Relaxing -vs- Texlaxing


New Member
Ok Ladies, remember I'm still a newbie here so go easy on me :)
I'd like to know the difference in Relaxing -vs- Texlaxing
And what are the pros and cons of both?

From MY understanding:
texlaxing involves only straightening the roots, where as relaxing involves straightening roots and proceeding to comb the relaxer all the way through to the ends?

Is this pretty accurate? :perplexed
Relaxing= processing for full time.
Texlaxing= leaving relaxer on for 1/2 the time to intentionallly under process.

Applying root to tip should ONLY be done on virgin hair for both relaxing & texlaxing. For touch ups on both u only need to apply to new growth.

I believe texlaxing is just to loosen the curl whereas relaxing is to completely straighten the curl.
You leave the texlaxer on less than the relaxer so it won't fully "take"
I am natural so this is just what I think not know.

I think the pros of texlaxing would be that you would have the best of both worlds.
Textured hair that hangs more than natural hair and less trouble with reversion and less SSKs and tangles. You can still do wash and gos and it's easier to maintain a straightened style.

Relaxed hair is easier to detangle and you get less SSKs and your length shows more and in some cases causes less damage than straightening once a week would. Some ladies just prefer straight hair and it's less damaging to THEIR hair to chemically straighten rather than put heat on their hair all the time.
Not exactly.
Relaxer should never be applied anywhere but the new growth (unless it's a corrective relaxer to fix underprocessed portions or a virgin relaxer), and it especially should not be combed through. When that happens, the ends get very overprocessed and end up weak, dry, dull, brittle, and eventually break off.

The difference between relaxing and texlaxing is just that when the hair is texlaxed, the relaxer is purposefully rinsed out early, there is still visible texture left in the hair. Hair that is fully relaxed is definitely closer to bone straightness.

Texlaxing the hair has the benefit of looking more interesting, it tends to have more fullness, and stretching can be easier because there's less difference between the relaxed part and the new growth. Also, texlaxed hair generally is exposed to relaxer for shorter periods, so the protein bonds are less broken, and therefore, texlaxed hair has a slight health advantage over relaxed hair. But I think it can be harder to detangle, and it can be hard to get a uniform texture throughout the hair. Also there is shrinkage involved, but that can be a good thing, depending on what someone likes.

Relaxed hair has the benefit of having a uniform texture throughout the hair, there tends to be fewer issues with detangling, no shinkage (but that can be good or bad), and it's easier to wear straight styles.
The disadvantage to relaxed hair is that the hair tends to be less full because there's no texture, the hair is exposed to relaxer for longer periods of time, and stretching can be harder because of the disparity between the natural texture and the relaxed hair.

Thanks for the input ladies :)
I had the whole concept of texlaxing wrong lol, like i said NEWBIE here!
For me its the exact same thing..I've tried to texlax my hair a few times..leave it on for a few minutes and not combing it through...well my hair completely str8ened..even the just for me perm and texturizers str8ened my hair..urggg....thank god I finally fell in luv with my natural texture..
I think the pros of texlaxing would be that you would have the best of both worlds.
Textured hair that hangs more than natural hair and less trouble with reversion and less SSKs and tangles. You can still do wash and gos and it's easier to maintain a straightened style.


I totally agree with you. I use an amonium bisulfate relaxer and my hair still has a lot of texture so it is not bone straight and I don't have hardly as much shrinkage as when I was natural. I think it is the best of both worlds because if I want to rock a fro I could, And now I don't care if I walk in the rain because my hair won't revert.
Just as a visual:


Here my hair is texlaxed, (ORS No lye for 15 mins) You can see how smooth the front is, yet the ponytail has texture.


Overall texture when airdried.

Although I'm transitioning now, I *loved* being texlaxed, and wholeheartedly recommend it. I retained growth and kept alot of thickness. The Natural journey is just a new challenge, I didn't have any bad experience w/ texlaxing:yep:

Hope that helps!!