Spring Equinox...Time to trim or cut Who's with me?

hmmm sounds interesting.. i havent read the link yet, but i plan on looking into since I'm long overdue on a trim.
I'm in the process of straightening my hair for S&D and light trim now. I probably won't take more than 1/4" off the ends since they still look pretty good
Ladies please be careful with your trims either do it yourself or use someone you trust. I went to a new stylist for a touchup and trim. I went in with BSL and 3 inches new growth and came out with APL. After I asked her to take of 1". I know its hair and it will grow back, but it hurts after you slave over your hair and nurse it trying to maintain your length.

Anyway, good luck to y'all hope you don't have a bad experience like I did.
I hope my Split Ender arrives on time today for my trim. Otherwise, I suppose it's just me and a pair of scissors.
I'm still up as well, I just finished flat-iron and I'm about to get some shut-eye. I post pictures sometime this weekend
I'm in. Although I trimmed a little on the 15th during the New Moon,(still dealing with relaxed ends), I need to do a more thorough job. Today would be perfect because this is wash day for me. :)
I've been very good about staying away from the scissors (last dusting was 5 months ago) so I'm in for Saturday the 20th! I'll be coloring tomorrow, and I'll just let my hair air dry out instead of whipping it into a bun so I can neaten up those ends. Thanks for sharing the seasons calendar!
Sorry for the picture quality I can't find my battery charger....Anyway I took an inch maybe a little more off each flat ironed section.My layers are still in they just blend well. I should have taken a picture before the trim but I wasn't thinking about it.
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Yes, I am with you. I have not had my hair trimmed since Sept.09- I am going for my first trim of 2010 on March 26, as well as a touch up.
I'll be trimming today or tomorrow with the help of my bff/roommate/fellow long hair enthusiast. I will at least do 1/8 - 1/4" all around, and might do more as my hair could use a little shaping. Not sure if I'm completely ready for that/know exactly what I want to do though, so I might keep it to a tiny dusting. I'm ready!
Still working on my trim/dust and am just realizing how jacked up the layered cut that I got around Christmas really is. I mean, you have to see the hair dried and straight to really see what's up and I haven't seen my hair dried since the beginning of this year. *sigh* Why oh why did I get my hair layered. Ah well, back to my hair.
Ok well I guess I count as a superstitious one because I always trim/dust on the new moon or waxing moon phase. I was taught that way and I always will lol.
I did a trim in March and April so, no more for me now. But I see it says today is optimal for rootwork so, I'll work with that and focus on my scalp.

About to do a DC using the carmel conditioner recipe and with steam. Preconditioning & massaging my scalp with Mahabhringaraj/jojoba oil mix before DC. Using my homemade growth mix after all is done.

Oh, and of course, taking my vites! :grin: