Any thoughts on Maximum Hydration Method

Also, I'm confused because on the MHM site, she recommends Crece Pelo, which I've been using. But, I just looked at my tub and it has PEG-12 dimethicone and panthenol....
Also, I'm confused because on the MHM site, she recommends Crece Pelo, which I've been using. But, I just looked at my tub and it has PEG-12 dimethicone and panthenol....


Maybe it's another version or they may have recently changed the ingredients ... I had this conditioner in my stash a while ago but I didn't like the strong scent so I threw it out before finding out about MHM ...These are the ingredients that I've found and that I remember were on my jar:

BOE Crece Pelo Natural Phitotherapeutic Treatment for Capillar Growth
Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Gliceryl Monoestearate, Behentrimoinium Chloride, Fragrance, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben; Extract & Natural Active: Laurel, Nettle, Arnica, Bardana, Watercress, Calendula, Ivy, Manzanilla, Lemon, Pine, Rosemary, Capuchina, Sage, Tioxolona, Milk Of Cotton And Fribo Active

Maybe it's another version or they may have recently changed the ingredients ... I had this conditioner in my stash a while ago but I didn't like the strong scent so I threw it out before finding out about MHM ...These are the ingredients that I've found and that I remember were on my jar:

BOE Crece Pelo Natural Phitotherapeutic Treatment for Capillar Growth
Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Gliceryl Monoestearate, Behentrimoinium Chloride, Fragrance, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben; Extract & Natural Active: Laurel, Nettle, Arnica, Bardana, Watercress, Calendula, Ivy, Manzanilla, Lemon, Pine, Rosemary, Capuchina, Sage, Tioxolona, Milk Of Cotton And Fribo Active

Yeah, I think you're right. I used Crece Pelo a long time ago, and I wouldn't have used it then with the PEG-12 dimethicone.

I guess I'll have to get my hands on some Jessicurl!
Also, I'm confused because on the MHM site, she recommends Crece Pelo, which I've been using. But, I just looked at my tub and it has PEG-12 dimethicone and panthenol....

I don't really follow the suggested product list. I do with what I have and can afford. I have ton of conditioner that I havent used yet, and I refuse to throw them in the trash.

The only thing I dont follow is the condtioner for the DC and my hair still has improved.

I will probably eventully get the approved conditoner for the DC but only until I finish up at least half of my stash.
I was all tuckered out on sunday ... didn't get to do day 4.

I think I did something wrong ... my hair felt fine during the process but dried really crunchy, The only difference was that my terressentials was done and I used pure bentonite clay instead.

since I didn't get to do the whole process I just re wetted my hair with warm water in a spray bottle and added a bit of diluted conditioner and re twisted with just a little flax seed gel/KCCC mix

hair is soft and curly again today. Not sure what went awry.

Im gonna try do the regimen every other day until I feel Im about 50 - 60 % hydrated
I may have to read over this thread, but has anyone mentioned an abbreviated version of this method that works similarly? TIA.
gabulldawg, If you just want the regimen, go to You really should do the seven-day everyday thing, though, it's a good way to kick it off. After that, you can do the whole process twice a week and still get good results. There's an abbreviated version that's most effective when you already have a good amount of hydration, ie, a few weeks into the reggie.
haven't read the entire thread but can you do/has anyone done this method with with twist or braids in their hair?


I haven't read of anyone doing it while their hair is in braids or twists ... personally I wouldn't try it that way because I am imagining it being very difficult to rinse out things like the clay treatment (even diluted), etc :nono: and we don't want these things to buildup/leave residue/dry out our hair ...
Ok so day 2 was another success using the clarifying and chelating shampoo as a possible substitute for the soda.

Admittedly it was a tiniest bit frizzier than day 1. Being cautious I only shampooed once and could tell by feel that all of the previous days' product wasnt completely out and, most important, my cuticles weren't fully open (hair shafts still felt smooth not rough). Today I will wash twice and get those cuticles open.

My hair is very moisturized aaaand I've noticed a slight increase in elasticity.

