubtedly remain the same. So, for the author of video - if you're reading this....tough skin might just have to be your route in addition to responding (which I totally agree with you doing).

I do agree with MSA to an extent about the hypocrisy....or some kind of inconsistency. If this was a place where rules of respect or proper decorum were strictly enforced....say no one was able or knew it wasn't acceptable to openly criticize someone's youtube video or Fokti....we woudln't be having this debate.....this woman woudln't posting this reply video because no one would have said anything from jump. This means at one point or the other- it was ok to openly criticize someone else, with minimal to no backlash.

Just my 2 cents.
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I can only speak for myself to say that I have never posted anything regarding other peoples videos to attack them on more of a personal level like calling them a man, fat, ugly or whatever the case may be. All I am saying is, the woman clarified to folks that she isn't if it were me and I was one of the ones that posted she was a man, I would be big enough to apologize to her. It may not even matter to her but dam, can we show some type of thoughtfulness to one another and take responsibility when we are wrong. Especially when it involves another persons feelings.

Excellent point. She is owed an apology.
1) When i clicked on the link I thought Leobody and her hair were beautiful. I did notice that she had strong features but her being a man:rolleyes: plz! Matter of fact I think her strong features is what makes her beautiful.

2) Hypocrisy????????????I noticed some posters were disappointed to see that she was a 3 type. I think its so mess up that this was said. Yes I understand that it is exciting to see someone with your hair type with wl and longer. But to say her hair should be underrated because of hair type is mess up. And I know for damn sure if Leobody was a 4 type and a member came in here saying that they were disappointed because she wasnt a 3 type, all hell would have broke loose!Ppl love to scream color and hair type discrimination but those ppl do the same exact thing when a person isnt their skin or hair type.:rolleyes:

3) Yea Im one of those members who talk about celebs (dont we all) Anywho, If Kim K read my comments and said it hurt her feelings, you damn skipppy I going to apologize. I wouldnt want to caused someone pain. And on top of that I think thats the mature thing to do.
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I have been a fan of Leobody for a while now. Ever since I found her Fotki. I have also watched her videos and I think she is a beautiful woman with gorgeous hair. It's so funny that she hardly does anything at all to her hair and yet it is long. I say that because after joining a couple hair forums it seem like the general population feels they need to keep their hair in protective styling to have long hair. When in fact I have never done that and had tailbone length hair.

As far as the comments about her gender. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. I have a deep voice as well and sometimes I get mistaken for a man on the phone or drive-thru. Which is a little offensive, but I let it go. This thread was about her HAIR NOT GENDER. Therefore, I am confused as to why the comment needed to be made besides to try and cut someone down. It's very sad that as black women we cannot rise above this type of behavior especially since I believe most of us are grown. This isn't Junior High or High School people.

And, no I'm not defending her because she has long hair. I was ridiculed throughout my life (even now) because I was/am tall and skinny with Diana Ross type hair (now I know how to tame it). Example....I once had a co-worker as me which finger did I use to throw-up with (she was in her 40's I was in my late 20's). I know what it feels like to have people talk about you on an almost daily basis and I wouldn't inflict that type of pain on anyone.

Hey NC! :wave: This is OT...or, rather, this is back ON Topic...when you straighten your natural you use a maxiglide as Leo does? I love your HAIR! :love::love:

Also, is your hair "in the 3's" as Leo's is as well?
Can relaxed hair still be that thick?

Yes. I don't have thick hair. But, I have alot of hair and it looked like that when I was relaxed. Actually, my relaxed hair looks like my natural hair now. I guess they weren't doing it bone straight!! :ohwell:
right....I believe DSylla grew her hair out this thick through texlaxing. GORGEOUS! Speaking of which, I'm taking a survey...Prettyeyes, do you maxiglide too?

Actually I just got a Maxiglide last month. Love It! Leobody uses carusos also and it gives her full, fluffy curls.
I can only speak for myself to say that I have never posted anything regarding other peoples videos to attack them on more of a personal level like calling them a man, fat, ugly or whatever the case may be. All I am saying is, the woman clarified to folks that she isn't if it were me and I was one of the ones that posted she was a man, I would be big enough to apologize to her. It may not even matter to her but dam, can we show some type of thoughtfulness to one another and take responsibility when we are wrong. Especially when it involves another persons feelings.

This is why I won't do youtube.:nono:
Hey NC! :wave: This is OT...or, rather, this is back ON Topic...when you straighten your natural you use a maxiglide as Leo does? I love your HAIR! :love::love:

Also, is your hair "in the 3's" as Leo's is as well?

