Please share all your tips for low porosity hair...


Well-Known Member
I looked at the ingredients in my holy grail products ( I only have two) and they both contain glycerin. Then I got to thinking how my hair hates oils. Then I did the porosity test and my hair stayed at the top. I also read about signs of low porosity hair. My hair is not protein sensitive that I know of. I recently have been using a protein treatment and I love it. It contains silk and wheat proteins and all the other proteins in it are hydrolized. Those are supposedly good for low porosity hair.

Thought I would come here and ask for tips as this is the go to place for hair tips :) Please share your experience. Also, does your hair like oils? I did read that low porosity hair doesn't like oils...

Thanks curlies :)
The water float test really isn't a good indication of porosity even though it is popular. And low porosity hair is all over the place so it is hard to nail down anything. If you read through the low porosity support thread, you will see one head of hair loves something while the next does not.

My hair likes glycerin and marshmallow root. It likes mudwashes and creamy but not heavy conditioners. My hair doesn't seem to be as sensitive to protein as I once thought. But it does prefer keratin over others. My hair does not like dimethicone :nono:, hair color rinses or henna. Anything that lays on the strands makes my hair dry. My hair isn't fond of oils or butters. They tend to make my hair feel hard, wiry, dry and greasy. It can deal with a little bit of sunflower oil or hazelnut oil.

I don't use AVG often enough to know if it can deal with it. It doesn't love it. And I'm too afraid to try ADV on my hair at all. My hair also seems to like creams over oils or butters so I am trying LLC or LOC. Still drying to figure it out.
Thanks ^^^ . Also I was not relying on just the hair float test to decide this. My hair will even eat perms, so that and many other things made me decide this lol. I will look at that lo po support thread you suggested
My lo-po hair loves:
  • DCing with heat (as much as I can, I gotta ghetto rig a heat pack on my head)
  • Eco Styler
  • Semi-Permanent Hair color (lakes it a little less lo po)
  • Glycerin (in the summer especially when it is humid.) CAN NOT put it in my hair in the winter turns out
  • It likes silk and wheat proteins too, I can't deal with many other proteins
  • Moisture moisture.

I tried ACV when I was relaxed but I haven't tried it again (mostly because I did it wrong and smelled like pickles for a week :lol:

I am unsure of oils still, every time I put avocado or coconut oil...EVOO...Tea Tree Oil...Aloe Vera Gel...or any oil on my hair it just makes it feel more wiry so I have just been moisturizing daily with water and its been doing alright.

Its doing alright with heavy moisturizing creams but it seems to do best with water based leave in, cream and eco styler.