Taren Guy needs help...


Well-Known Member
Wow. She has some balls. Fool me one shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. People are abusing these fund me accounts. Too bad because she actually has the personality to do something legit. Reminds me of MopTop maven.


Well-Known Member
I used to sub to her back when she first started. I liked the way she diffused her hair and our texture was similar. I never wore my hair out b/c it never dries and in winter that was a no no. Then she started messing w her hair - first it was heat damaged, then that horrible tapered cut, then she blew out all her curls and wore a floppy Afro, then the wigs, then the color ... I can't keep up. I never got why she was considered a hair guru. She's a hot mess and not a good example of good hair practices. I never paid much attention to her other ventures or her personal life. I was there for hair. Sounds like she's all over the place and I wouldn't risk my $ on her. Oh -Do y'all recall the Areya (spelling) channel that she did w her model friend? I wonder how that relates to this venture.
Now when I commented in the 'Taren's Hairfinity' thread and I said the exact same thing a couple of her followers had the nerve to say that I was mad at her. The nerve of some people. I may not have known all of her tea but I knew something wasn't right with her. Well I guess they'll learn now especially if they have ever given her any money.:rolleyes:

@BillsBackers67 Listen to your intuition, it's a virtue.

ETA My original comment:

I am really surprised anybody on here still bothers with Taren. She doesn't show any good judgement when it comes to taking care of her hair and whatever hair knowledge that she does have doesn't mesh with her practices so her being a hair guru is out.

Personally I have never liked her. Not for any hair related reason but when I first started watching her videos I couldn't get over all of that rambling she did. Welp that did it for me and I bounced right on out of her channel. I couldn't even be bothered to be enamored over her hair. Now that I pay more attention to the content of her videos I still don't see why people still get worked up over anything she says or does. With all of those setbacks and big chopping why would anyone would bother taking her seriously? She is just out here to make money off of her hair (texture) and that's about it. Everything else coming out of her mouth is just blather.
I should have included all of the missed ventures and apparent scams she was doing but I didn't have that info at the time.

The response:

Wow, what did Taren do to you? You sound real mad...and jealous. :look:
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Well-Known Member
I have real business questions.

1. Why can't she be like other start ups and go to a venture capitalist if she is so successful???

2. Crowdfunding is basically free cash. Is she ill? Can't get a job? Why should people back your dream when she is physically able to work?

3. What is the cash for? Is it a network on Youtube? A real channel?What is her product and what does it do?

4.How is it that Pixiwoo can start their channel,Body Talk daily and Daily Mix without any funding and she needs cash? In the days of FREE content,why am I paying you to develop it?I am not a brand and get no sales from it.

5. What brands are these affiliating themselves with her? I think I saw something here saying she was like other Youtubers got more sponsorship etc from companies but she did not. Not a surprise when you look at her business acumen.

6. At least show people you have invested..like I needed 800k,sold 20% to a VC for 300k and raised 420k,so please help me with the 80k. She has zero skin in the game.


Well-Known Member
now y'all know taren can't get a job, she is very busy deleting comments and blocking trolls and haters from all of her social media sites to get a 9 to 5. Shoot she's too busy to raise any of her kids where is gonna find time to work?


Well-Known Member
I remember in the other thread about the announcement of her current pregnancy by another man while she had 3 other children, some fonts were actually congratulating her and accepting her distasteful lifestyle. She doesn't care about the wife, having custody of her kids, or the fact she could possibly have another child with autism, yet she's scheming to her next come up and and trying to make sure he don't forget the butt plug. (for any of you who read the LSA thread ya'll know what I'm talking about when I say butt plug.)

I'm worried about society as a whole.Especially the black community where many will support such non-sense like Taren.
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Well-Known Member
I remember in the other thread about the announcement of her current pregnancy by another man while she had 3 other children, some fonts were actually congratulating her and accepting her distasteful lifestyle. She doesn't care about the wife, having custody of her kids, or the fact she could possibly have another child with autism, yet she's scheming to her next come up and and trying to make sure he don't forget the butt plug. (for any of you who read the LSA thread ya'll know what I'm talking about when I say butt plug.)

I'm worried about society as a whole.Especially the black community where many will support such non-sense like Taren.

