Am I The Only Natural Who Can't Use Shea Butter,Glycerin & Oils??


New Member
I ask this because it seems that alot of people seem to automatically think shea butter = natural hair, Not saying that it don't work, but since day one shea butter, oils & glycerin just does not work for my hair. I try it and try it, I nuke it up I have mixed it with Aloe Vera,Coco Butter etc. I have Tried Oyins Whipped Pudding/Whipped Shea Butter, I tried the Homemade Glycerin Spritz, I have tried Sta Sof Fro, S-Curl Spray,S-Curl Texturizing Spray, Glycerin & Rosewater,Oyins Greg Juice. I tried Hot Oil Treatments.

Maybe this is because my hair is so short and my ends are always out. But I can apply oil to my scalp like 1-2x's a week. But if it wasn't for Qhemet Biologics I don't know where I would be. I say that Because when shea butter & glycerin don't work you have a hard time finding something simple to work. I am sure I would have found something but it would have taken me awhile LOL!! But I must say that Once my hair gets Longer I really Hope & Pray that it will respond to Shea Butter because it is cheap and goes along way. But for now my hair just gets hard when I use it and I be in denial sometimes to and just keep using it because I know it is good and I only use a smidget. So when My 2nd. yr. Nappiversary comes and I let my hair grow out this time Long I will check it again.

So who else has Pick Napptural Hair?
Maybe your hair just doesn't like those products? I don't use oils or glycerine either. I don't like how they make my hair feel. Anything oily or greasy makes my hair feel like dry greasy straw. What is it doing to your hair that make it not work?
No Nappy you're not the only one! I tried the All Natural route, it was a serious waste of time for me. Glycerin (espesh sta sof fro and scurl) made my hands and hair feel chalky. Shea and various other butters just made it feel greasy and not really that soft and oils just make it oily. The best thing I found was Elasta QP recovery moisturiser, that was a godsend, it moisturised and made my hair feel soft. I'd still be using it if I could be bothered! Seeing as it's warmed up here I've gona back to co washing-and-going with just a little bit of MNT leave in conditioner. Imagine: Non-greasy, soft, moisturised hair without adding anything!
if my hair isnt significantly damp b4 using thse products, it doesnt work well. I cant use it on dry hair or it will feel really greasy.
Shea butter doesn't work in my hair and I really wanted it to. I can use other natural butters, though, like hemp and avocado. As for oils, they have always caused me problems because they usually make my hair crunchy. The only oil I can use is coconut oil/vatika and I have to use it in a very specific way (saturating my hair with it before washing). However, my hair also does not like Qhemet Biologics.

So anyway...nope, you are not the only one.
Same here. I always say my hair has mood swings. It starts out liking a product and then it doesn't work anymore (even when I clarify). I've used several products on my hair and I'm still trying to find something that works. There are products I have to use a certain way to work. But my hair feels the best when it is freshly shampooed and conditioned.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Maybe your hair just doesn't like those products? I don't use oils or glycerine either. I don't like how they make my hair feel. Anything oily or greasy makes my hair feel like dry greasy straw. What is it doing to your hair that make it not work?

Well, it just makes it hard, I would use it on damp hair and at first it is soft but after a few hours it is hard, glycerin sprays made my hair sticky and tacky feeling. But I haven't tried other butters yet. I might look into them in the near future. But it is just picky, Thank You ladies!! I was just so Hooked on Shea Butter because that was all I heard since I went natural. But hmmmm! they do have other butters:)
YOu're not the only one. Those products make my hair feel like rocks. Using some indian herbs/oil in combination with Qhemet products is helping me.
That's me too. Shea butter does nothing for my except make it hard and dry. Oils the same thing. Qhemet products have been GREAT for me too. I just bought the sample pack and the heavy cream, detangler, and hydrating balm are the best for my hair!! I think I've found a staple!
I can't use Shea butter either or Qhemet, I find both too greasy on my hair when it's dry. Have you tried JBCO, now that for me is not greasy.
Here's another excellent example of how versatile our hair is! Though how one uses it and what form one uses may have SOME bearing, I think it's also a matter of what you want your hair to do. Add to that different levels of porosity, texture, natural oil levels, etc..... One can see how all things can't work for everyone.

I'm glad you've found something that DOES work for you. That's the bottomline and there are so many excellent butters out there. There are butters that have more a dry finish like mango, cocoa, and kokum I believe. Then there are butters that are even softer and creamier than shea like aloe, hemp, avocado. You might want to try one that's on the softer creamier side.

Or you could just stick with Qhemet. Not much chance of you going wrong there! :)

Thanks Ladies! P1 you are right, our hair is versatile, I will try everything that is posted here and 9x's out 10 it won't work but I tried it.

Imstush what is JBCO?

As far as the oils I have tried Olive,Coconut but they just sit on my hair and I used it on wet/damp hair.

But even though we all might have the same texture Our hair will misbehave and become picky LOL!!!!!
sweetwhispers said:
me and oils = dry yet greasy hair

Exactly how my hair is. It likes creamy products. I didn't even bother to try S Curl or Sta Soft Fro bc I knew my hair wouldn't like it. I didn't use oils as a relaxed head either. Or grease. Still don't. My hair does fine without them.

ETA: My hair wasn't too fond of the Qhemet stuff either. It was like umm that's it? :lol:
See that is so funny My hair Loves the Qhemet but hates other stuff, And come to think of it when I was relaxed I never used oils at all because it would just sit there and I never used much.
Add me to the list. I use no grease or oils. It makes me break out and sets my scalp on fire.

Now I am going to get spanked but what I do is leave a bit of conditioner in my hair for softness. I also deep condition with amla oil and then wash it out.

