What is the most moisturizing, non-stripping shampoo you've used/ your fave poo?

Garnier Fructis Length & Strength Shampoo

Anyone using KeraCare hydrating detanagling poo?

i like it a lot. i haven't purchased any in months. i started using Suave Almond and Shea Butter, then i switched to Creme Of Nature Argan Oil. after that ran it's course, i started using Mizani's Milk Bath. i love that stuff!

but keracare hydrating is still one of my favorites! when i do use it, i use the 1st lather first, then i use the Hydrating detangling. that is what my old stylists would do. the 1st lather removes buildup to help the hydrating work better. the 1st lather is a clarifying shampoo, but it doesn't have sulfates in it.