MHM Hangout

I'm back to trying MHM again, this time dubaidee4c's modified version. One question I have is how do you keep your hair from knotting before they reach man hydration (specifically the ends)? I haven't tried protective styles and have only been doing wash and go's.

When was the last time you had a trim?
Beyond that you may want to consider styling in smaller sections so you can ensure you are working root to tip.
Last but not least is don't be afraid to spritz your hair and/or use a bit of oil to break the gel cast

Oh and the big one was leaving my hair alone while it dried. Simple but that was often the cause of my knots

When was the last time you had a trim?
Beyond that you may want to consider styling in smaller sections so you can ensure you are working root to tip.
Last but not least is don't be afraid to spritz your hair and/or use a bit of oil to break the gel cast

Oh and the big one was leaving my hair alone while it dried. Simple but that was often the cause of my knots


I haven't had a proper trim in a while. I'm not too concerned about ssk's as I am about the ends knotting in general. My hair is so coily that I could trim a section after detangling it and it would be fighting with itself again.

Usually, I live in twists so this is not a problem, but I've reconsidered doing this technique because of the (post partum) shedding that I've been experiencing.

For the last month I've been water only washing (WOW) daily because I didn't think I had time to do my weekly clay wash (which I've been doing for a few years). I really like WOW but my sebum coverage after a month was too much so I needed to cleanse.

I've been passively following this thread from the beginning and had tried the original MHM buy it was to much for me (product and time). I still can't afford the time, but the modified version allows me to speed things up considerably. Also by daily detangling, I am better able to remove the shed hairs which I didn't realize where starting to cause my hair to mat. (I was detangling weekly.)

Another reason that is stopped the original MHM process was that I'd noticed my hair was knotting at the ends. After a week in I gave the process and the wash n go's up but I spent a lot of time cutting knots out of my ends. It was probably due to put detangling but ali the products. My hair was just too dry and it decided to start binding to itself. (Not overly dry, but the ends wouldn't stay moist.) I don't want that to occur again.

I've completed 4 washes/days of the modified cycle.

Another question: at some point does your hair dry faster? My ends will dry nicely (and stay soft) but my roots will stay wet into the evening. I'm not sure I like that they're starting wet for 12 hours+ every day. I've been using watered down FSG to seal.
Yoooooooo I gotta read this whole thread!
:wave: One of my OT peoples!

So, y'all, I'm getting fatigued doing all this clay mixing. The problem is, I'm making it too thick to put in a bottle, so I'm mixing it in a bowl every other day. :yawn: I'd buy Terresentials but they're too expensive not to be a black company. #sorrynotsorry :look: Naptural85 has a recipe for something that seems closer to Terressentials, including the AVJ, but I need to do a test to see if my hair likes it.

In other news, I wanna incorporate SAA's somewhere in here. Maybe I'll make my own leave-in.
Another reason that is stopped the original MHM process was that I'd noticed my hair was knotting at the ends.

My hair was just too dry and it decided to start binding to itself.

I don't have all the answers to your questions but the statements you made above should NEVER happen with this method. Were you using approved products? If not, were you reading the ingredients for the products you were using and then comparing them to the "MHM no no list"? Many people solely use this method for it's detangling properties and the fact that it practically eliminates any matting or knotting so I'm surprised at your results.
:wave: One of my OT peoples!

So, y'all, I'm getting fatigued doing all this clay mixing. The problem is, I'm making it too thick to put in a bottle, so I'm mixing it in a bowl every other day. :yawn: I'd buy Terresentials but they're too expensive not to be a black company. #sorrynotsorry :look: Naptural85 has a recipe for something that seems closer to Terressentials, including the AVJ, but I need to do a test to see if my hair likes it.

In other news, I wanna incorporate SAA's somewhere in here. Maybe I'll make my own leave-in.

I hear you and I hate the clay mixing part because I am not a DIY type of chick. I'm thinking of getting this plastic electric mixer I saw at PC Richard for $19.99 just for this purpose.

The ACV is what thins out the clay. I like to make mine like the consistency of yogurt but if you keep adding little more ACV at a time, it will get thinner. Dubaidee is using something like 4oz so she gets a watery mix. HTH
I hear you and I hate the clay mixing part because I am not a DIY type of chick. I'm thinking of getting this plastic electric mixer I saw at PC Richard for $19.99 just for this purpose.

