Ladies! I did my 'big chop' on youtube

Your hair is too cute!!! The color is nice too.

You were so brave to do it yourself. I had my best friend do it because I was too scared that I would chicken out. You also had it all planned out, I think a lot of people just cut and then go "ok what do I do now?"
I had to wait until I got home before I could watch your video, but it was so worth it. That was riveting ... and I loved the song you were playing. I also loved how gangsta you were with it ... like, "I'm bout to cut all my hair off and it ain't no thang." Loved it!!

Your BC looks super great on you and you were rockin' it with the beautiful make-up and accessories. Work it, mami!!
Congratulations! I laughed because after that first snip, our eyes bugged at the same time lol. I've learned so much from your Fotki, you're truly an inspiration, natural AND relaxed!:yep:
wow, cant believe you cut if all off. But you look great with short hair, i want to go natural too, but am too scared that I will eventually wimp out and wish I never cut my hair to begin with, lol
Wow you were completed unaffected while cutting off all that hair... but then you did mention it's your second big chop. Can you donate that hair?
Your cut looks the complete look w/makeup, hair color etc...
OMG!!! So I'm at work when I see this thread and of course we can't go on you-tube at work. I'm just getting to this today. I sat here with my mouth wide open the entire time. My kid looked at me like I was watching something inappropriate. I couldn't even blink. You have so much confidence in yourself and are able to pull off short or long hair. I really love the final outcome. I love the way those curls are popping. Thank you for sharing your BC with us.
i was holding my breath the entire time while you were cutting. i love it; the end result is beautiful, and I love the color as well. what's the name of the rinse you used?
That hurt me to watch lady. But your hair is beautiful. (before and after) I love the earrings and choker too!
Hey ladies! I finally did my big chop. I was gonna do it in december but I just couldn't wait. I just missed feeling my natural texture and I was getting tired of wearing rod sets and ponytails all of the time. It has only been a day.....My hubby is still 'adjusting' to the new
I get so bored with my hair sometimes and I can't seem to get a style and stick with it without getting bored. When I'm relaxed, I miss my natural hair and when I'm natural I miss my relaxed styles...go figure:spinning::rolleyes: btw this is my 2nd big is the link to my video

God bless!
I am so sorry I could not watch anymore after you cut the back then cut it again and you took down your hair and cut the front I got sick I think I saw the lenght of it and said to myself WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? I was screaming at the video NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! It was too late I am just being honest, I wanted to cry I don't know why I felt that way you are a beautiful person with beautiful hair I could not watch it anymore. Maybe when I feel better after I take a valium(LOL) I will continue to watch the video but now no.

You see I have been trying to grow out my hair(relaxed) crown area(natural) since 04 it will grow but I have not been able to maintain the lenght due to my stupid ends breaking off. My hair should be mid back by now!
now THAT is a big chop!!!

I was sitting here like this the entire time!! ------> :shocked:

Either way, your hair is amazing!! and you're a beautiful lady!

Thanks so much for sharing this transition with us!! :yep:
ot: i ordered some of your products and cant wait for them to get here. i hope it makes my hair as thick as yours was.
Congratulations on executing your big chop mission so efficiently and swiftly! I admire your skills. Now go on, and grow it back again; only this time take it to the floor!!!!:grin: