Do you feel sexy with ur hair in its natural state???


New Member
I ask because i love my natural hair, but i only feel comfortable wearing it when I'm at home...for some reason I feel sexier when I have straight hair in public...

How do you feel???
Umm, i have my days when regardless of how my hair is i feel like crap :lachen: But mostly, when i wear my hair in a twist out, wash n go, etc i feel great and unique. Add that to my make up and sassy out fit and i'm hot to trot. I feel that way when i wear my hair straightened too so i guess the texture doesn't matter so much it's just moreso how i'm feeling that day. It will take some time to get to that level so don't feel bad about it. Every day you will learn something new or discover something beautiful about your natural texture and you will star to appreciate your hair more and more.
Yes! You can't tell me nuffin when I have my hair in a fly wash-n-go.

I rarely wear my hair straight, and when I do, it put it in a bun.....which is still sexy. :grin:
I love my hair when it is natural, my favorite style would be braid outs when it is natural, I am just waiting for a little more length to really rock it.
I feel sexy when my hair is freshly done regardless- like right after I flat iron or right after I have a successful twist out or braid out-I have to say I feel even sexier with it in twist or braid outs cause I'm not so worried about reversion and my hair looks wild (but still tamed in a way). Hopefully I will get to a point where my hair won't frizz
It depends.

Right now, no- because my hair is at an ugly length when I wear it natural. It doesn't have a shape.

But when I get it cut in layers- I love it! I feel so confident and verrrry sexy.:yep:
girl, i felt sexy with my TWA! :grin: and the bigger my hair gets, the sexier i feel. i like it straight sometimes, it's pretty and all... but nothing beats my coily fro.
yep! i love my natural bushy head:spinning: straight styles look ok on me but i feel me like 'me' with my hair out and big hehe.
So, I'm not natural anymore, but I looove my natural hair. It just took so long to grow. I think a long head of natural hair has that sexy bohemian look that I'd take over straight hair most days :grinwink:
I feel young when I wear my hair in it's natural state. That's probably because I wear my wng's in a ponytail or bun. I don't like it all out because it's too big.

When I wear my hair straight I do feel sexier.:ohwell:
Yes, I feel very sexy, young (a puff is an instant facelift for me) and ready for anything because I'm not worried about reversion!:lick:
It took me a while, but I definitely do. Makes me feel very free, and fun. Nothing beats taking out some twists, roughing my hair up, throwing on the most plain outfit and wearing my hair as an accessory. I love the having big hair and not being ashamed of it, and just letting it do it thing. It gives me a bunch of confidence which is very sexy!
I do for both. When I wear my hair natural....I like to dress more casually and fun. When I wear it straight...I feel prettier and dress prettier as well. I don't know....I think I'm torn. I know one dh said he likes me better when my hair is straight and I can appreciate that...maybe that's why I feel prettier when its straight because he likes it that way and I always love to look pretty for him....:grin:
It depends.

Right now, no- because my hair is at an ugly length when I wear it natural. It doesn't have a shape.

But when I get it cut in layers- I love it! I feel so confident and verrrry sexy.:yep:

I agee with that. When my natural is not cut I feel less than sexy.Confident = sexy
I do for both. When I wear my hair natural....I like to dress more casually and fun. When I wear it straight...I feel prettier and dress prettier as well. I don't know....I think I'm torn. I know one dh said he likes me better when my hair is straight and I can appreciate that...maybe that's why I feel prettier when its straight because he likes it that way and I always love to look pretty for him....:grin:

really? i am just the opposite... when i wear my hair out, i feel i have put all this effort into detangling and then diffusing, so why not dress up and look stunning. whereas when i pull it back into a puff it's because i'm going to work or being lazy (not trying to look cute). i dress more casually when i straighten my hair. but then, SO likes my hair better natural... so in the end it all comes back to the same thing. :look:
it took a while for me to when i first bigchopped but after a while i realized that sexy ain't in the hair:grin:. also, with my locs i feel like i look good pretty much every day
I feel sexy and unique!!! But I have to admit, it took me about a year to get here. I was really struggling before, but now I just love my hair and the way it looks on me. :grin:
The "bigger" my hair gets the sexier I feel.
really? i am just the opposite... when i wear my hair out, i feel i have put all this effort into detangling and then diffusing, so why not dress up and look stunning. whereas when i pull it back into a puff it's because i'm going to work or being lazy (not trying to look cute). i dress more casually when i straighten my hair. but then, SO likes my hair better natural... so in the end it all comes back to the same thing. :look:

It does come back to the same thing....:grin: