Spinoff: If you could take a pill to change you natural 4a/b hair

Would you take a pill to go from 4a/b to 3b?

  • Absolutely - I think 3b is ideal

    Votes: 300 41.6%
  • I'd try it, but only if I could go back to 4a/b easily

    Votes: 146 20.2%
  • No way - I think my hair is perfect

    Votes: 275 38.1%

  • Total voters
I wish I was a natural 4a/b. I want afro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think no matter what your hair type is there is always some point that you will want another type. Wheather its a temporary want or an always want. Whenever I see Poobear's hair, I get so jealous because that's how I want my hair to be and it isn't:cry: so I just learn to deal with my type 3 hair and be happy.:yep:
If you had asked me this one year ago, I would have said, "Yes, yes...where is it?" :look: Simply because I didn't know how to manage it.

But now, I would have to say, "No." I have learned so much about my hair since visiting hairboards. I love how thick my hair is, and how nice it looks in a rollerset. All hair types have their issues...I have White friends who would love for their hair to hold curls the way that mine does. I love my 4b, texlaxed hair.
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I think that I'd take the temporary pill. I texlax because my 4a/b hair is so difficult to manage in it's natural state. I don't know that I'd want a permanent change. I might want my big fro back one day.
I vote emphatically No. I LOOOVVVE my natural texture. I get it from my grandma among other traits. I never stress about my hair too much since I mastered my natural texture. I know I can always go back to it. I love my tight waves that curl and curl again. So versatile, because I can control the degree of curl by what I do to it when its wet. I miss it sometimes. When I get tired of being relaxed, I know I will have no hair worries.

ETA: After seeing this thread bumped........In eagerness to post, I didn't realize then that this question was not directed at me. My answer still stands,if it were though.I think we always think the grass is greener somewhere else, but it is really about us getting to know our own hair. Type 3 hair ain't no cakewalk!
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Ooooh you about to set a fire off with this one!



I don't know why people act like going natural is some end-all-be-all statement about blackness and whatnot.

Me? Sure, I'd take a pill to change the texture of my hair for a LITTLE while. It might be fun to try something different and fun. A change doesn't have to be permanent and a change can be fun.

I love my curly natural hair, but I think it'd be fun to have natural THICK wavy hair for a little while. Something entirely different.
Absolutely not. My hair is a gift from my mother and father and changing that would be changing the person that they made. I adore my texture...I just wish there was a little more of it:yep:
I voted to take the pill! And I mean it too lol! I know I should love my hair and I do but the curls when I wash are so pretty and if I add conditioner it is SO pretty then as the air drying goes on my curls jump ship lol I would take the pill because curls are pretty to me :grin: And also although I would never share this with my "other" hair board I will flat iron my hair once I get to my second year and it WILL be great :drunk: I guess I would take the pill because I feel 3b hair would be easier to flat iron, less likely get heat damage and a wash would make my curls come right back with out compromising the texture for heat :yep: Or I could be wrong:rolleyes:
where is this pill? I'm on my way to the store..lol :yep:. My hair is currently 3C, 4A. I would go for the permanent change so i can stop spending all this money getting my hair relaxed. I like wearing my hair straight and that pill would make things a lot easier for me. I also like the option of wearing the wash n go if i'm too lazy to flat iron it.
Yeah I would.

I love how my spongy 4a/b hair looks and feels, but the shrinkage and the frigging TANGLES drive me nuts. Tangles make it harder to retain length, because every time you comb you're essentially giving yourself a jagged haircut. Plus my hair is so dang fragile.

If my hair could look the same, but not tangle at all and have some strong-ass unbreakable strands, I would be content.
No I wouldn't take a pill. I'm natural now and I really like the texture of my hair. I forgot how soft and coily it was. I know I'm going to run into some challenges, but I ran into a lot of them when I was relaxed too. I feel free with my natural texture. I felt kinda like a slave when I was relaxed. I'm careful with my hair now, but I felt like I was walking on eggshells with my relaxed hair.
I think the the difficulty with combing is what turns many people off to 4a/b hair. I'm not gonna front, my hair laughs at combs. All that means to me is that my hair isn't meant to be combed on a regular basis which works just fine for me. In my opinion combing is overrated and the fact that I can't comb my hair doesn't matter to me at all. I think it's all just a matter of perspective. I don't expect nor want nappy hair to behave like looser textured hair and vice versa.

Yeah, I think that is what the problem is. I have not tried to straighten or comb my hair, due to the fact that I don't think my hair would like that too much and I'm scared of the breakage, thinning, and damage those things can do. I think if you try to go against the grain with the way your hair intended to be, then you are going to have major issues with disliking your natural texture.
I don't like Pills. Too dangerous to try to change things that don't need to be changed. You know there would be hella side effects!
I voted yes. Maybe it's because I have a bit of a hard time with my 4a/b hair in it's natural state. I'm just being honest...:look:
I LOoOoOve my 4a/4b hair! But I wouldn't mind seeing myself with temporary 3b/3c hair. But I'd need to be able to go back to my 'fro. ^^
to be honest with you...I luv my hair and it's texture...although I'm relaxed... I luv how a relaxer makes my 4b/a hair lay. the fact that all of our textures are different a perm will make them all lay different...I believe.
I honestly just want my hair longer...thats it. Not straighter or anything. I would probably still have to relax at 3b...I think... in order to get the flatter look.
anyways, i luv to inspect my bumpy 4b/a strands of hair, and feel my ng.
I'm not sure, but I think I wouldn't mind being a natural 4b/a...
when i see long natural hair...i think of all the decent afros that they can wear and then i have to turn my head before i decide to big chop. lol
4b/a kicks major ***, including my own sometimes...lol
I would take a pill not to change my 4b texture but to make it grow right to my waist and not get tangles on the ends of my tiny spirals! Other than that Im straight!
I would take that pill in a SECOND. You'd be like, Hey if you take this pill it'll make your hair 3--

And before you were even done with your sentence that pill'd be in my mouth, baby.

My entire life I have drooled over 3a/3b hair. All the other girls wanted relaxers, but not me. I wanted 3a/3b hair. I wanted to wash my hair, put some moisturizer in it & rock my pretty curls, shaking them in people's faces. :grin:

So when I was 14, I was finally allowed to get a perm & I got a pic of a girl w 3a hair & showed it to my Mom and my hair dresser and said, this is what I want. I want a curly perm(I forget the name of the perm but whatever). They both said that I couldn't get my hair like that. The perm would make me look like I had a really long jerri-curl (my hair was MBL-WSL straight then). After a lot of convincing about how ugly my hair would look, I got a relaxer.

And here I am today. Wanting to punch all the 3a/3b girls on the board in the face.