Thicker Fuller Hair Challenge 2013


Trixie58 I agree 100% with jewell. Stretching, Heavy M&s'in and protective styling (low to no manipulation) is how I was able to grow my bald nape to shoulder length. Its still pretty short considering im almost BSL but im still happy with my progress.

a sew is fine as long as it done correctly. If done incorrectly it can cause more harm then good. What about a wig. This way you can remove it daily and moisturize and seal your braids and also wash biweekly or even weelky if you wanted.

EnExitStageLeft I think that's a good idea I have a wig at home. I have used sew-ins before and my hair came out luscious and thick, but wigs have broken never been as easy for me to rock, even to the point that I can never put them on correctly :lachen:I am not going to the same person that did my last sew-in though, because she is in the midwest and I'm in NYC now. But I don't think it's necessary for me to fly out of town. I think I have chosen a good person, she is very concerned with hair health and pretty well-known. She has grown out a lot of other people's hair so I am confident she'll help me get my thickness back.
EnExitStageLeft I think that's a good idea I have a wig at home. I have used sew-ins before and my hair came out luscious and thick, but wigs have broken never been as easy for me to rock, even to the point that I can never put them on correctly :lachen:I am not going to the same person that did my last sew-in though, because she is in the midwest and I'm in NYC now. But I don't think it's necessary for me to fly out of town. I think I have chosen a good person, she is very concerned with hair health and pretty well-known. She has grown out a lot of other people's hair so I am confident she'll help me get my thickness back.

Sounds like you have a solid plan missy lol
Sounds like you have a solid plan missy lol

EnExitStageLeft and Jewell, I'm reading through posts on sew-ins and they all suggest leaving "edges" out of the sew-in. Does this mean I need to leave my nape out? I mean that's the main area I need to grow out. Or are folks just talking about around my forehead and ears? I thought the hair behind my ears needs to be braided also because my nape is broken off in a u-shape.
Sounds like you have a solid plan missy lol

EnExitStageLeft and Jewell, I'm reading through posts on sew-ins and they all suggest leaving "edges" out of the sew-in. Does this mean I need to leave my nape out? I mean that's the main area I need to grow out. Or are folks just talking about around my forehead and ears? I thought the hair behind my ears needs to be braided also because my nape is broken off in a u-shape.

Yes they mean front edges of your hair. Sometimes they leave out the nape when they want to wear the hair up into a ponytail. However, since you are in the process of growing out the nape I suggest that you let the stylist know that you are trying to restore this part of you hair and it needs to be thoroughly and properly protected (I.e not left out). Try to stress it because if you don't she may not get the severity of the situation.

Yes they mean front edges of your hair. Sometimes they leave out the nape when they want to wear the hair up into a ponytail. However, since you are in the process of growing out the nape I suggest that you let the stylist know that you are trying to restore this part of you hair and it needs to be thoroughly and properly protected (I.e not left out). Try to stress it because if you don't she may not get the severity of the situation.

EnExitStageLeft I gotcha, I will make sure that part is braided. The whole point of this sew-in is to grow out my nape and other breakage, so I'll plan to have that conversation from jump. Did you post your weave reggie in any of the other forums?
@EnExitStageLeft I gotcha, I will make sure that part is braided. The whole point of this sew-in is to grow out my nape and other breakage, so I'll plan to have that conversation from jump. Did you post your weave reggie in any of the other forums?

LOL! I've actually never worn weave. But my mom is a weave enthusiast and I wash, DC, and care for her hair, just I do to mine. Her nape was shaved from a Halle Berry cut she had 10 months ago. She is now full collar bone length from wonderwrap braids and sew in's. She's currently in wonderwraps right now and her hair is definitely thriving.

Her Regimen:

I wash her hair every week with Diluted Sulfur 8 Shampoo and follow with diluted Creme of Nature Shampoo (Sunflower and Coconut). Both are her staples.

I then Deep Condition with a diluted mixture of either Olive Oil and NuNaat Karite Butter Masque or Olive Oil and Aussie 3 minute Miracle. Both are also her staples. I apply it using a applicator bottle so that I can put it on every individual braid.

Once I rinse her DC. I think oil her scalp with Bee Mine Oil Serum (sulfur oil, its her favorite she loves both their scents). I then mist her hair with oyin Juice and berries and seal it all with olive oil.