Normally I have pretty much zero definition. Here was day 2. Very shiny. Fine type 4 undefined cotton (used to be!).

Despite the time and messiness I like mhm so far.

Pardon the pics. Bright sun and I spiked the fro all kinds of ways trying to get a good shot. Lol


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Ok, I'm working on a plan for the winter. I did the method last night, squeezed all of the excess out, tied it up in a tshirt and went to bed. I woke up to a HAM!! The gel stuck coils together that don't go together and everything was going in a different direction. Then it was still kinda wet! I was so hoping this would work. Ill try sitting under the dryer and then maybe diffusing although I was trying to stay away from heat. I still have about a month to pull it together.
I tried Hello Curly as my gel for my last wash and go. It lasted 3 days. It definitely gives me a bit more elongation when compared to KCCC. Unfortunately I used it full strength instead of diluting. I had crunch for all 3 days. I also didn't get the day 2 and day 3 bigger hair I get with KCCC and Afroveda Pur Whipped Gelly. I do like that it is in a pump and easier to use without wasting product like I do with KCCC. My nape hair responded better also.

I'm going to give it another go and dilute it. I think I can get similar results once I get the dilution correct.
I tried Hello Curly as my gel for my last wash and go. It lasted 3 days. It definitely gives me a bit more elongation when compared to KCCC. Unfortunately I used it full strength instead of diluting. I had crunch for all 3 days. I also didn't get the day 2 and day 3 bigger hair I get with KCCC and Afroveda Pur Whipped Gelly. I do like that it is in a pump and easier to use without wasting product like I do with KCCC. My nape hair responded better also.

I'm going to give it another go and dilute it. I think I can get similar results once I get the dilution correct.


Thanks for the initial review! I can't wait for you to compare it when diluted. Lately I've been using the KCCC diluted to save product and because it seems like it flakes more if I use it full strength.

I've only seen ONE review for Hello Curly on Youtube so far but it sounds very promising. Apparently it is basically the SAME as the original version of Uncle Funky's Daughter Curly Magic which a lot of people loved so that's good - it's slightly thinner according to the reviewer but works equally as well as the OLD UFD Gel. She says it smells fresh & lemony.

Hello Curly Curl Stimulator Review

I'm curious about how it compares to KCCC. It's slightly cheaper ($25 for 18oz) compared to KCCC ($30 for 16oz/$17 for 8oz).

I don't like that they don't carry smaller sizes or better yet sample sizes of Hello Curly for those of use that don't want to shell out that much for a full size product we've never tried before. I asked on Facebook if there were any plans to offer samples for sale - they replied: "Unfortunately that is not in the cards right now" ... so :sad:
I did the baking soda cleanse today and my hair felt awesome when I was rinsing out. I could feel my shed hairs slipping out just from the water flow.

I should say that even though I am battling increased dryness with this regimen, I still am experiencing increased manageability. As long as I don't do anything dumb, my hair is pretty much tangle free, and I can cleanse it without any separation besides just splitting it in half (I don't have to tie the section up). This was impossible before: I always had to have 4 sections clipped or tied up or else my hair would tangle incredibly in the shower.

I think somewhere around the clay stage or after my hair is just not retaining the moisture. I will keep trying.

Also, I used the Trader Joe's Tea Tree conditioner, and I :love: love :love: the tingle! My scalp feels sooo nice and happy. I wonder if this can increase growth...?
I wonder if some type 4 naturals who relaxed their hair feel remorseful now because of this method.

You are referring to me. I been kicking rocks since reading this thread. I feel horrible for giving up on my hair. I'm and inch away from bra strap and I can't cut my hair. I'm going to transition.
I really want to try this, but I'm afraid of having loose hair while wet. I'm so used to washing my hair twisted up. I'm afraid this would cause so many more tangles and ssks. I have pen spring sized coils that love to wrap around each other in a bad way. I don't think they are big enough to really clump together.

Also, I feel like I have done everything in this regimen but the clay rinse. Is it the clay that is providing so much moisture? Or is it the fact that the steps are repeated so often?

