Retaining length for fine hair ladies


Hi Ladies, what are you fine hair ladies doing to retain the length you are growing. Please explain how you are maintaining your length. What is your length.
Mainly low manipulation. I rollerset once a week, then finger comb it into a protective style or updo. My ends have stayed thick by doing this. I'm just scraping APL
Low manipulation and protective styling/moisturizing.
ETA I am layered CBL- almost BSB
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Deep conditioning w/ heat has been the single most important thing that has helped me retain, that and stretching my relaxers out from the 5-6 weeks, I use to get them.
Oh how could I forget to mention protein on a regular basis? I always use reconstructor weekly, then follow up with a moisturizing DC. My favs are Joico k-pak and ultra sheen duo tex.
I am fine, dense, and mostly coarse. I am so over the whole protective styling (twists) and no heat. I thought I was giving my hair a break and all I ended up with were even more tangles.

Almond Eyes
I am fine, dense, and mostly coarse. I am so over the whole protective styling (twists) and no heat. I thought I was giving my hair a break and all I ended up with were even more tangles.

Almond Eyes

That's the exact same problem my mother had. A lot of people use a little heat to help prevent tangles. My mother actually just started putting grease on her ends, and it has tremendously helped keep the tangles away. I don't think I've heard her threaten her hair with a relaxer since she started.

As for me, my hair length is uneven between my chin and shoulders. The best way I've been able to retain length is to use a water based moisturizer (the more water is has, the better it seems to function).
little to no manipulation.
i'm comin up on 15 wks post and only comb/detangle once every 10-14 days.
dc overnight on dry hair
whole head baggy when sleeping
wet baggy/bun during the day.
cowash 3-7 times a week.
leave ins and sealing with oils
Oh how could I forget to mention protein on a regular basis? I always use reconstructor weekly, then follow up with a moisturizing DC. My favs are Joico k-pak and ultra sheen duo tex.

This is EXTREMELY important. Since incorporating a light protein in my weekly regimen, my hair has retained a heck of a lot more growth in the past 3-4 months.
This is EXTREMELY important. Since incorporating a light protein in my weekly regimen, my hair has retained a heck of a lot more growth in the past 3-4 months.

What do you use for protein? How often do you use protein compared to moisture only products?
Very low manipulation... which is detangle and rebraid every 2 weeks for me
co wash once a week
moisturise and seal ends everyday
no heat eva
lite protien treatments when needed
use leave ins after woashes or co wash
use poo only on scalp as needed- to prevent dryness in hair

im newly natural. Neck length.
Protein/Moisture balance for sure. Nexxus Emergencee once per week has been the best so far. I DC twice per week, once with ORS Replenishing Pak and once with Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose. I stopped using Aphogee 2 Min because I saw no strength from it and still had breakage. It's more like a conditioner than a strengthening protein treatment in my opinion. Not worth the cost of it that's for sure. I have used the Aphogee 2 Step and I liked it, but it should only be used every 6 weeks or so because it really hardens the hair. But after a few weeks I needed another protein treatment. I chose to start using Nexuss Emergencee instead because I can use it once per week with fantastic results and I still have soft hair with 0 breakage!

No heat whatsoever (not even to DC) my fine hair hates heat of any kind. No heat has made a HUGE difference for me. Rollersetting and gently pinning up my hair instead of twisting and buns. I do like braid outs with curled ends though. So far I'm thicker and retaining length. I tried flat ironing a couple months back and was thinning and breaking. Cutting out heat immediately and all together and trimming the ends that I ruined helped a lot.
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thank ladies this is so cool. do you find with all the moisture you hair gets weak and mushy. and how many times a month do you do a protein tretment. Also how often do you trim or dust.
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What do you use for protein? How often do you use protein compared to moisture only products?

I use Aphogee 2 min, Baba de Caracol, or BPT Wheat Germ. They are in order from strongest to lightest. I use one of these once weekly with oils and sometimes coconut milk added.

I use moisture-only products everyday because I am transitioning. Following this regimen...let's see...I cut my hair to mid-neck length blowdried in the beginning of March to jump-start my transition. It it now blunt bottom-of- neck length blowdried. I will update my fotki when I straighten mid May. I hooope I am grazing shoulder length by then!:rolleyes:

ETA: I dust once a month (1/8th an inch)
Lately, I've been mixing 100% real mayonaise with Aussie moist and this is a great moisturizing treatment. Would this be considered a protein DC?

Also I agree with whoever said the heat bit. My hair gets tangled way too easy.
do you find with all the moisture you hair gets weak and mushy.

When I'm in braids, I don't apply any moisturizer/leave-in, so I don't know what the effect of doing that would be. I only use a moisturizer/leave-in when I need to comb my hair (S Curl) and I only apply it on the day I wash my hair. I baggy every night and it keeps my hair from needing any more moisture until washday.

and how many times a month do you do a protein tretment.

I use a reconstructor every weekend. I alternate between GPB and Emergencée. I have never used a pure protein on my hair.

Also how often do you trim or dust.

Ideally, I'd like to do it every 6 - 8 weeks like I used to do it back in 2001-2003 when I think my hair was the healthiest it's ever been and it grew so steadily and well. But I've become so lazy at keeping a I just do it when I think of it. I usually do it when I redo a braid, so sometimes I'll just do it coz the ends of the hair feel a little too think for my liking.
thank ladies this is so cool. do you find with all the moisture you hair gets weak and mushy. and how many times a month do you do a protein tretment. Also how often do you trim or dust.

I was using Nexxus Emergencee every other week and I liked it alot, but I have a problem finding it in my area (I guess the word is out) and my hair was sad and breaking and shedding without it. So I tried the Aphogee 2 step last week, it was messy and stinky but it definitely made my hair stronger. Use a developer-like bottle to apply it if you try it, I had the 1 application packets. The Moisture balancing cond it comes with is a must, then a deeep moist DC after. My shedding decreased immediately. I'm planning to use it as needed but never more than every 6 weeks. I've never had a problem with too much moisture. I always need more.

I don't dust or trim or cut unless I need to.
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Low manipulation is the way to go for me. I do protective styling. I have started steaming my hair and putting it in two french braids. I pop a wig on it every day. I also started using henna. It makes my hair so luscious. Also, I'm going to opt out of regular trims. The last time I had some length is b/c I controlled when I got my trims, not my stylist. We'll see what happens.
Great thread! So far for me (BSB, not quite claiming BSL)

- no ponytail holders ("safe" or not), no bobby pins.
- lots of PSing with hairpins in bun twisted on top of head ballerina style
- using as little products/ingredients as possible to avoid buildup
- no cones, no wax
- no heat
- protein
- moisturize with water/glycerin spray, EVCO, DCing
- detangling dry (works for me- was getting breakage while wet, go figure) from bottom up in sections nightly with this amazing seamless comb and gentle finger combing.
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I've been scraping APL for the last year. I don't know if I'm there yet, but I'm 35 weeks post and won't be doing a length check for a while.

My hair is very fine and I need protein. I use it every week or every other week.

Pre-poo with olive oil or protein conditioner
Deep condition with heat for 25 minutes
Add leave ins
Rollerset, bun or braid

I also use the Aphogee 2 step every 6-9 weeks. I love that stuff.
Oh how could I forget to mention protein on a regular basis? I always use reconstructor weekly, then follow up with a moisturizing DC. My favs are Joico k-pak and ultra sheen duo tex.

ITA, weekly protein is really important and it doesn't necessarily have to be an official protein treatment. I use Chi Silk Infusion and Nexxus Humectress (even though it's labeled as a moisturizing conditioner, it has Hydrolyzed Keratin).
Good Thread for the Fine Hair Folks :up:

I have very fine relaxed hair and I have to use protein every wash. However, I always follow with a heavy lathering of Elucence MBC. My hair has to stay strong or it will break, even though I'm a no-comber/lo-mani. I moisturize and seal daily. Some of my protein products include Joico K-Pak Recons., Aveda DR, Megatek (scalp only), Dudley's DRC, Cathy Howse UBH. I moisturize everyday with Elucence sprinkled with water and seal with Vatika and/or Shescentit Seyani HB.

Addtitional tips I use:
  • always parting my hair down the middle and keeping it this way during washing and conditioning (i.e., no multi-directional manipulation during the wash/cond process)
  • limited use of products with cones
  • pre-pooing and detangling with a comb prior to washing once I get deep in my stretch
  • if washing with shampoo deep in the stretch, I use a moisturizing cond (i.e., Elucence, Aubrey HSR, etc.) which is combed through under running water prior to using any protein and this ensures that the protein will not lock my hair up
  • my final step is ALWAYS with a moisturizing cond (Elucence) which is combed through and rinsed under running water
IMHO, fine hair is also more prone to split ends and loses it's shape quicker than thicker hair. Consequently, I cannot go for months on end (i.e., over 3 -4) without a trim. I purposely tested this theory on 2 separate occasions and my hair continuously had to be cut back to APL.

I hope this helps someone.