What has worked for you to grow the nape area?


New Member
The nape area is much shorter than the rest of my hair and gets knotty easily :eek: . I have decided to moisturize it every night with NTM leave-in and castor oil to seal it in. What other things have worked you guys to grow this area stronger and longer.


Well-Known Member
hey sista!! i'm transitioning so don't know how much help this will be to you. there's also a real old post (in LHCF terms haha) that asks a question similar to: how long is your nape? i posted there about my problem too.


maybe there's some info there that can help also.

i believe that my nape area had been damaged by overprocessing that area when relaxing. that relaxer box always says to do the nape area first and that's exactly what i used to do. it held the chemical the longest and it's extremely difficult if not impossible not to get that stuff on your skin in this area.

when i read this post i couldn't help but think about myself and my nape issues and i ran to grab my camera and take some quick pics.

what worked for me: well, i chopped that area a few months ago then babied the heck out of it. during the summer i mostly kept it in 4 mini braids loaded with moisturizers and oils. it was hidden under the rest of my hair so no one was the wiser cept for me and my nape.

i believe i had/have scab hair since there's no other explanation for how difficult it has been to grow out.

here's a pic of what still needs working on:

here's a pic of the rest - it's looking pretty normal now.


(that left side is proving to be very much of a challenge but we'll get the problem licked sure nuff).

perhaps you can try that method, someone here mentioned that's what they did/were doing and it really worked miracles for me.


Well-Known Member
My nape area was helped by wearing two head covers at night...a large satin scarf with a bonnet over top.


Well-Known Member
Water spritzing and any oil or moisturizer caused my nape to grow from two inches to past bra strap (2003 to now). I swear this made all the difference. In the summer I spritz throughout the day, in the winter, I spritz in the morning and night or let the water run there when I shower. Water became my best friend. My nape had always been short and dry before that. HTH


Well-Known Member
1) MTG
2) Not wearing necklaces that will snag my hair when I wear my hair down
3) Using a satin scarf w/o spandex so that the material does not grab at my hair.
4) When growing it out (especially in that shoulder length grow out) keeping it off my collar until it passed the collar and shoulder area.
5) Last if you color, color that area last because it tends to be finer than the rest and doesn't need as much time to process (the same with relaxers or better yet with relaxers-do not relax every time you relax your entire head (this depends on the person though- it worked for me)).


Well-Known Member
I used to sleep in a tight scarf that I would knot at the nape of my neck. Once I stopped doing that I noticed increased growth. I now wear a satin bonner or a looser scarf.


New Member
Great questiON!!! I"m trying Dr. Miracles Temple and Nape creme!! Seems to be working for me! Only been using it since the 26th of Decemeber though!! BUT i am seeing lots of improvement with my temples and some in my nape area as well.


Well-Known Member
What's working for me is applying the relaxer to that section last and keeping it moisturized. Stretching my relaxers also worked.


NO CHEMICALS! I literally went from:


in 8 months just by cutting out chemicals. If you are relaxed, avoid relaxing that area.

I also found that it loves moisture. it was so brittle before it just wasn't going to grow. I H20 rinse everyday, and sometimes add in a CO rinse with it.

I don't tie up my hair (I'd never get to sleep) but I do put my hair up every night. I also don't brush my hair 'up'--I always brush down so that my ponytail rests in my neck and I bun it from there. This keeps my nape in the ponytail and not falling out of the ponytail.


Active Member
Washing my hair in braids and detangling in sections helps prevent my shed hair from tangling and knotting in my nape which would cause breakage. I am kinda babying that area now by applying extra moisturizer and oil, like BB Oil Moisturizer and WGO.