My hair stays dry like a desert. I try new products with sucess the first couple of times, but then my hair goes back to being hard and dry.
I really want to try this, but I'm afraid of having loose hair while wet. I'm so used to washing my hair twisted up. I'm afraid this would cause so many more tangles and ssks. I have pen spring sized coils that love to wrap around each other in a bad way. I don't think they are big enough to really clump together.

Also, I feel like I have done everything in this regimen but the clay rinse. Is it the clay that is providing so much moisture? Or is it the fact that the steps are repeated so often?

My hair stays dry like a desert. I try new products with sucess the first couple of times, but then my hair goes back to being hard and dry.

Why not wash in small sections?
Why not wash in small sections?

It just isn't the wash, but styling afterward. It would take forever to put in twists small enough that would look decent for work. I wash my hair in twists - small to medium size twists that I can pull back to a bun for work. So my hair is never loose unless I am refreshing twists.

Having loose wet hair would be so bulky I don't think I could get it into a bun and not look crazy after shrinkage. And the headaches I got from the hair trying to shrink while in a bun was awful. The few times I wet bunned loose hair years ago caused so many tangles that I swore never again.

I'm going to try it this weekend when I don't have to go to work. My hair is longer now, so maybe wet bunning would be easier and painless. Obviously my current routine isn't cutting it.
Got up early and did my hair with Tresemme and KCCC instead of Extreme Wetline gel. My hair responded very well and I used very little. Not sure how it will hold up on 2nd day hair. I'm seriously thinking of repurchasing KCCC when/if it goes on sale.
It just isn't the wash, but styling afterward. It would take forever to put in twists small enough that would look decent for work. I wash my hair in twists - small to medium size twists that I can pull back to a bun for work. So my hair is never loose unless I am refreshing twists.

Having loose wet hair would be so bulky I don't think I could get it into a bun and not look crazy after shrinkage. And the headaches I got from the hair trying to shrink while in a bun was awful. The few times I wet bunned loose hair years ago caused so many tangles that I swore never again.

I'm going to try it this weekend when I don't have to go to work. My hair is longer now, so maybe wet bunning would be easier and painless. Obviously my current routine isn't cutting it.
I agree with DarkJoy....

Most importantly follow the steps and regimen as it's outlined. Some people have skipped some steps and modified the regimen and have still had success.

I know it seems an impossibility to you that your hair will never be wash'n-go or that you can run your fingers through your hair or that you will ever have definition or that your hair will always be bulky. With this regimen, my hair HANGS now and the shrinkage is not an issue. This regimen stretches my hair without having to twist or braid it.

I tried the regimen as it was instructed and received very good results the 1st three days. Some of the benefits I received are expedited detangling (had no knots, ssks or tangling), faster styling and loose hair that did not shrink as much or grab each other.

Every time I do the regimen, my hair seems to hang more. I also noticed less shedding. I always thought my shedding rate was normal, but it is now 1/2 of what it used to be. Last weekend, I was concerned I was having hair trapped in my mane and that one morning I would wake up with loc'ed hair. So, I used a small-tooth boneless comb to detangle. It was easy peasy and only 1/2 of what I usually shed was removed from my hair. AMAZED!

Try the regimen; you'll be surprised at the ease in taking care of your hair.

I am natural with very fine strands, low porosity; always thought I was 4C.

The only thing I've had to get use to is my hair taking longer to dry. But I have a Pibbs and a diffuser.

Sorry about the rambling, but wanted to assure you this regimen works for me!
Man, this is going to be hard to keep up with in the fall/winter. Washing everyday in the cold is no bueno. I'm going to have to do some serious modifications. What are other people thinking of doing? Wash N Gos are NOT the business in 30 degree or less weather!
Man, this is going to be hard to keep up with in the fall/winter. Washing everyday in the cold is no bueno. I'm going to have to do some serious modifications. What are other people thinking of doing? Wash N Gos are NOT the business in 30 degree or less weather!