The ACV is what thins out the clay. I like to make mine like the consistency of yogurt but if you keep adding little more ACV at a time, it will get thinner. Dubaidee is using something like 4oz so she gets a watery mix. HTH
I know, I use it, I just don't like to. I'd like some more helpful liquids, like marshmallow root tea or AVJ (if my hair likes it).
:wave: One of my OT peoples!

So, y'all, I'm getting fatigued doing all this clay mixing. The problem is, I'm making it too thick to put in a bottle, so I'm mixing it in a bowl every other day. :yawn: I'd buy Terresentials but they're too expensive not to be a black company. #sorrynotsorry :look: Naptural85 has a recipe for something that seems closer to Terressentials, including the AVJ, but I need to do a test to see if my hair likes it.

In other news, I wanna incorporate SAA's somewhere in here. Maybe I'll make my own leave-in.

Why not just make it so it works in a bottle? It doesn't necessarily work any better being extra thick. It can be a good consistency to work in a bottle and still not be too runny. Why wear yourself out?
Why not just make it so it works in a bottle? It doesn't necessarily work any better being extra thick. It can be a good consistency to work in a bottle and still not be too runny. Why wear yourself out?
I like it thicker. :look: I want it smooth but thinNER, not watery, more like cake batter. But I want it to be more 'active' than just clay, I want it to do something useful, like a dc. Then, I might feel comfortable trying the modified: 1. nutrient packed clay, 2. liquid spray leave in, 3. gel.

I'm working on a lot of things. :look: :lol:

I was using the approved products (i.e. KCKT, Tressume Naturals/Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle/Giovanni<? -- can't remember if I did or not>, KCCC). I think that my hair doesn't like the KC products and that could have been why. I especially dislike using gel on the whole. I don't think that I was doing the best job detangling and also I wasn't doing it every single day....I was wondering if it was realistic to expect perfectly tangle-free hair less than 7 days in....? (I was washing within a 3 day window....)
ETA: Above pics: hair with clay freshly washed out.

My coils feel great after the pampering session I gave them last night. After clay, I applied grapeseed and sunflower oils.

I tried the As I Am Curling Jelly and I like it. It is a runny/ snotty sweet fruity scented gel that has a less gloopy consistency than KCCC. The fragrance makes a nice break from the cakey sweet KCCC (I don't smell either in my hair but I smell KCCC on my hands if I touch my hair. I don't smell the AIA on my hands).

I used the jelly lightly diluted with water. A little goes a long way (although that could just be the psychology of having a small jar lol).

My coils seem slightly shinier with this gel, than KCCC. My hair is totally dry, and dried faster with the AIA. It has a good hold that is slightly softer that KCCC, but it left me with more volume from less defined roots.

It did flake a (I don't really get flakes with KCCC so this is new- but maybe that's my practice). Even with my pouffy roots, I would use this again. If I can stop the flaking, then great.
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I did the modified version last night and the jury is still out for me, but the time it took was a relief from my usual. Here are some details and I'm hoping @AbsyBlvd or @hairtimes5 or any long-term modified method user can give me some feedback.

I started with hair that was last co-washed on Monday so it was fairly clean. The only product I generally spritz daily is diluted KKNT. However, I use Njoy Oil on my scalp and it has sulfur which can be drying. I wet my hair in the shower and then applied the clay mix which contained rhassoul, bentonite, and splashes of ACV, milk, EVO. My mix is always the consistency of yogurt and I detangle with my clay mix. I let it sit for about 10 mins while in the shower and then washed it out and applied KKNT and KCC.

My hair felt a tad bit drier than normal (normal being when I do mhm steps 1 and 2) after washing out the clay and I think I saw a little more shed hair than normal. The excess shed hair can probably be attributed to the fact that I did Monday's co-wash while my hair was in flat twist. However, it was nothing alarming. My hair was just as strong and didn't really tangle or break when I put in my flat twist so that was a good sign. I think I will do this modified version 1 day during the week and do the full regimen with my DC on the weekend.
I did the modified version last night and the jury is still out for me, but the time it took was a relief from my usual. Here are some details and I'm hoping @AbsyBlvd or @hairtimes5 or any long-term modified method user can give me some feedback.