No, that thread was too long. I need to know the butt plug story


Omg I just read the entire thread over at LSA plus the 2nd one! I had no clue any of this was going on. I'm not subbed to her nor watch her videos although I have seen a few before. I'm at a loss for words. Just shocked really...
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Well-Known Member
I dont even have a proper gif for this o_o

Here, let me help you:



Well-Known Member
English is my second language, so I often have to google some words/expressions used in the forum. That one really caught me off guard.


Well-Known Member
I hope the wife moves on and meets someone that loves her.

Me to. She is a stronger woman than I am. To find out your husband of 7 years is not only cheating on you but got the mistress pregnant, then have the pregnant chick (Taren) slam the affair in your face and tell you to get over it, then have them flaunt themselves out in public and social media while he has still not PAYED FOR HIS SHARE OF THE DIVORCE! I would have been In jail for knocking her into the ground. You would think after three kids and two baby daddies now 4 kids 3 baby daddies no ring no lasting relationship she would have learned from her mistakes. I really believe she has some deeply rooted self esteem issues. Pray for the children y'all. Despite the wreck her mother is these are our little black boys and girls. As a community we have got to do better and not condone this mess.


Well-Known Member
Why wait for him to pay. I would borrow money from a friend or family member to get out of that situation.


Well-Known Member
stupid question but if they (new york state) took custody away from her cant the state take this baby too? or.....how does that work?


Well-Known Member
I can't believe she is asking for all of that money and hasn't even show and proved! We supposed to just give blindly because you have this "vision"? How bout you at least SHOW that you are actually working on this mega youtube video project, lol. Better yet, why doesn't she just get a job instead of expecting other Black women to support her.


Well-Known Member
Why wait for him to pay. I would borrow money from a friend or family member to get out of that situation.

I'd pay for it and have the judge take his half out of his pay once done. Heck, I might even suck it up and take the lose. What's the lost cost of a divorce compared to the 7 years wasted. I'd be blasting my mary j all the to the court house and back.

I just cant with either of them. I'm usually one to put full blame on the married one for stepping out but Taren out did her self with this.


Well-Known Member
Well dang, I guess the title of this thread is very fitting.

I have nothing to add aside from being annoyed that one day we're talking about how we can get ourselves together as a community to get back black business straight and support one another and next we have two prominent people in the black hair community(owner of Afroveda and now Taren) making bad business/life decisions and asking people for money and/or scamming them to "fix" something.


Well-Known Member
Well dang, I guess the title of this thread is very fitting.

I have nothing to add aside from being annoyed that one day we're talking about how we can get ourselves together as a community to get back black business straight and support one another and next we have two prominent people in the black hair community(owner of Afroveda and now Taren) making bad business/life decisions and asking people for money and/or scamming them to "fix" something.

Well the way I see it, we want smart black businesses to thrive. I'm pretty sure that in other communities they don't throw money at the ones who are known to be bad business people/scam artist. They support the ones with integrity and a plan. That way they are investing in the best possible people. Those are the businesses that thrive and in return keep money in their community.

As a community, we don't have a lot of business strength as it is. I for one, want to invest the little money I have into black businesses who show they know what they're doing. True everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks. But the true entrepreneurs learn from their mistakes while the others just keep their hand out hoping that we'll be like "Well he/she's black so we should help them out" even though they have learned nothing.
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Well-Known Member
If yall want to support progressive black entrepreneurship in the arts and film making then support someone like Issa Rae (awkward black girl of youtube)

that there has several entertaining skits and shorts worth funding .... and they don't beg (though they do sometimes have a support fund link at the end of their vids), they let their work speak for itself


Well-Known Member
I just want to know how all the info about her and this married man and her approaching his wife was confirmed? I am not saying that it didn't happen but I am curious. I do remember watchign a few of her videos a while back, before she did the BC when she used to complain about her curl pattern a lot.....for attention. And I remember her mentioning her kids and stuff but since I heard nothing... This all explains why...SMDH


Well-Known Member
She "needs" $80,000? Um, how bout no. She better go back to selling those t-shirts or get a actual job. I feel like she keeps getting bolder with her little projects as time goes on....

And I read the gifts that donate get it you donate, like donating $50 gets you a postcard from her. Like, really?


Dancin' on sunshine!
*Clears throat* Ahem!

I have a GoFundMe account to make my Pinterest a reality. I am asking for $7,000,000. Seven is my lucky number and I deserve it. I will add the link when my site is up. All of the big donors will get special mentions and a box of Florida oranges. Vitamin C is important. Thanks in advance.

ETA: www.dollasmakelucieholla.com