To relax or not

Right now I'm 9 weeks post relaxer and taking swim classes. Usually I would be thinking about relaxing in a week, but since I'm swimming I don't want to relax until my class is over in 8 weeks. My plan is to get cornrows for 3 weeks, rest one week, and then cornrow again for 3 more weeks. What should I do relax or cornrow? What do you think would be the best option for my hair, it's double processed relaxed and hi-lites. Thanks
I say cornrows, since your going to braid it right up, maybe you should just strech your relaxer during swimming season or whatever and keep it cornrowed while keep it shampooed after swim class to wash out the chlorine. I guess at least 1wk but 2wks would be better, before you relax remove you cornrows and use a strengthening poo and conditioner to get ready for the relaxer.HTH