Was just thinking this today. Maybe an evening regimen or cool to warm diffusion
Man, this is going to be hard to keep up with in the fall/winter. Washing everyday in the cold is no bueno. I'm going to have to do some serious modifications. What are other people thinking of doing? Wash N Gos are NOT the business in 30 degree or less weather!


Technically you wouldn't be washing everyday in the cold (typically 2x per week), but I get what you are saying girl!

The thing is it's not even cold yet and I'm not going out with a wet head :nono: I try to wash early enough in the day for my hair to dry overnight ... the roots may be damp in certain dense areas in the morning but most of my hair is dry by this time ... I guess I will keep this up in the colder months :spinning: .. I do want to get the diffuser attachment for my blow dryer I mentioned earlier in this thread to help dry my hair quicker in emergencies :yep:
So I did a "no baking soda" regimen last night

clarify with ACV
DC with hairtherapy steam cap
leave in
twist for twistout with flaxseed/KCCC mixture

I find this to be easier for me (twisting as my style) as my hair gets to dry fully overnight.

remember that though the result will eventually be a frizz free wash n go we don't have to wear our hair in a wash n go.

I am having similar results as Pompous Blue in terms of my hair hanging more .... each time I do the clay step, my hair hangs lower and when I take my twists out my twistouts are bigger.

Similarly Im also getting much less shedding lol I also did a full detangle last night because I was sure I was harbouring some rouge shed hairs but literally nothing came out .... though that could be because of the frequent finger detangling during the regimen ... even so I think its less shed hairs than I would have gotten if I were washing at the end of the week.
So I did a "no baking soda" regimen last night

clarify with ACV
DC with hairtherapy steam cap
leave in
twist for twistout with flaxseed/KCCC mixture

I find this to be easier for me (twisting as my style) as my hair gets to dry fully overnight.

remember that though the result will eventually be a frizz free wash n go we don't have to wear our hair in a wash n go.

I am having similar results as @Pompous Blue in terms of my hair hanging more .... each time I do the clay step, my hair hangs lower and when I take my twists out my twistouts are bigger.

Similarly Im also getting much less shedding lol I also did a full detangle last night because I was sure I was harbouring some rouge shed hairs but literally nothing came out .... though that could be because of the frequent finger detangling during the regimen ... even so I think its less shed hairs than I would have gotten if I were washing at the end of the week.

How do you like the ACV vs. the baking soda? I'm going to try the ACV tomorrow. Ultimately, I would like to be able to use either one interchangeably.
So I did a "no baking soda" regimen last night

clarify with ACV
DC with hairtherapy steam cap
leave in
twist for twistout with flaxseed/KCCC mixture

I find this to be easier for me (twisting as my style) as my hair gets to dry fully overnight.

remember that though the result will eventually be a frizz free wash n go we don't have to wear our hair in a wash n go.

I am having similar results as @Pompous Blue in terms of my hair hanging more .... each time I do the clay step, my hair hangs lower and when I take my twists out my twistouts are bigger.

Similarly Im also getting much less shedding lol I also did a full detangle last night because I was sure I was harbouring some rouge shed hairs but literally nothing came out .... though that could be because of the frequent finger detangling during the regimen ... even so I think its less shed hairs than I would have gotten if I were washing at the end of the week.
I love that my normal shedding is less. This is remarkable for me being that July, Aug & Sept. are my "excessive shedding" season. NO probs this year even though I've stopped doing my tea rinses, adding garlic to my conditioners and haven't done a henna treatment since mid-Aug when I started this regimen! Yeah!

One of the things I was afraid of was that my volume would disappear if my hair hung more. (the ills of being fine-haired.) I noticed Youtube's ProtectivePrincess hair looks just as full after her 36th day of doing the regimen although her hair hangs lower and is defined than her before picture. I hope my hair looks like hers after my 36th treatment.
How do you like the ACV vs. the baking soda? I'm going to try the ACV tomorrow. Ultimately, I would like to be able to use either one interchangeably.
Thanks for asking this question. I want to try ACV, too, and use them interchangeably.