Thoughts about natural hair.


Well-Known Member
I hope nobody takes to heavily into this but I am just venting my thoughts

After a few drinks after a wash n go :look:

Why is this so hard?
Do women of every race have this awkward stage when their hair is cut short?
How long will I have to grow my hair out before I will be confident with wearing it 'natural'
Why is natural hair among black chicks such a big deal when other ethnicities just use their own hair and call it a day
Wear is my confidence? I wash and go, stare in the mirror, then put it in a little bun
Ugh shrinkage! Why can I only see half my lenght????
Me and my hair have a love hate relationship.

Sometimes I think; I can relax my hair and have the straight hair I want! But the damage and maintenance and money,...I can't.

I could put in a weave but I do like my curly hair...sometimes. I don't wanna get rid of it. I just don't want it to be a battle. To feel like an awkward struggle. I don't wanna hear 'girl you need a perm' or 'your hair looks better straight',

I just want thick, long, health ly curly hair and to wear it out and feel fab. Why is it this hard!???


Feel free to chime in <3 you guys :)
I hope nobody takes to heavily into this but I am just venting my thoughts

After a few drinks after a wash n go :look:

Why is this so hard?
Do women of every race have this awkward stage when their hair is cut short?
How long will I have to grow my hair out before I will be confident with wearing it 'natural'
Why is natural hair among black chicks such a big deal when other ethnicities just use their own hair and call it a day
Wear is my confidence?
I wash and go, stare in the mirror, then put it in a little bun
Ugh shrinkage! Why can I only see half my lenght????
Me and my hair have a love hate relationship.

Sometimes I think; I can relax my hair and have the straight hair I want! But the damage and maintenance and money,...I can't.

I could put in a weave but I do like my curly hair...sometimes. I don't wanna get rid of it. I just don't want it to be a battle. To feel like an awkward struggle. I don't wanna hear 'girl you need a perm' or 'your hair looks better straight',

I just want thick, long, health ly curly hair and to wear it out and feel fab. Why is it this hard!???

Feel free to chime in <3 you guys :)
Not yelling distinguishing
You just have to find what works for you. As for how long it will take until you feel confident wearing it natural, I think that's a personal decision. For me it was shoulder length.

This: Why is natural hair among black chicks such a big deal when other ethnicities just use their own hair and call it a day

Not entirely true. I know a lot of Caucasian and Indian women who have naturally curly hair and they do different things to make theirs straight too. Or complain that it's too straight and have a constant battle trying to get volume. They complain a lot about frizziness and many Caucasian women wear clip-ons and extensions. I've seen them get 'em put in in the salon. Oh, and they're real big on criticizing a woman if she gets her hair dyed saying she's not natural, that's not her natural hair color, etc...Yep, they have their problems too.
Not yelling distinguishing

I know where you're coming from!

I think my frustration comes from having had my hair relaxed since i was... I think 12? My hair was so thick my mom couldn't take it any more so she put a perm in it. She tried to wait as long as she could. Well my hair was around APL while my mom was doing it, but eventually she put it in my hands (I was in high school). Well I wanted my hair to ALWAYS be bone straight so I would relax it and color it and bleach it... well we know how this story ends. I decided to stop with the chemicals, eventually chopped off the perm hair, stumbled across this forum and saw I wasn't the only one doin it!

I do love my natural hair but some days I find it frustrating. I wonder if things ould be different had I been natural my whole life! :spinning: Thanks for listening :)

I have a pretty simple regi (LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!) and lately its been growing... but my fear of terminal length and such keeps coming after me with a vengeance! I think the longest my hair has ever been is APL. Right now I'm creepin towards it but I want HBL eventually. Kinky hair makes it a lil bit harder. Just thinking out loud :)
You just have to find what works for you. As for how long it will take until you feel confident wearing it natural, I think that's a personal decision. For me it was shoulder length.

This: Why is natural hair among black chicks such a big deal when other ethnicities just use their own hair and call it a day

Not entirely true. I know a lot of Caucasian and Indian women who have naturally curly hair and they do different things to make theirs straight too. Or complain that it's too straight and have a constant battle trying to get volume. They complain a lot about frizziness and many Caucasian women wear clip-ons and extensions. I've seen them get 'em put in in the salon. Oh, and they're real big on criticizing a woman if she gets her hair dyed saying she's not natural, that's not her natural hair color, etc...Yep, they have their problems too.

You're right! I remember when I went into navy training (ALL girls have to cut their hair to neck length) I saw a white chick get MBL extensions. I have an hispanic coworker who I suspect does braidouts; her hair appears rather straight but she often wears it out very crimpy and big. It's really interesting looking at everyone's hair problems and seeing that everyone wants each others hair. I had a room mate from New Zealand with straight hair who always envied my super kinky hair and how i Could go straight one day and fro it up the next and everything in between.

I feel like the biggest part of my hair struggle is wanting what I DON'T have. Yes I'd like to wear my hair 'down' without straightening it. Or not take 4 hours to straighten my hair. It's funny that the next person wishes that their hair was bigger and curlier and more versatile!
I think my main issue is last night I did a wash and go and went to sleep without plaiting my hair. I woke up and my hair was sticking straight up!!! I looked like marge from the simpsons! lol!
I think my main issue is last night I did a wash and go and went to sleep without plaiting my hair. I woke up and my hair was sticking straight up!!! I looked like marge from the simpsons! lol!

When I do that I look like Sponge Bob....needless to say I don't do it often. LOL

I feel you OP. we all have those days....
I could complain, but when I think of the people who have diseases that take out their hair, OR the people who want hair and do not have the means, knowledge or know how to grow and retain it, I am grateful!:yep:

The only complaint I have is not about natural hair but about growing long hair and that is having to PS for forever in order to retain length :lol:.
I am another ethnicity, and I also have issues with growing natural healthy hair, mine is currently thermally reconditioned. Black girls aren't alone.
All I can say is "it gets better"

My hair went through some truly awkward stages. It got terrible before it got cute. Stick with it.

Also Wash and Go's and braid/twist-outs took me some time to master, as well. Well over a year before I got a good handle on my braid-outs. And I'm just getting the hang of wash-and-go's.

It's so easy at the TWA stage, but as it grows out the shape can be a nightmare. So getting "out" styles to look right....well I understand why so many people throw in the towel. But it really does get better once you get pasts the awkward lengths.
Why do people make a big deal over shrinkage? Just band your hair either at night or blowdry with a diffuser and you have stretched out curls. Braid/twistouts help with showing more length too.
Why do people make a big deal over shrinkage? Just band your hair either at night or blowdry with a diffuser and you have stretched out curls. Braid/twistouts help with showing more length too.

I can't speak for other ladies but my hair is not having any banding (too soft, too fine. Bands slip right off).

Or diffusing (too drying)

or braid outs (i am not quite the right length yet. Results are too poodle-ish)
Although I loved my natural hair, I texlaxed it a couple days ago. I got tired of all of that work....and ear infections from water getting in my ears. It wasn't hard for me...pretty easy. But it took a lot of preparations and 'steps'. It seems like I was always focusing on my hair.

Other that that, I was comfortable when I cut my hair to a quarter of an inch.

As for black women and length? Most black women think their hair is LONG at shoulder length.

But OP, It really is just hair...and if it's that difficult, find something that you can love that will make things easier.