I just cannot use anything. I have learned the hard way repeatedly.
bmoreflyygirl said:
Exactly how my hair is. It likes creamy products. I didn't even bother to try S Curl or Sta Soft Fro bc I knew my hair wouldn't like it. I didn't use oils as a relaxed head either. Or grease. Still don't. My hair does fine without them.

ETA: My hair wasn't too fond of the Qhemet stuff either. It was like umm that's it? :lol:

I've tried so many oils ( and still do) hoping they will work. Its like how can your hair be Dry and greasy at the same time?:confused:
sweetwhispers said:
I've tried so many oils ( and still do) hoping they will work. Its like how can your hair be Dry and greasy at the same time?:confused:

Yeah I didn't get it either. And my hair's fine so the oil would just weigh it down and make it stringy. :perplexed
I can't use most stuff naturals rave about. The things that work best for me are:

Creme of nature Herba rich moisturizing gel
Luster's Pink Short Looks Gel 'N
Luster's ShortLooks SassAFraz Styling Spray

Yes I know lusters makes that pink stuff but I absolutely love these products.
Shea butter makes my hair soft, but it just sits there and makes my hair look dull. My hair hates oil, except castor oil on my scalp and coconut oil. It just makes my hair stringy and greasy while still dry. I read a an abstract from a study on Pubmed and it said that coconut oil actually penetrates the hair shaft, unlike many other oils, I guess that’s why my hair likes it. I’ll try to find that abstract and post.
Found it.

Research and Development Department, Nature Care Division, Marico Industries Ltd., Mumbai, India.
Previously published results showed that both in vitro and in vivo coconut oil (CNO) treatments prevented combing damage of various hair types. Using the same methodology, an attempt was made to study the properties of mineral oil and sunflower oil on hair. Mineral oil (MO) was selected because it is extensively used in hair oil formulations in India, because it is non-greasy in nature, and because it is cheaper than vegetable oils like coconut and sunflower oils. The study was extended to sunflower oil (SFO) because it is the second most utilized base oil in the hair oil industry on account of its non-freezing property and its odorlessness at ambient temperature. As the aim was to cover different treatments, and the effect of these treatments on various hair types using the above oils, the number of experiments to be conducted was a very high number and a technique termed as the Taguchi Design of Experimentation was used. The findings clearly indicate the strong impact that coconut oil application has to hair as compared to application of both sunflower and mineral oils. Among three oils, coconut oil was the only oil found to reduce the protein loss remarkably for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product. Both sunflower and mineral oils do not help at all in reducing the protein loss from hair. This difference in results could arise from the composition of each of these oils. Coconut oil, being a triglyceride of lauric acid (principal fatty acid), has a high affinity for hair proteins and, because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, is able to penetrate inside the hair shaft. Mineral oil, being a hydrocarbon, has no affinity for proteins and therefore is not able to penetrate and yield better results. In the case of sunflower oil, although it is a triglyceride of linoleic acid, because of its bulky structure due to the presence of double bonds, it does not penetrate the fiber, consequently resulting in no favorable impact on protein loss.

I'm 'bout to go buy me some more coconut oil!
NappyParadise said:
Thanks Ladies! P1 you are right, our hair is versatile, I will try everything that is posted here and 9x's out 10 it won't work but I tried it.

Imstush what is JBCO?

As far as the oils I have tried Olive,Coconut but they just sit on my hair and I used it on wet/damp hair.

But even though we all might have the same texture Our hair will misbehave and become picky LOL!!!!!

Just saw this, was too lazy to read all posts before. Thought I was on to something, oh well.

My hair loves coconut oil though.
Hello! Another natural hair sis whose hair seems to not like the butters, oils, etc. I've tried using them on wet and dry hair. I've tried using different (lesser) amounts. Same outcome: just sits on my hair.

To date, it appears that my hair responds best to water, conditioner, and gel.
I have a few points to make:

1) Make sure the shea butter you are using is unrefined. That is a big one b/c refined shea butter is nowhere as good a unrefined shea. Unrefined shea butter is yellow in color and has a nutty smell. A way to combat the dulling affect of shea is to put a lil butter in your hand and a lil oil(I like jojoba), rub hands together and then try it in your hair

2)Have you tried using vegetable glycerin by itself and not in a commercial product? Is the area you're in right now very cold b/c glycerin pulls moisture out of the air. You might want to try mixing the glycerin in a bottle with some water.

3) Oils by itself don't moisturize your hair. It coats the strand either blocking moisture from getting in or coming out and are best to use after already moisturizing the hair.

4) Your hair just might not like them and thats ok
Sar-I said:
Just saw this, was too lazy to read all posts before. Thought I was on to something, oh well.

My hair loves coconut oil though.

Thank You so much Sar-I! But this might all change when my hair grows out Longer, because right now I think I have an inch because I trimmed off an inch after henna/indigo left to dry. But my hair might like all these oils and butter but just not right now.


(1) Yes I have only Purchased Unrefined from

(2)Yes and it just doesn't work/ no it's not cold here

(3)Don't like too much products in my hair if I moisturize then the added oil might be too much.

(4)You Are Absolutely Right:D

But like I said this might be because My hair hasn't grown all the way out yet, I will say in about 6-7 months from now It might be different:grin:
my hair is picky too, but what works at one length sometimes doesn't work at a longer one. like i started using shea butter when my hair was pretty short, then i hated it and all other oils/ im back using oils everyday and i love them.

so maybe when your hair gets longer, you'll be able to use them.
Yeah Isubabiedee, I think that is what will happen, But I do feel in about 7 months it might all be different as it will have grown out softer and longer and probably won't need much products Ooooooooh I Can't wait LOL!!!!!!
my hair hates shea butter as well as glycerin. they didn't work when my hair was short and they don't work now. i really want to try the qhemet products i don't know if i want to spend that much on a regulary basis. i go through products so fast.