Hi! It's an honor to hear you say that about my hair!! There are so many people on these hair forums and on fotki whose hair I love that I truly appreciate when someone feels that way about my hair. :blush:

I have actually stopped straightening my hair. But, when I did I used a regular ceramic flat-iron I purchased at Sally's. I would co-wash and then put my hair in two ponytails and braid to let it air dry (Saturday morning). Then in the evening it would be dry and I would section it off and flat-iron. Most people thought I had a really great flat-iron. However, it was some little $29.99 flat-iron I saw and picked up! I'm too cheap to spend more!:spinning:

As far as my hair type....I hate to classify because most people disagreee. But, in my opinion I'm 4a using Andre Walker's system and not any of the systems that came after his! I have curls that range from the size of a sharpie to the size of a very large marker. It's also fine/medium in texture. Most people think it's thick. But, once they feel realize I just have a ton of hair.

I do feel that Leobody has a looser curl pattern than myself. However, I don't ever see my hair the same way as other people. I also can't figure out if she has thick hair or just a lot of it. I'm doing Cassia/Henna Treatments in an effort to get my hair as big as hers!! :grin:
Yes it has changed and not for the better IMHO. This is why I think alot of the "old heads" have left or either stay in lurk mode most of the time like I do. I can understand if things get out of hand a bit in off topic or entertainment but in the haircare section:perplexed. We are all striving for long hair or so I thought in this section so I would expect it to be more civil. This is just my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours. I just thought I would answer that question for you since I have been here for awhile. Now back to what this section is really about:
Your hair is beautiful:yep:.

in my 2+ years here, no forum at LHCF has been off limits to drama, hatred, hypocrisy or as you put it, getting out of hand. it happens in OT, ENT, the children's forum, the fashion forum, the political forum and definitely the hair forum.

the peaceful lhcf where there was no drama or disagreements that so many frequently refer to must have been before i joined.

i'm just sayin :look:
Well before this thread gets locked or something, let me say that I do think we all realized something here. Words hurt & we shouldn't post everything that comes to mind. That especially goes for me too. This could have ended much worse. We usually don't see the effects of what we say- all those ppl we've talked about, posted their pics & videos just to make fun of- they don't lash back or we don't know how it's affected them. And we have no idea how members who identify with these people are affected.

We've criticized people just b/c they have a different opinion, different regimen or different hair type (the whole 3 vs 4 types thing has got to stop!) We've written mean things about those who are gay, light skinned, dark skinned, from a different country, or of a different religion. Those in the public may have to deal with a lot of criticism but they're still human- still prone to things like depression. A lot of us are MJ fans- my goodness there is a whole forum now (a bit much maybe) and saw how a lot of what he went through was b/c of words. I don't think sometimes we say things to be mean (like in this thread) but regardless if the effect is hurting someone then it's wrong. And everything is public- a simple google search will bring up your posts AND your avatars.

It's easy for ppl to say whatever online- just look at the nasty stuff written on YT so it's not going to be perfect, but we shouldn't be known as the mean girls. I think we're very strong women, very passionate obviously about a lot of things including hair & it's gotten to be so much of a habit to dissect everything, that we forget it's a real life human being we're talking about. Let's just all be a little bit more careful, act like the words we're posting are being directed at us & focus on supporting each other in growing long hair! :)
People are entitled to their own opinions, but why is it certain folks always have something negative to say. They seem to see negative in almost every situation. This thread started off about leobodys beautiful hair , nobody was asking opinions about her looks. I wonder what would happen if those same people posted pictures of there faces and bodies all over the internet, what kind of responce they would get?:rolleyes:
in my 2+ years here, no forum at LHCF has been off limits to drama, hatred, hypocrisy or as you put it, getting out of hand. it happens in OT, ENT, the children's forum, the fashion forum, the political forum and definitely the hair forum.

the peaceful lhcf where there was no drama or disagreements that so many frequently refer to must have been before i joined.

i'm just sayin :look:

I did not say that it was peaceful, no drama, or disagreements. I said it was more civil. You can disagree with others and keep it civil.
I'm just sayin:look:
Leobody's hair is so lush---it reminds me of one of my old black barbie's.:grin:

I can understand her hurt over the comments. Recently someone (anonymously) wrote nasty things in my fotki and it bothered me A LOT! I was surprised by how much, but days later the comments still haunted me. I can't even go into the "Say Something Nice" threads anymore. Those are REAL people behind the pics and vids. Sticks and stones, yadda, yadda, yadda is wrong---words most certainly can stab and hurt.
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