2017 Hair Growth And Weight Loss Challenge (jan-dec)


Well-Known Member
New year, new you!!

Well, Ladies, can we do it? Absolutely! We're getting a bit of a late start to the year but it's never too late to get.your.life.

Challenge runs from January 8 - December 31, 2017
We will do updates at the end of March, June, September and December.

Special note: Sometimes the scale can be a liar!
You're working your butt off, eating right, lifting weights, cutting sugar and reducing carbs and that scale won't budge! The remedy to that is to not rely solely on the scale to determine your progress. I strongly recommend taking at least one accurate body measurement like your waist, thigh, or hips to see if you are losing inches. To make sure you're measuring in the same place each time, have someone take a picture while you hold the measuring tape.

Here are some links I've found helpful recently:

The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine
What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off?
Beginner Workouts – The Best Workout Routines For Beginners
The Beginner Weight Training Workout Routine

We need to hold each other accountable! Please post any challenges and successes, particularly any non-scale victories (NSVs!)

If you want in, just like this post and submit your stats (photos are optional)

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2017 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
How you will achieve goal:

1. HappyAtLast
2. YvetteWithJoy
3. Aggie
4. NCHairDiva
6. KinksAndInk
7. BellaRose
8. faithVA
9. W04andia
10. prettywhitty
12. Prettymetty
13. NaturalShe94
14. Alma Petra
15. IronButterfly
16. Original Beauty
18. von rose
19. ArtsyCurls
Group Goals

  • Substitute water for at least one sugary drink per day (soda, southern ice tea, sugar-filled coffees - you know, all those lattes, frappes, cappuccinos, etc)
  • 3 workouts per week (minimum of 30 minutes)
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Thanks so much for hosting, @BellaRose.

Hair Goals
  • Current Length:
    Crown: 9.5"
    Back: 7.5

  • 2017 Goal Length:
    Crown: 16+"
    Back: 14+"

  • Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:

  • How you will achieve goal:
    (1) I protect my ends by saturating them with a mixture of NetWurks Custard and jojoba oil after every wash.
    (2) I protect my hair when I'm sleeping at night.
    (3) I style my hair such that tangles and knots are minimized.
    (4) I get a trim every 3-4 months or as needed.
    (5) I maintain the protein-moisture balance of my hair.
    (6) I minimize mechanical damage to my hair from detangling, styling, etc.
    (7) I follow a hair care regimen that utilizes products with healthy and/or growth ingredients.
    (8) I take collagen along with cod oil (the latter helps uptake of the former), I take iron along with apple cider (the vitamin C helps iron uptake), I take a multi-vitamin, and I take either Maxiumum Vibrance or a Hair, Skin, and Nails supplement.
Weight/Fitness Goals
  • Current Weight:
    139.0 lbs, key measurement is 34.5"
  • Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
    Between 115 and 125 lbs; flat and toned stomach
  • How you will achieve goal:
    (1) The first thing on my stomach every morning is an ACV-lemon juice-ginger-cayenne pepper-cinnamon-honey detox drink.
    (2) I eat in accordance with a healthy Paleo eating plan. I keep it simple to cause compliance:
    -- Breakfast is often a smoothie.
    -- Lunch/dinner is often a protein-and-kale/spinach-containing salad, a sandwich or burger, sweet potato hash, or the 7-day Cabbage Soup Diet with a protein such as grass-fed ground beef, salmon, turkey, chicken, chicken sausage, etc.
    -- To keep it fun and add variety, I try a new Paleo recipe every week or so.
    (3) I do strength training and an abs workout on M, W, and F.
    I do cardio on Tu, Th, and Sa.
    (4) I take vitamins.
    (5) I keep my stress down.
    (6) Every now and then I incorporate fun exercise, such as a dance class, a swimming class, a kettlebell class, volleyball, dance game or Rabbids or such with my oldest on the Xbox, etc.
    (7) I eat grapefruit often -- nearly daily.
I saved my motivating pic as my phone wallpaper, and I can hardly wait to be sexy by summer!

To gorgeous, healthy hair and bodies in 2017, ladies!
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Hair Goals
Current Length: Front:12" slightly past APL , Left:11" APL, right: 10.5" slightly short of APL , Back: 11" slightly short of BSL
2017 Goal Length: Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal:
Low manipulation and protective styles, moisture/protein balance. My hair is braided at the root and twisted the length and styled in a canerow/cornrow down the back of my head. Will try to keep this in for the month. Moisturise and seal every other day and wash once a week.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 70.6kg/ 155lbs
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 65kg/145 lbs
How you will achieve goal:
To start off the year, I am taking some free self defense classes for January up to Carnival (Trinidad) in February. I am also combining that with walking the 14 flights of stairs to get to my office. Major leg and lung burn. lol. Will be doing that for the time being. Drinking more water, eating less snacks.
Thanks @BellaRose

Hair Goals
Current Length: APL+
2017 Goal Length: MBL (WL would be nice! :D)
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed (No scheduled time to touch-up as of now. I'm 16 weeks post.)
How you will achieve goal: 1st quarter is wig time. I have a lot to accomplish regarding school and graduating and getting my credentials, so for simplicity's sake, I'll be wigging it. I will wash and DC every 1 or 2 weeks and keep my hair braided under wigs. I'll be moisturizing with BRX braid spray while under wigs.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: January 1 was 226 lbs, January 6 was 222.8, so I'm down 3.2 lbs.
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: Lose 10 lbs by end of March. 6.8 more pounds to go. End of year goal is to be at my ideal weight of 186 lbs. (36.8 pounds to go)
How you will achieve goal: Interval Walking challenge, heavy duty fresh veggie intake, reduction of alcohol.
I want in!!! I will post my hair and weight stats in the next few days. As I'm just taking down my protective style and still deep conditioning! My goal is to reach full MBL by Dec 2017...
Now, for my weight. Im not sure how much I weigh however I do want to get in control of my diet. I will post those stats in the next day or so as well.
My plan is to juice and eat salads weekly.
Today's strength training and abs workout just completed. Morning detox drink was had, as was my morning smoothie. I ate a Paleo-compliant sandwich for lunch. Will have a salad containing carved turkey for dinner.

Little water had. Collagen and cod oil had. Need to take my iron and multivitamin. Still recovering from travel, so dragging a little. And I still need to do my hair!
Today was the start of week two of the defense class. I'm thinking after the first month of that i should do some strength training on the days i don't have the class.
I'm eating steamed veggies with fish right now and drinking water. Although i think this is late to be eating. Decided to try eating fish and veggies in the evening, try to incorporate them one or the other somehow. I'll take my iron supplement after. I'm forgetting to take it these days.
Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays are my cardio days.

I typically do a jump roping routine, ride my exercise bike according to a program (interval training), or do a cardio DVD workout.

I'm school-girl excited that today I will get my cardio in by learning The Fitness Marshall's routine to Bruno Mars's "Perm." Like, shout-out excited (my husband would have second-hand embarrassment at my quirky giddiness about this). Once I get the moves down slightly, I'll invite my oldest (six years old) to do it with me. HE LOVES to dance and will be so geeked that I want him working out with me and, to boot, it's DANCE. :love2: :smile:

I'm still getting adjusted to my new class schedule so that will determine my exercise schedule. I hate getting into a routine then having to switch things up at the last minute. Tomorrow I'll get the info for my preceptorship and then I can plan everything else accordingly.

I'm also struggling to find quick, healthy breakfast ideas that don't require a ton of meal prep. I'm tired of yogurt and almond butter biscuits lol. I'm not big on eating in the morning (usually have my first meal after 12) but I'm trying to eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of eating once or twice a day which ends up being extremely unhealthy meals. Back to Pinterest I go.
I clicked on a link from this thread's OP and thus tried the beginner's workout it mentioned.

I guess I'm intermediate? That workout was a little too simple and definitely didn't burn. So, I will check out the intermediate workout.

A good side-effect: At least the workout got me onto my husband's Total Gym knock-off, Weider Ultimate Bodyworks, rowing and doing squats. I prefer squats on this thing! Good to know! :smile:

Had an AWESOME detangling session. I posted all the details at the Updated Detangling Wisdom as of 2016 (or whatever the title is) thread. Hair is currently twisted up feeling oh, so buttery and soft, under my black SLAP.

When I get a chance, I will do a highly gelled, shingled wash-and-go that I've been excited to try to see if it will reduce/prevent tangling. Prior, wng's have given my hair knots and tangles. I never shingled for wng's, though, because of the time involved. However, I'm currently manipulating my hair kind of a lot now, with all the detangling and twisting and threading and so forth. And to boot, the twisting and threading are taking time! I might as well try shingling to see if it is lower manipulation, since whatever I'm currently doing seems to require time. I know that once my hair is pony-tailable again styling becomes a breeze, so I have the patience to try these things in the meanwhile.

Wish me luck! Lord above, please let a highly gelled, shingled wash-and-go hardly tangle and take only a super manageable amount of time!​
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Still in twists, waiting for me to try the wash-and-go.
My plan:
  1. Cleanse: 22nd Century Natural Woman shampoo bar
  2. Liquid: Chime's moisturizing spritz recipe with a tiny tweak
  3. Cream leave-in: Soultanicals Cotton Candy Hair Fluff- Leave In Softerizer (I purchased it for the boys but will try it, too :smile: )
  4. Oil: jojoba oil
  5. Ends: mixture of NetWurks custard and jojoba oil
  6. Edges and scalp: NetWurks spray
  7. Style: Highly gelled, shingled wash-and-go
I'm doing well. :up: I'm already down 1.5 pounds this week. I've kept to my exercise schedule and have eaten Paleo and taken my supplements (missed some iron on one day). I need to uptake my water intake.

Tomorrow is cardio, and I will likely do more of The Fitness Marshal videos (really love the videos, the joy in them, and the workout from them). I found another YouTube channel that looks great! Most of the videos look awesome, but I think I'm going to start with their Beginner's Playlist, working out by starting to learn some or all of the following (one sample video included below):
  1. Somebody
  2. Don't Wanna Know
  3. Just Girly Things
  4. Pretty Girl Rock
  5. Can't Stop the Feeling
  6. Lifted
  7. Don't Mind
  8. My Jam
Leaving home now for defense class. Didn't walk the stairs in work today. Didn't have the energy. Only made 5 floors. lol So I considered today as a rest day for my legs.

For my hair i redid the outer area of my head. I was looking like i had a ras. Think i will take them out this weekend and do chunky twists instead.
I'm in

Hair Goals
Current Length: NL
2017 Goal Length: APL, at least grazing.
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Will work on growth internally and work on retention externally.
I am doing a GI diet to restore my GI and my flora.
Continue to increase my fruit and veggie servings and minimize sugar. Stay low to moderate on carbs.
Vitamins and supplements daily.
Cardio 3 to 4 times a week.
I bought some collagen but I will start it later.
Still working on the scalp massages
Drink 70+ oz of water daily

Keep my hair in protective styles
Wash/Water Rinse every week or 2 weeks
Moisturize every 3 to 4 days
Dust my ends every 8 to 12 weeks
Use oil blend with eo/s at least twice a week
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Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 146.0
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 139? I'm not sure.
How you will achieve goal:
Stick with my GI Diet and keep my servings of fruits and vegetables high and sugars and carbs low.
Workout 3 to 4 times a week
Gradually add a dumbbell routine to my cardio

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Additional Goals
I want to complete a 50 mile bike ride by September and still feel great when I finish.
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Hi, all!

Just poppin' in to say hello and post an update! :smile: Hope everyone is well!

Hair is in a highly gelled puff. Ends seem fine! I didn't exercise yesterday (time of the month). Perhaps I will on Sunday, but probably not today, either.

I found some really inspirational planner notepad pages that don't cost much but might be helpful in establishing the habit of drinking water, thinking positively, exercising, etc.


Daily planning notepad page: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/that-girl-2017-challenge.808113/page-5#post-23530275

Weekly planning notepad page: https://longhaircareforum.com/threa...ur-best-year-ever.807519/page-9#post-23530271

Blessings! :sunshine:
This morning I used the 22nd Century Peppermint shampoo bar and it sud up really good plus it cleaned my hair without stripping it. I now have some Annabelle's Moisturizing Conditioner on my hair.

One thing I should make a note of. After I rinsed out the 22nd Century Conditioner and washed with the shampoo bar and rinsed that out, my hair felt light and it clumped beautifully. I do like how the 22nd Century DC feels on my hair though even though it's very oily.

These I will not use to detangle with but they work well together to clean and condition the hair. Hence my reason for using the APB DC.They do have that herbally smell to them but not in a bad way to me.
How are you ladies doing?
Exercise is going great. I'm sore today, but at least it was from activity! My goal for this first quarter is to lose 10 lbs, and I feel that's very attainable.

As far as hair, I plan to get a wig, but I haven't yet. In the meantime, I washed and DC yesterday and then blow dried it. I'm not thrilled with it though. I'm really starting to understand that my hair likes to be styled from wet - my styles last longer and I can incorporate more leave-in conditioner to keep it moisturized and strong.
I am down 4 pounds to 135.0 pounds. Woot!
The key measurement is down from 34.5" to 33.5." Woot!

I have not done a great job with getting in my water. I have done only an okay job with my supplements. I will work on both this upcoming week.

Today I did The Fitness Marshall with my oldest. (Aside: It wasn't cardio day, but I was unable to use my exercise equipment today.) Some of the dancing in The Fitness Marshall vidoes was sexy, and he threw a little fit about it. SMH. ;) I'll try a different channel next time I invite him.​

Hair is uber-moisturized! Either Chime's moisturizing spritz or the Soultanicals Softerizer . . . or the combo . . . is giving me moisture for DAYS.​