Can I ask a DUMB question

I hope this hasn't been asked before but I gotta know:

Where are people getting those silly gifs from? You know when someone posts a crazy or funny thread and someone else will come in and post a funny graphic? Where do people go for those animations/pictures?

There is a website called GifBin. I'm sure other's have more sites that they could suggest.
everytime i see the title of this thread i always think: "Better than anyone i know", i got that off a tv show or movie. its always makes me smile
Not sure if this has been asked since I last saw this thread, but here's my dumb question.

What's the rule of thumb when posting in old (more than 1 or 2 years) threads as opposed to creating a new one?


If it's more than a year old, create a new one. My personal rule of thumb.

When you are wearing a bun for protective styling, how do you keep your ends moisturized when tucking the ends under the bun?

Make sure your ends are moisturized well before tucking them in the bun and they shouldn't dry out because they're not being exposed to the air. I like to moisturize with a mix of water and conditioner spray and seal with olive oil.

Ok I got another one. I know this one is gonna sound really dumb but here it goes...

When exactly am I supposed to detangle my hair? One minute I hear to detangle my hair in the shower with conditioner then the next I hear to never detangle one wet hair because it's most fragile. And then it goes back to never detangle on dry hair.

Somebody help me out! When is the right time to detangle?

I know what you mean. it can be confusing. I find it a LOT easier if I detangle in the shower under running water. The pressure from the water helps.
Can you use a mild protein conditioner [AOGPB], followed by moisturing conditioner [AOHSR] for your every wash?
I don't know if this question has been asked or not, and I think it pertains more to relaxed hair rather than natural, but what is a "doobie?" I've heard that word many times but was afraid to ask what it was because I thought people would give me the side-eye. Like I was already supposed to know what it means! :lol:

@Sianna, down here in the South (South Carolina, to be exact) A "doobie-wrap" Is a simple wrap with curls on the seen below:




I think the last picture depicts the hair-style best.....I'd choose a "doobie" wrap over a "flat" wrap anyway :yep:
Can you use a mild protein conditioner [AOGPB], followed by moisturing conditioner [AOHSR] for your every wash?

Yes you can and it just depends on how your hair handles the protein. Just watch out for protein overload but that shouldn't be a problem with a light protein treatment and a moisturizing conditioner.
This thread really helps out alot.....tell me why I was always under the assumption that "DH" stood for "Da Hubby" o_O
Anywho...I'm not sure if this question has been posted before...but what I'd like to know is....What the heck does TWA stand for? "Tiny Wavy Afro?" :confused:
I’m sure this has been asked, but I couldn’t find the thread. Ok, what is the etiquette when somebody is so excited about something (style,product etc.)or want the other members to try something and their hair is … can I say it….a hot mess! Maybe it is the quality of pictures but sometimes I’m like No thank you. I find myself not saying anything because I don’t want to be rude, but I want to say try something else because that is not working.:perplexed

@Sianna, down here in the South (South Carolina, to be exact) A "doobie-wrap" Is a simple wrap with curls on the seen below:




I think the last picture depicts the hair-style best.....I'd choose a "doobie" wrap over a "flat" wrap anyway :yep:

So OT but, girl, you did an awesome job with the effects in these pics. You have mad skillz. And you look BEAUTIFUL too. BONUS!!!
I’m sure this has been asked, but I couldn’t find the thread. Ok, what is the etiquette when somebody is so excited about something (style,product etc.)or want the other members to try something and their hair is … can I say it….a hot mess! Maybe it is the quality of pictures but sometimes I’m like No thank you. I find myself not saying anything because I don’t want to be rude, but I want to say try something else because that is not working.:perplexed

The golden rule..

Or give your suggestion it in a constructive manner.

For example:

I'm glad you liked product XYZ.. but have you ever tried ABC for your hair? I hear it is awesome too.

If you have no suggestion or know that you will come off as rude.. then continue doing what you currently do..
OK, ya'll.

What exactly is your hair supposed to feel like after a protein treatment? I know everyone says stronger but my hair always feels exactly like it did before I put anything on it. :perplexed
OK, ya'll.

What exactly is your hair supposed to feel like after a protein treatment? I know everyone says stronger but my hair always feels exactly like it did before I put anything on it. :perplexed

When I do a protein treatment it feels the same, but it doesn't feel like its about to snap every time I touch it or like its just stretching out instead of resisting when I pull it.. Any mushiness or breakage I was experiencing just stop.
If someone gives you a compliment on your hair (and you BOUGHT it).....are you obligated to say that it is not growing out of your scalp??
If someone gives you a compliment on your hair (and you BOUGHT it).....are you obligated to say that it is not growing out of your scalp??

nope, if they say its pretty, you can just say thank you and keep it moving...but if they're asking how long it took to get to that length and what do you do, and complimenting on how fast its grown, then i wouldnt want to mislead the person, so i would tell them it was a weave/ wig....its technically not an obligation though
This is the thread for me because i feeel reaally dumb asking these two what does YT stand for? I know it's not youtube, lol.

Also what's this thing with not quoting the OP pics? I know that everyone has their personal preference but why? Does quoting pics make them more easy to copy? I don't get it. TIA.
This is the thread for me because i feeel reaally dumb asking these two what does YT stand for? I know it's not youtube, lol.

Also what's this thing with not quoting the OP pics? I know that everyone has their personal preference but why? Does quoting pics make them more easy to copy? I don't get it. TIA.

Youtube or uncolored folks.. :lachen:

The reason some people say not to quote their pics... is because when/if they decide to *poof* the pic.. your quoted pic will never dissapear unless they hunt you down and ask you to remove the pic.