Any college student's on LHCF?

HI :)

I am a college student in Boston and it is my senior year and now it seems like I have no time, but I have managed to make right before I go to bed my hair time. Basically I just grease and give my scalp a massage, wrap it and I’m off to bed. On Wednesdays or Thursdays I make time to wash and deep condition my hair (I can’t roller set so I have my stylist do it). I feel that if you make a schedule and keep to it you can have time for school work and your hair. :D
You've gotten a lot of great advice already. I'm a graduate student in ATL right now and it's pretty easy to keep up with my haircare. Ironically, I never really had to do my own hair until college and my hair actually grew more because I did less to it and had less people working with it.
I come from a big family 7 girls and 2 boys (I'm the oldest) so my mom always had a day that we got our hair done and it was sort of an assembly line. I found just picking time to do my hair worked well.

I also ended up going natural while I was in college too and my hair definitely thrived since less seems to be more for me.
bellesocialite said:
I'm not of much help but I'll be going to college too in the fall(!) I got accepted to Howard also :)
I am interested in seeing how everyone's regimens work out for them in college because I have a regimen that works for me but I doubt I can lug all my products/tools to a tiny dorm room, lol. I'm even planning my relaxer touch-ups to coincide with when I'm coming home to visit because I am so not letting anyone touch my hair because I only let my mom do my hair when it comes to relaxers.

BTW, eunique, I LOVE your signature. I am falling in love with GCH.

i love them too girl! haha. the cd is niceee. congrats on Howard girl!
I am in in my second year of college and as Biomedical Sciences major, it is pretty hard to find the time. I usually wash my hair on the weekends and sometimes during the week if I can find the time.
Well it's 9:30 here and I'm going home to apHogee....I just cant bring myself to wait until tomorrow...even though I'm tired I just have to get her done tonight.

college senior here! i just work my hair routine around my schedule. for example i only airdry cause i have no time and only wash on days when i have no early classes.
I am a college student as well...but I am a braid fan. I didn't find LHCF until I was a commuter, but as a student who lived in the dorms, I didn't keep up with my regimine at all. Good luck tho, I am sure it can be done!!!
I'm a GRADUATING senior... I only have 3 more weeks of undergrad left! :yay:

I didn't find it hard to keep up a regimen, but I did find it difficult to find time to aphogee. I usually do my hair on Sunday afternoons.
asubeauty said:
I'm a GRADUATING senior... I only have 3 more weeks of undergrad left! :yay:

I didn't find it hard to keep up a regimen, but I did find it difficult to find time to aphogee. I usually do my hair on Sunday afternoons.

- moonwalks - you go girl!
God's Anointed said:
I'm a college student at Gator county ( UF...:D ) and I basically just do my hair on Sat or Sun after church. I airdry so usually at that time i'm also i'm also doing homework and other chores i need to do. It's not too hectic if you learn to plan things according to your schedule.

go Gators! :grin:
asubeauty said:
I'm a GRADUATING senior... I only have 3 more weeks of undergrad left! :yay:

I didn't find it hard to keep up a regimen, but I did find it difficult to find time to aphogee. I usually do my hair on Sunday afternoons.

How do you do your bun in siggy ? Just pin it under ?
I'm a non traditional college student. I'm finally graduating from Christian Brothers University May 11th!! So, excited....yeah me!!