

New Member
I ordered your almond glaze, whipped cream, cocasta oil, methi sativa protein tea, and dc masque awhile back.....I haven't used any of them b/c I was in a weave. Currently, I'm back to a twa....and need suggestions on which products to use and which ones I need to order. I think you would call my hair 4a/4b it has curl definition at some parts and non at others. I am looking for products to moisturize and define my natural curls.
The whipped cream is very good for moisture and the green tea butter is also good for moisture i have not tried the others.
I have just ordered a lot of Hairveda, I have only tried the oil and frosting, I love the oil, so I would use the oil.....ummm I don't know much about natural hair so I can't what else........Sorry!
I did use the almond glaze and cocasta oil today and my hair was soft and had lots of sheen......plan on using hair rules no-poo cleanser, jane carters nourishing conditioner, SitriNillah DC masque, and curls whip....all in that order 2morrow.....this will be the first time I've washed my own natural hair since BC'ing...wish me luck.