COWASH CHALLENGE 2012 PART II- April 1-June 30, 2012

Co washed with As I Am co wash conditioner- a little too cleansing/drying for me, but my hair needed a good cleaning.
Cowashed with VO5's Tea Therapy Nourishing Conditioner - Calming Camomile Tea. This is an ok conditioner... not as good as the other formulas carried on the VO5 line, but it did the job.
I'm dc'ing now (have had conditioner on for a long while and put some oil/butter on top of it not long ago)...will rinse & condition it out with tresemme naturals...was gonna dc overnight, but I think id rather rinse tonight.
Cowashed tonight with tresemme naturals. Supposed to cowash every day during the holiday :look: We will see how I feel tomorrow
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

I tried it a week or so ago but didn't continue only because i am trying to work on the moisture levels in my hair. MahoganyCurls was stating this is what she does. She cowashes 1x a month and then water rinses the other times.

When I get my moisture levels up I plan on doing that because I don't think there is a need to cowash so many times a week. I think a good water rinse should work just fine.

I don't know if that was any help :lol:
I DCd with Nubian Heritage Growth and Strength and cowashed with Tresemme Naturals. Used Tresemme Naturals as my leave-in. Will cowash again on Wednesday.
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

i dont actually "wash" when i do it...which is why i have trouble calling it "cowash" and always refer to it as "rinse & condition" instead.

i dont put the conditioner on my scalp (not intentionally, does end up there sometimes haha) and i dont scrub my scalp with conditioner on it. i rinse my hair with the water for a few minutes...i'll kinda gently rub my scalp and then let the water run on it some more before i put the conditioner on my hair.

i tryyyyy to get as little product on my scalp as possible (cant say i always succeed)...i get itchies scalp doesnt like anything on it, really.
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

I tried it a week or so ago but didn't continue only because i am trying to work on the moisture levels in my hair. MahoganyCurls was stating this is what she does. She cowashes 1x a month and then water rinses the other times.

When I get my moisture levels up I plan on doing that because I don't think there is a need to cowash so many times a week. I think a good water rinse should work just fine.

I don't know if that was any help :lol:

I "wash" my hair as much as I can with conditioner. I rake it though my hair in sections and rinse. When I really want to wash it, I use a cleansing conditioner.

I guess what MahoganyCurls does works because she cowashes her hair so often and generally only use conditioner to moisturize and style. I don't know about you but I need oils to seal my hair as well or else it will be dry as a desert. I also use light gels sometimes which needs to be washed out.
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

Iuse this same method. I don't put any conditioner AT ALL on my scalp.
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

Yup. I don't put conditioner on my scalp, just the length of my hair. I use water to cleanse my scalp whenever I co-wash. Conditioner on my scalp causes it to itch.
Co-washed yesterday with 365 Mint conditioner and today with Gud Floral Cherrynova conditioner. I like the later better.
[USER=118875 said:

How is this?

I'm not really sure :lol: My hair isn't the best to gauge anything by because she is so tempermental. I am going to have to try it again to give you an honest answer. I had no adverse affects which is good. But I can't really rate this yet.

Its definitely not terrible but can't say yet whether its worth buying. My hair felt ok after rinsing but I didn't pay attention to whether it felt strong or soft. I was able to easily get my hair to the softness I like when I cowashed after.
Anybody in here not actually "wash" when they co-wash but just wet their hair in the shower and just put conditioner in their hair and rake it through?

I usually wash my scalp and then run the conditioner through my hair when i co wash, detangling w/my fingers or comb...but lately i don't do that everyday. I hope i'm making sense:perplexed

I'm doing the CG method and had to use conditioner everytime. Now that my hair is more hydrated, I can get away with running water through my hair and may add a little conditioner to it.
I have cowashed everyday this Memorial Weekend since I've been either hiking, running, or sweating of some sorts. I've used Tresemme Naturals as my leave-in. Today, I plan on wearing twists after cowashing.
This may have been asked, but are you all detangling after ever co-wash?

I do but my hair sheds a lot. If I don't detangle each time the shed hair will start to mat. I am sure everyone doesn't have to detangle each time. I know I have read of people cowashing and just detangling 1x a week.
Thanks ladies, I have fine (which im finding out is not as fine as I once thought) 4b/a hair. I've been using seamless combs to detangle after co-washing, but felt like that might be too much manipulation. I do see a moderate amount of shed hair, but not much breakage. I may alternate finger detangling and detangling with a comb if I cowash multiple times a week.

Ive been adding SAA to my spray bottle and my hair is not tangling as much.
I co-wash almost daily so I don't, but I smooth my conditioner on and that gets some shed hairs out. I just detangle once a week.

I co-washed today with a Giovanni conditioner (I can't remember which one now).
I Fully Detangle after rinsing out my DC'er.

Between Cowashing & Deep Conditioning, I don't detangle.

I Detangle upon rinsing out my DC'er.

I do both: Cowash & Deep Condition.
Wow, I am soooo bogus!

I have not cowashed my hair in about a strong week and a half. My V05 has been looking at me while I shower, just shaking its head. I am hoping to get in the swing of things some time this week. If you all don't hear from me by next week someone please dial 9-1-1.
Last night I cowashed with L'Oreal EverCreme Cleansing Conditioner and the regular Conditioner for a bit more conditioning.
charmtreese said:
This may have been asked, but are you all detangling after ever co-wash?

I Cowashed why Tresseme Naturals! I've been doing it everyday and washing on Fridays and Saturdays. I tried detangling a few times, but it just frizzed out my coils so now i stick to using my hands. I have a twa so when it gets longer in might start