I didn't know you could blowdry dry hair! **Vid**

I have been blowdrying (on cool) on 75% dry hair for a few months now, and it has been working really well. If I were to do this on wet hair, I'd be pulling out all my strands. I have learned not to manipulate my hair too much when it is wet. If its wet, I pretty much have to wait a couple of hours before I can do anything else with it.
I've done it before after airdrying. You end up using less heat that way. I wouldn't try it on shrunken hair though. :nono:
I used to do that when I was relaxed to get my hair straighter after airdrying (or humidity hit).

I wrapped my hair (natural) last week and blowdried it after it dried. I wouldn't do it on shrunken hair though.
when I do my rollersets I blowdry my hair and it's dry I think that's common, it's less damaging vs when you blowdry your hair from when it's wet and your using the heat for a less amount of time since the hairs already dry.
I guess different things work for different people. I cannot blow dry on 100% dried hair. Maybe partially dry, maybe. When my hair is dry, its set into the texture its going to be until I wet it again. I also tried blow drying on 100% dry hair once, DISASTER...but if it works for you, I say do it.