In Your Humble Opinion *Shea Butter Users*


New Member
Where is the best place to order Unrefined Shea Butter

I ordered from Nasabb in the past. It was good, but I'm wondering if the Regular Shea Butter users and experts know of anything better ,not that Nassab is bad, Just want to make sure I am getting the BEST!

*Side note* I did not like the Refined kind from fnwl :nono:

I want the real deal :yep:
I am using lotion crafters Shealoe because it emulsifies I think better then refined sheabutter, but check out there site because the have several different kinds including an organic sheabutter. We get a discount and the link is in or discount sticky.:grin:

ETA: love the new siggy!
I have unrefined shea from I like it a lot! I have to melt it though to add it to my DC's. I am interested to hear from the shea vets to find out who has the best.
I've tried a few online brands, but always return to buying my shea "around the way" I get mine at the flea market, the fish market (don't ask):blush: or anybody walking around yelling: Shea Butter, Black Soap!!
I am using lotion crafters Shealoe because it emulsifies I think better then refined sheabutter, but check out there site because the have several different kinds including an organic sheabutter. We get a discount and the link is in or discount sticky.:grin:

ETA: love the new siggy!

Thank you!

&oh I will be looking into that organic!

Thank you for all your responses! Its hard to know which one is best! sigh