Bunning from a puff


Active Member
The only way for me to bun without straigthening and it look decent is making a puff and then bunning. I have been doing this for a week now.. taking down the puff every other day, moisurizing, and moving it to another place. Do you think this will cause breakage? If so, any advice on how to bun another way?


New Member
i make my bun from stretching my hair by twisting it or bantu knots. and then i use a hair donut.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will. I get in the shower, then I let the towel soak up water, put on a rubber band on my hair to form the bun and put a doo rag around the bun(on flat hair) to smooth it down. I wear the doo rag 1 hour to overnight.
I've worn my hair in a puff bun for the past 3 years almost everyday and I haven't experienced and breakage. Keep your ends moisturized. Also, stop using whatever type band you use after it loses its elasticity. Even cloth covered bands have a tendency to catch your hair if they are old.