She also moisturizes every night with these same products.

My mom is into haircare also. Not as heavily as me, but she has a nice little stash. All the products I mention about are hers and not mine. I'm not going to lie though. Ive wanted to snake that Juices and Berries a couple times. She has like 4 bottles of everything I mentioned above :lol:.

Between installs, She goes to our stylist for touch ups (she gets a relaxer every 2 and 1/2 months, <10 weeks to 11 weeks>). I would do it, but I only know how to texlax :lol:. She likes it bone straight with just a little bit of texture for fullness. However, when she just wants a length check I flat iron and blow dry for her. She wears her hair this way for two weeks and then gets her weave re-installed (this is also the case when she gets a relaxer).

Her regimen for Straight Hair:

I use the the same shampoos mentioned above (undiluted of course :lol)

I then DC with the same DC's above (undiluted of course)

I apply NunAat Silicone Leave In Conditioner and Mizani Thermasmooth Serum

I then blow dry

I then lightly Mist with Dove Heat protectant and allow it to dry a bit

and flat iron.

She wraps it at night with a satin scarf and uses hot rollers (she uses the Dove Heat Protectant before applying) for a curl in the morning.

(All products above are hers, :lol: Mama got a bit of a stash. I wish she would give up the Cones though, but she loves them.)

Thats her regimen in a nut shell.

Sorry about the typos. I sent this from my phone :(
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LOL! I've actually never worn weave. But my mom is a weave enthusiast and I wash, DC, and care for her hair, just I do to mine. Her nape was shaved from a Halle Berry cut she had 10 months ago. She is now full collar bone length from wonderwrap braids and sew in's. She's currently in wonderwraps right now and her hair is definitely thriving.

Her Regimen:

I wash her hair every week with Diluted Sulfur 8 Shampoo and follow with diluted Creme of Nature Shampoo (Sunflower and Coconut). Both are her staples.

I then Deep Condition with a diluted mixture of either Olive Oil and NuNaat Karite Butter Masque or Olive Oil and Aussie 3 minute Miracle. Both are also her staples. I apply it using a applicator bottle so that I can put it on every individual braid.

Once I rinse her DC. I think oil her scalp with Bee Mine Oil Serum (sulfur oil, its her favorite she loves both ther scents). I then mist her hair with oyin Juice and berries and seal it all with olive oil.

She also moisturizes every night with these same products.

My mom is into haircare also. Not as heavily as me, but she has a nice little stash. All the products I mention about are hers and not mine. I'm not going to lie though. Ive wanted to snake that Juices and Berries a couple times. She has like 4 bottles of everything I mentioned above :lol:.

Between installs, She goes to our stylist for tough ups (she gets a relaxer every 2 and 1/2 months, <10 weeks). I would do it, but I only know how to texlax :lol:. She likes it bone straight with just a little bit of texture for fullness. However, when she just wants a length check I flat iron and blow dry for her. SHe wears her hair this way for two weeks and then gets her weave re-installed (this is also the case when she gets a relaxer).

Her regimen for Straight Hair:

I use the the same shampoos mentioned above (undiluted of course :lol)

I then DC with the same DC's above (undiluted of course)

I apply NunAat Silicone Leave In Conditioner and Mizani Thermasmooth Serum

I then blow dry

I then lightly Mist with Dove Heat protectant and allow it to dry a bit

and flat iron.

She wraps it at night with a satin scarf and uses hot rollers (she uses the Dove Heat Prtectant before applying) for a curl in the morning.

(All products above are hers, :lol: Mama got a bit of a stash. I wish she would give up the Cones though, but she loves them.)

Thats her regimen in a nut shell.

EnExitStageLeft this is amazing and will be a good blueprint for me. There's no protein on here though and I am protein deprived so that may be my only adjustment. Any suggestions on working that in? I'm sorry for so many questions.

I'm sorry, I totally forgot to mention that. For protein treatments once a month I add a egg to her dc and olive oil mixture. Her hair is low poro. so her hair thrives of very little protein.

I'm sorry, I totally forgot to mention that. For protein treatments once a month I add a egg to her dc and olive oil mixture. Her hair is low poro. so her hair thrives of very little protein.