I started with hair that was last co-washed on Monday so it was fairly clean. The only product I generally spritz daily is diluted KKNT. However, I use Njoy Oil on my scalp and it has sulfur which can be drying. I wet my hair in the shower and then applied the clay mix which contained rhassoul, bentonite, and splashes of ACV, milk, EVO. My mix is always the consistency of yogurt and I detangle with my clay mix. I let it sit for about 10 mins while in the shower and then washed it out and applied KKNT and KCC.

My hair felt a tad bit drier than normal (normal being when I do mhm steps 1 and 2) after washing out the clay and I think I saw a little more shed hair than normal. The excess shed hair can probably be attributed to the fact that I did Monday's co-wash while my hair was in flat twist. However, it was nothing alarming. My hair was just as strong and didn't really tangle or break when I put in my flat twist so that was a good sign. I think I will do this modified version 1 day during the week and do the full regimen with my DC on the weekend.

It's hard to say how the modified regimen really works for you when you are doing both regimens. Nothing wrong with doing both. For those who wanted to switch, they clarified with a shampoo first and then did the clct and then did the modified regimen. I think this is really the only way to truly see if the modified regimen works or not. Otherwise the modified method is trying to deal with conditioner build up which it isn't meant to do. With that said, nothing wrong with doing the two together to get a break.
I did the modified version last night and the jury is still out for me, but the time it took was a relief from my usual. Here are some details and I'm hoping @AbsyBlvd or @hairtimes5 or any long-term modified method user can give me some feedback.

I started with hair that was last co-washed on Monday so it was fairly clean. The only product I generally spritz daily is diluted KKNT. However, I use Njoy Oil on my scalp and it has sulfur which can be drying. I wet my hair in the shower and then applied the clay mix which contained rhassoul, bentonite, and splashes of ACV, milk, EVO. My mix is always the consistency of yogurt and I detangle with my clay mix. I let it sit for about 10 mins while in the shower and then washed it out and applied KKNT and KCC.

My hair felt a tad bit drier than normal (normal being when I do mhm steps 1 and 2) after washing out the clay and I think I saw a little more shed hair than normal. The excess shed hair can probably be attributed to the fact that I did Monday's co-wash while my hair was in flat twist. However, it was nothing alarming. My hair was just as strong and didn't really tangle or break when I put in my flat twist so that was a good sign. I think I will do this modified version 1 day during the week and do the full regimen with my DC on the weekend.

Faith is right you know. In order to really test it out, jumping in is the only way :). I didn't clarify with shampoo before I started the modified method but like you, I dipped a toe lol. I kind of weened conditioner out of my regimen by first stopping the leave in and then cowashes. Then I used diluted ACV for step 1, rather than alternating. By the time I started water rinsing for step 1, I think I'd taken out the DC.

That was a duration of about 2 weeks. Then Faith's progress, and reading DubaiDee's posts encouraged me to just try it, especially as my hair was still looking dull. My hair also felt drier at first but that was to be expected. I took tips from water rinsing videos, and I massage my head and hair, smoothing the sebum (if there is any lol IDK) down my strands.

I intend to insert conditioner when I feel it is necessary, or if I just want a treat but it's great for my hair, not using so much product.
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Faith is right you know. In order to really test it out, jumping in is the only way :). I didn't clarify with shampoo before I started the modified method but like you, I dipped a toe lol. I kind of weened conditioner out of my regimen by first stopping the cowashes. Then I used diluted ACV for step 1, rather than alternating. By the time I started water rinsing for step 1, I think I'd taken out the DC.

That was a duration of about 2 weeks. Then Faith's progress, and reading DubaiDee's posts encouraged me to just try it, especially as my hair was still looking dull. My hair also felt drier at first but that was to be expected. I took tips from water rinsing videos, and I massage my head and hair, smoothing the sebum (if there is any lol IDK) down my strands.

I intend to insert conditioner when I feel it is necessary, or if I just want a treat but it's great for my hair, not using so much product.

