How do you know when you need to clarify?


New Member
I just started my journey about a month and a half ago and do not use any cones, or sulfates and use the LOC method. I've been using Wen 613 for the past 4 or 5 weeks (I only wash weekly) and yesterday when I washed my hair I noticed it felt slightly 'coated'. I wasn't sure if that's what moisturized hair feels like :perplexed so I went on with my routine as usual. I came out the shower and did the LOC method with water, grapeseed oil and shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie. When my hair dried I noticed it still had that 'coated' feeling and my shrinkage was ALOT more than what its been in the past few weeks (i'm between 3b/3c) and also my curls weren't springy and light.....they were like tightly coiled and.....kinda hard/heavy? Hard to describe but alot different than they were in the first few weeks of starting this regimine. Could this mean I need to clarify? I guess I'm confused cause I thought if you weren't using cones and used natural products you wouldn't need to clarify so soon - same people really never clarify so I'm confused as to whether its even a necessary step. I also use the same method and products on my daughter as well and she has that coated feeling too though not AS coated as me if that makes sense - she is prob like 4a/4b. Any recommendations of what I'm doing wrong or something I should add would be greatly appreciated. If some of you feel like maybe I should clarify can you please recommend a shampoo for me? I brought Suave's Daily Clarifying but am afraid it may be a bit too drying for us.


Well-Known Member
It's time to clarify, too much product on your hair. I cowash most of the time but I clarify with sulfates when my hair when it feels nasty.

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Well-Known Member
It's the oil. I do not believe grapeseed oil is water soluble. Also too much product. I have type 4 hair and if I use more than a leave in my hair aborts mission. Try alternating to see which works best before trying all at once.

You don't need a sulfate cleansing even though you've been using oil. Grapeseed oil is light and you should be able to remove it with a low-poo such as Shea moisture.

Also double-check your product ingredients. Castor oil caused major coating for me. If your cream has castor oil in it you will need to clarify with a sulfate to get it out, unless it is hydrogenated castor oil which is water soluble.


Well-Known Member
I thought Wen 613 did have a cone?
I can tell when my hair needs to be clarified cause it has this dry but greasy feel to it


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
When it's stiff from so many products

When it's overly oily/greasy

When tried and true products don't work as well or just sit on top of your hair

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I clarify before I do a protein treatment in prep for any direct heat. Like I did last night.
I dilute the poo in water and spray it on my scalp and hair before I go in the shower.


Well-Known Member
I used my clarifying shampoo yesterday after doing my regular routine and having my hair feel dry once I added my stylers. I started over, rewashed, conditioned and added stylers. My hair still feels moisturized today.