Do you feel natural hair ages some people?


Well-Known Member
when i wear my hair flatironed its pincurled and you can see the length which makes for a softer look. i think wearing my wig ages me a bit too but my shrunken hair more so. maybe its my insecurity. the next time i style it i'll have to pm y'all pics for you to see what i mean.


New Member
It makes me look my age, I've been told. I look younger with straight long hair, more mature with straight short hair, my age with short natural hair and older with big natural hair. It's something to consider.


New Member
I think this thread has very quickly proven that there is no real universal answer. :rolleyes:

It totally depends on the person and style. Off the top of my head I can think of tons of examples of people who look younger/older with either short/long hair that is natural/relaxed. :lachen:

Lady S

Well-Known Member
I stretched my hair out and I'm a bit longer than apl but with shrinkage it rests at the base of my neck/top of my shoulders with the longest layers. I think I'll have to accept that my hair won't hang cause the longer it gets the curlier it gets...sigh. I think I'm also a little self conscious cause of some scarring from some cystic acne(it may never fully go away) and some dark marks that are fading away....natural hair draws tons of attention to your face and I'm not real comfortable with that, to tell the truth. I like my curls...I'm 3c/4a but this darn shrinkage...aaargh!!

Maybe you feel like longer, straight hair is giving you a style to hide behind? Like you said, wearing natural hair can be incredibly attention getting. It also sounds like it's more of a length thing. Like if your hair was straight, but in a pixie would you feel the same way?

I think my twa ages me, but I can deal with it until it grows out. I think it has a lot to do with the style, for example puffs have a more youthful appearance.

Okay, I'm looking at your sig and if that's what it looks like being aged, then bring on the aging! You are working that purple.


New Member
I think a TWA or anything shorter than shoulderlength usually makes the person look older. A blow out style or longer hair usually makes them look younger.

Natural hair on me makes me look younger probably because the styles are similar to what I wore when I was 12ish so it just reminds me of the way I looked back then.


Well-Known Member
I really think it depends on the person's face and the style they are wearing. Some TWA's can age a person and some make them look younger. The same goes with long hair. I do associate long hair with youth.

For example- There are a lot of women on the board that have long hair and you would that they are much younger than they really are but thats also because they have a young-looking face to go along with the hair.