Adding KomazaCares's Stinky Stuff to my DC? Should I?...


Well-Known Member
My 10 billion questions/ Back Story/ Rant/ Whatever else I spew:

I told my self I was going to utilize this product topically, BUT this idea twas a major fail. Its not the products fault though; My hair simply can/will not allow me to apply any type of sulfur oil (it contains MSM) without dryness and shawty don't want no mo' setbacks, NUN YA HEA'!:nono:.

So the game plan is to use up this ridiculously expensive 'stinky' stuff is to start using it as a additive to my weekly dc mix. Now my only issue with this idea is the sulfur. Do you guys think it will counteract the moisture my DC supplies? I know QB has MSM in both her moisturizers, BBC and AOHC and they are both awesome. Its also has this Biotinyl-GHK stuff, which is suppose to be better then Minoxidil a.k.a Rogaine. Which also worries me because with minoxidil you have to continue use or you can risk hair fall out, Is biotinyl-GHK similar?

AHHHHHHH :wallbash:! This is why you research before you buy and not because your inner PJ (Alana, yes I named her :lol:) said so. Now I'm scramblin' like a chicken with my head cut off for answers before my wash tomorrow. :lachen:

I don't think it's a good idea. The product is not for the hair, but the scalp. The ingredients are strong (I know, I have it). You should contact the ladies at Komaza and ask about it, they're very helpful.

Is this something you are spraying on? Is it possible to put it in an applicator bottle and apply it directly to your scalp? Does it work differently then?

Perhaps you can apply it the night before wash day and then wash it out the next day with better effects.
Maybe you can list it on the Exchange Forum?

From what I've read, there are several folks that use the product.

You might get a hit.

I wouldn't use it that way, because as other posters have said: It's meant for the Scalp not Length.

My scalp hates anything with sulfur in starts flaking not a good look with flakes all through out your