Thank you so much EnExitStageLeft. I will likely do them more than once a month since I think part of the reason my hair broke is because I didnt use enough protein. I need it. Probably Nexuss Emergencee once every two or three weeks, or if I can't apply it correctly I'll have my stylist do periodic Aphogee treatments a few times a month. I don't know how to thank you for giving me a reggie, I'm going to follow it, although the only thing I have in my stash is Aussie Moist so I guess I'm off to I was washing my hair tonight thinking, I wonder if EnExitStageLeft could add me to her client list along with her Mum! Wishful thinking :ohwell:

Washed tonight with alter ego and did a protein treatment and got no hair shedding at all, although I find that when I sit in the mirror and play with it, I'll see some breakage hairs. I will probably have her trim the broken areas before she braids me if you think it's a good idea.

First off thanks for the sweet compliments. My mama loves her hair, but prefers if someone else does the major styling. The only thing she does is Moisturize and seal at night :lol:. Definitely a good idea about the trim and then braid. Also, try your hardest to not manipulate you hair, but once a day if possible.

Audrey Sivasothy A.K.A Sistaslick (she use to be a member) wrote a book about how to hone your damage hair back to its optimum health.

The book is called: Hair Care Rehab (I recommend it, if you like good hair reads)

I have it and love it. I follow her damage regimen (even though my hair isn't damage) and have been able to retain a lot of length from it.

Her advice is too:

Chelate 1x to 2x a month depending on how hard the water is in your area. I do it once a month since the water in my area isn't really that hard. (Its a shampoo thats stronger then a clarifying shampoo and has the ability to remove calcium buildup from hard water, you live in NY, so this may be beneficial for you on a bi-weekly basis)

Follow with a sulfate free moisturizing Shampoo

Reconstructive Treatments (once or twice a month)

Follow w/ a moisturizing DC (with heat preferably, she recommends this also)

Apply leave ins

Air dry or Dry using indirect heat, but apply NO DIRECT HEAT! (she stresses this in the section)

and do a low to no manipulation style. (Phony pony,any type of rollerset, wigs, buns, faux buns, braid outs, twist outs and etc.)

Maybe you can chelate, dc, air dry and moisturize before getting your sew in or bring your own products and have her chelate and dc for you, dry your hair on low heat under the dryer and moisturize with whatever moisturizer you supply her with before braiding.

This way you know whats going onto you hair and can properly gauge how your hair is suppose to respond.
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First off thanks for the sweet compliments. My mama loves her hair, but prefers if someone else does the major styling. The only thing she does is Moisturize and seal at night :lol:. Definitely a good idea about the trim and then braid. Also, try your hardest to not manipulate you hair, but once a day if possible.

Audrey Sivasothy A.K.A Sistaslick (she use to be a member) wrote a book about how to hone your damage hair back to its optimum health.

The book is called: Hair Care Rehab (I recommend it, if you like good hair reads)

I have it and love it. I follow her damage regimen (even though my hair isn't damage) and have been able to retain a lot of length from it.

Her advice is too:

Chelate 1x to 2x a month depending on how hard the water is in your area. I do it once a month since the water in my area isn't really that hard. (Its a shampoo thats stronger then a clarifying shampoo and has the ability to remove calcium buildup from hard water, you live in NY, so this may be beneficial for you on a bi-weekly basis)

Follow with a sulfate free moisturizing Shampoo

Reconstructive Treatments (once or twice a month)

Follow w/ a moisturizing DC (with heat preferably, she recommends this also)

Apply leave ins

Air dry or Dry using indirect heat, but apply NO DIRECT HEAT! (she stresses this in the section)

and do a low to no manipulation style. (Phony pony,any type of rollerset, wigs, buns, faux buns, braid outs, twist outs and etc.)

Maybe you can chelate, dc, air dry and moisturize before getting your sew in or bring your own products and have her chelate and dc for you, dry your hair on low heat under the dryer and moisturize with whatever moisturizer you supply her with before braiding.

This way you know whats going onto you hair and can properly gauge how your hair is suppose to respond.

Good advice, EnExitStageLeft SistaSlick aka Audrey Sivasothy also has written quite a few hair articles on Yahoo Voices. I read 3 of them by her on texlaxing hair yesterday.

Welcome! I see y'all have already hopped onto the party bus!:yay:(if you haven't already realized this is my favorite smiley short of :look:!)