I think the initial dry feeling may be due to conditioner build up that eventually is removed with repeated clay rinses. However, when alternating often between the two regimens, the conditioner build up won't be alleviated. For myself I do think I can do a DC 1x a month followed by a bentonite clay rinse and come out OK. But I see that it doesn't take much for build up on my hair and for my hair to feel dry again.
I like it thicker. :look: I want it smooth but thinNER, not watery, more like cake batter. But I want it to be more 'active' than just clay, I want it to do something useful, like a dc. Then, I might feel comfortable trying the modified: 1. nutrient packed clay, 2. liquid spray leave in, 3. gel.

I'm working on a lot of things. :look: :lol:
We got some mad scientist up in here. :) Well, share them potions whenever you're finished brewing.
I think the initial dry feeling may be due to conditioner build up that eventually is removed with repeated clay rinses. However, when alternating often between the two regimens, the conditioner build up won't be alleviated. For myself I do think I can do a DC 1x a month followed by a bentonite clay rinse and come out OK. But I see that it doesn't take much for build up on my hair and for my hair to feel dry again.

I know what you mean. I relied on the clay to do its thing during that time. I didn't use oil much before the modified method (other than on my problem spots) so I knew whatever conditioner remained on my hair would eventually be removed without much issue.

I will definitely keep up with proper protein. I can see that my hair needed it. I like the CLCT. It leaves my hair nice and soft, but after the initial treatment, it is hard to see/notice other benefits. Especially with all the conditioning already going on. If you are looking for reinforced curls/ coils, don't sleep on the protein.

This method stripped things back so I can really test and see what works for me and my hair (within the boundaries of 'good' ingredients). Its the one thing I have been strict with...ok maybe not the one thing:look:.
Great times:toocool:
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I know what you mean. I relied on the clay to do its thing during that time. I didn't use oil much before the modified method (other than on my problem spots) so I knew whatever conditioner remained on my hair would eventually be removed without much issue.

I will definitely keep up with proper protein. I can see that my hair needed it. I like the CLCT. It leaves my hair nice and soft, but after the initial treatment, it is hard to see/notice other benefits. Especially with all the conditioning already going on. If you are looking for reinforced curls/ coils, don't sleep on the protein.

This method stripped things back so I can really test and see what works for me and my hair (within the boundaries of 'good' ingredients). Its the one I have been strict with...ok maybe not the one thing:look:.
Great times:toocool:

True, I still use a real protein once a month or every other month.

Fooling with the color change shampoo has thrown me off. I have to get back on track now. But now I'm lazy, lazy, lazy :lol: I don't feel like doing CLCT at all.
I'm back to trying MHM again, this time dubaidee4c's modified version. One question I have is how do you keep your hair from knotting before they reach man hydration (specifically the ends)? I haven't tried protective styles and have only been doing wash and go's.
I don't get very many SSK's since doing MHM, and especially since doing the modified version. I find as long as I make sure my clay/gel have good slip then my hair tends not to knot on itself. I detangle very well during clay stage and coat each clump carefully during gel stage to keep it defined and seperated.
Half-way through my CLCT application. I didn't realize I already had some frozen and it's been two weeks so decided to do the full recipe. I had said I wasn't going to fool with it anymore, but my hair loves it and it was callling for it. Sometimes I just need that leisurely, conditioning outside of the shower, experience. That's the only thing I miss about the Modified regimen, but I'd rather do that step as needed, every 2 weeks at most versus 2-3 times a week!
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Ahh, this right here would probably have produced different results. I'm gonna try it this way next week.

This is the only thing I was going to say after reading your original post is that you may have wanted to clarify first. I didn't when I first started the modified method but my hair was acting funny so I clarified (with a clarifying sulfate shampoo btw) and it worked much better on a clean slate. I don't use a leave in either. I realized that they don't much for me besides making my hair a little harder.
I've been brewing so many things up over here, I feel a little witchy:witch::)

I totally understand the desire for a nutrient packed clay and I think I packed everything I could in this one!

Powder Mix-Bentonite, Sage, Neem, Slippery Elm, Dry Milk
Tea Mix- Rosemary, Marshmallow root, burdock root, horsetail, nettle in water/ACV
I also add a pinch of honey and a squirt of sweet almond oil to the tea.

I made my own tea packets. At whole foods, I bought these tea bags that are open on one side so you can put your own herbs in and seal with an iron or curling iron.

