Question: Design Essentials Time Release Relaxer...


Well-Known Member
Is the Design Essentials Time release relaxer a LYE relaxer?

I mean, I know that all relaxers are essentially "lye" relaxers, but I mean does this relaxer contain the type of lye that doesn't dry the hair out? I think usually they call certain relaxers "no-lye" if they contain calcium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide, and I just wanted to know if this relaxer was considered "lye" or "no-lye"?

Does anyone know?? Because I'm contemplating on using the time-release relaxer on my hair if I can't find the DE lo-lye relaxer with shea butter, but my hair HATES no-lye relaxers. (Dryness, brittleness, breakage, etc)

So, if anyone knows this would help me out a LOT!

Thanks! :D