Anyhoo, LadyDeeLisa What is your current regimen?

Also after hearing that bit about gelatine I have started eating a jello cup a day. I don't know if its enough gelatine to affect anything but I am sure enjoying it as a low cal snack!:lick: it aint just for the old folks home anymore:lol:
EnExitStageLeft and Jewell, so you are both okay with me getting a sew-in or were you thinking of some other protective style?


I think a sew-in is a great ps you could try. But given the probs with the nape, I dont think you should leave it out. Leaving it out will leave you tempted to utilize heat or relaxers to make it blend with the weave, especially if the weave is of a straight texture. Imo, I think you should get a full sew-in or rock a wig with no leave out in the sew-in. I like sew-ins but had a bad experience where the girl removing it cut out a chunk of my hair (a chunk being 6+"). So im scared to get them myself pending another mishap, but I think they are great when done and maintained properly.

Now wigs, CHYLE I LOVE WIGS. I have about 15 ranging in color from jet black and straight in texture, to honey and platinum blonde curls with styles ranging from half wigs to full lace wigs, length from a chin length bob to classic length, synthetic strands to remy human hair. I became addicted to wigs while going natural a few yrs ago. They helped so much. And, I would still wear them if my SO wasnt turned off by them. Ugh i just hate my poor ladies are sittin in the closet in plastic collecting dust, lol. I see wigs I wanna buy all the time but no point cuz ol'dude dont like em. :/
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It shole aint just for old folks...I been on Jello HARD for yrs and now my daughter will be happy to have some extra around the house! Im also making a habit to eat more boiled eggs for protein as well as FAGE greek yogurt with fruit (pronounced "faa-yeh)." I also picked up 3 boxes of tea today. Two are green tea and one is flavored herbal tea...not sure how or if it'll help my hair but morning tea is relaxing and good for the body (antioxidants).

First off thanks for the sweet compliments. My mama loves her hair, but prefers if someone else does the major styling. The only thing she does is Moisturize and seal at night :lol:. Definitely a good idea about the trim and then braid. Also, try your hardest to not manipulate you hair, but once a day if possible.

Audrey Sivasothy A.K.A Sistaslick (she use to be a member) wrote a book about how to hone your damage hair back to its optimum health.

The book is called: Hair Care Rehab (I recommend it, if you like good hair reads)

I have it and love it. I follow her damage regimen (even though my hair isn't damage) and have been able to retain a lot of length from it.

Her advice is too:

Chelate 1x to 2x a month depending on how hard the water is in your area. I do it once a month since the water in my area isn't really that hard. (Its a shampoo thats stronger then a clarifying shampoo and has the ability to remove calcium buildup from hard water, you live in NY, so this may be beneficial for you on a bi-weekly basis)

Follow with a sulfate free moisturizing Shampoo

Reconstructive Treatments (once or twice a month)

Follow w/ a moisturizing DC (with heat preferably, she recommends this also)

Apply leave ins

Air dry or Dry using indirect heat, but apply NO DIRECT HEAT! (she stresses this in the section)

and do a low to no manipulation style. (Phony pony,any type of rollerset, wigs, buns, faux buns, braid outs, twist outs and etc.)

Maybe you can chelate, dc, air dry and moisturize before getting your sew in or bring your own products and have her chelate and dc for you, dry your hair on low heat under the dryer and moisturize with whatever moisturizer you supply her with before braiding.

This way you know whats going onto you hair and can properly gauge how your hair is suppose to respond.

EnExitStageLeft Doh! I just DC'd before I read this. I used my kerastase shampoo and did a protein treatment, followed by a shampoo with Alter Ego Garlic, and a moisture kick with Aussie Moist for 20 minutes. Just trying to make sure my hair isn't shedding and is a strong and thick as possible before my sew-in on Thursday. I literally had 1 or 2 hairs shed when I combed through with my wide tooth, so I think I am okay. Wow more amazing advice! I will make sure to not bother my hair for the next few days, no manipulation. And I've added the book to my amazon order. I guess I need to pick up the chelating shampoo before my appointment.

xoxoxoxo hugs. I'm trying not to dwell on the setback itself but I learned many lessons that I won't repeat. I'm prayerful that with protective styling & your reggie my hair will be markedly improved in 6 months for my bday. I'm a little like your Mom, I prefer to just do the minimal amount. But I've learned I need to crank it up when the weave comes down and give my hair the TLC it deserves.