I made 25 bags and 2 will make enough tea to mix up one week's worth of clay! I put the tea bags in a sealed glass canister- add very hot water, the ACV, little honey and keep it under my sink to mix with the clay powder mix. I'm excited to have it all prepared!
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I've been brewing so many things up over here, I feel a little witchy:witch::)

I totally understand the desire for a nutrient packed clay and I think I packed everything I could in this one!

Powder Mix-Bentonite, Sage, Neem, Slippery Elm, Dry Milk
Tea Mix- Rosemary, Marshmallow root, burdock root, horsetail, nettle in water/ACV
I also add a pinch of honey and a squirt of sweet almond oil to the tea.

I made my own tea packets. At whole foods, I bought these tea bags that are open on one side so you can put your own herbs in and seal with an iron or curling iron.

I made 25 bags and 2 will make enough tea to mix up one week's worth of clay! I put the tea bags in a sealed glass canister- add very hot water, the ACV, little honey and keep it under my sink to mix with the clay powder mix. I'm excited to have it all prepared!

You have been busy:smile:. I can't wait to hear how it goes down.
Yoooooooo I gotta read this whole thread!

Girl, I am trying to get some cliff notes. Someone help me out.

For this hair care approach, do you have to wash or wet everyday? Do you have to wear your hair loose and shrunken everyday? Also, can folks keep it all the way real and say how much time you spend on your hair (1) daily and (2) over the course of a week?
:wave: One of my OT peoples!

So, y'all, I'm getting fatigued doing all this clay mixing. The problem is, I'm making it too thick to put in a bottle, so I'm mixing it in a bowl every other day. :yawn: I'd buy Terresentials but they're too expensive not to be a black company. #sorrynotsorry :look: Naptural85 has a recipe for something that seems closer to Terressentials, including the AVJ, but I need to do a test to see if my hair likes it.

In other news, I wanna incorporate SAA's somewhere in here. Maybe I'll make my own leave-in.

I use naptural85 receipe for the clay, except I don't use AVJ. I mix my clay in one of Sallys measuring bottles.
Girl, I am trying to get some cliff notes. Someone help me out.

For this hair care approach, do you have to wash or wet everyday? Do you have to wear your hair loose and shrunken everyday? Also, can folks keep it all the way real and say how much time you spend on your hair (1) daily and (2) over the course of a week?

Do the regimen or a water rinse every 3 days. Wear your hair anyway you like; wng, twists, puff, rollerse t, etc.

It takes me 2 hours from start to finish styling my hair in flat twists with perm rods in the front.
I finally did the regimen after weeks of fooling with the color change shampoo. I kept it simple. I rinsed and then used a sodium bentonite mix. I need to get the recipe right for this clay versus the rhassoul. I worked it through and did a quick detangle. I probably left it in for 30 minutes.

I rinsed and immediately put diluted kccc on large sections. After getting out of the shower I added gel and o smaller sections. I'm actually wearing a wng this weekend. If it doesn't last I will twist it back up.

I'm noticing more curls and more length. I'm happy about that.
Was going thru the screenshots on my phone yesterday and found a recipe of an aloe vera juice/green tea rinse that I had taken a picture of. Made some last night and used it this morning before applying gel. I don't know...nothing special. Anyway I used Eco this morning. I just don't like that gel anymore, it's so thick and gloppy to me. I think I want to try the As I Am gel now that some of you have mentioned it. Anybody ever try the Aunt Jackie's flax gel?
Girl, I am trying to get some cliff notes. Someone help me out.

For this hair care approach, do you have to wash or wet everyday? Do you have to wear your hair loose and shrunken everyday? Also, can folks keep it all the way real and say how much time you spend on your hair (1) daily and (2) over the course of a week?

You can wet your hair as often as you like. After doing this for some time, I think my hair likes the regular watering so I don't tend to go long without washing again (preferably every 2/3 days. But since I've stopped baggying, the most I've gone is 5days.

I don't tend to do set styles because of this and my low/normal density self. Currently, I prefer my hair shrunken vs slightly stretched- extra volume for me and less tangles. I don't use heat.

I am a slow coach and things from start to finish take me about 2 (quick for me)- 3hours (the usual).