I think a sew-in is a great ps you could try. But given the probs with the nape, I dont think you should leave it out. Leaving it out will leave you tempted to utilize heat or relaxers to make it blend with the weave, especially if the weave is of a straight texture. Imo, I think you should get a full sew-in or rock a wig with no leave out in the sew-in. I like sew-ins but had a bad experience where the girl removing it cut out a chunk of my hair (a chunk being 6+"). So im scared to get them myself pending another mishap, but I think they are great when done and maintained properly.

Now wigs, CHYLE I LOVE WIGS. I have about 15 ranging in color from jet black and straight in texture, to honey and platinum blonde curls with styles ranging from half wigs to full lace wigs, length from a chin length bob to classic length, synthetic strands to remy human hair. I became addicted to wigs while going natural a few yrs ago. They helped so much. And, I would still wear them if my SO wasnt turned off by them. Ugh i just hate my poor ladies are sittin in the closet in plastic collecting dust, lol. I see wigs I wanna buy all the time but no point cuz ol'dude dont like em. :/

@Jewell lol! I don't know what my dude will think of my hair but I'm not telling him, I'm just showing up on our next date and telling him it's my Megan Good moment, he has to deal. I mean would he prefer me to walk around with thin hair for the rest of my life? :lol: Girl I am not good with wigs. I always worry that I am putting them on wrong and my head is small, so I would have to get one fitted. Hopefully my sew-in will be done properly... I will definitely get my nape braided and nurse that area with moisture while it's sewn up. xoxoxoxo will update everyone on thursday after the install!!
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i've been oiling my hair with castor oil every night and cowashing with joico kpak. I also have a spray bottle of water with panthenol in it...

I had a couple shed hairs that were unusually thick......i wish all of my hair could get like that!!!!
I relaxed yesterday and I am pretty happy with the results.
My hair has gotten alot thicker.
Its not where I want it to be but thank God its not where it used to be.

so I'm hearing about Jello??? who would have thought?

I relaxed after 14 weeks longest I've ever gone,this will be a continuous thing for me
I will even try to go 16 weeks next time.
stuff I am thinking about adding to my regimen:
henna,ayuverdic powders,more protein(my hair loves it), I may even try gelatin powder.

silica,multivitamin,exercise & J-E-L-L-O :lachen:
So I got a hair cut so...yeah....Instant thickness.

I am so glad i just cut them off. I feel like I was blowing through alot of cash trying to salvage my ends.

I am also never going to wear my hair in a wet bun again because it just ruins my hair. All of my hair broke off in the center of my hair after wearing the bun I was wearing.

Also I think I will avoid using products that are meant for curly hair. It gets me tempted to just be lazy and wet bun (although I can no longer bun at this length) I have binned all of my curly/multi use products and I am just going to use 1-2 lines to help maintain my thickness as I grow it out again.
I am sitting under the dryer as we speak with Dudley's DRC 28, it's my first time using far I like it better than aphogee because it doesn't get sticky on my hands or hard on my hair! You can wear a plastic cap with this stuff! me likey! :yep:

Hair cuts always make for lots of thickness. Your a lot like myself, I simply don't have time to baby "raggedy" ends. I just chop and go about my business. Also, how do you detangle?
bunnie82 Yeah I kept it in the same place. My buns are slicked down with tons of conditioner I don't have time to be "remolding" it everyday. I was expecting this(although not quite as bad) but i was in a total IDGAF mode. Wet bunning just doesnt work for me. It ruins my hemline. It may work for you though.

if it helps the breakage from wet bunning did not mess up my natural hair as much as it does when im transitioning.

added some pics

1-This is a cut I had as a straight haired natural
2- This is after months of wet bunning
3-This is where i started a few weeks ago
4- this is after wet bunning for 2 weeks.
5-My lovely new cut


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Napp *phew* okay thanks!

i usually rotate my bun every few's easier for me bc I cowash every morning now....i also let go of my ouchless scrunchies (that were not so ouchless) and started using spin pins and sometimes good day pins...

Congrats on your fresssshhh ends by the way!!!! I'm doing a trim this weekend as well! :yep: