
ew. i had no idea it was common to see nits or the little shell thingys in virgin hair. wow this weave game must be serious to be puttin up with all of that. :nono: ain't no way. ♥


The OP was enough to make me forget weave altogether...

It aint that serious. :nono:
I posted a similar thread on BHM.It's funny how different the personalities are between the two boards.They're telling me to keep the hair and treat it.

I always buy virgin hair,I dont mess with BSS.For some of yalls info,they are finding nits in BSS hair as well...There was a recent thread on another forum about that,as well as the corresponding news story.

This is the first time I've purchased virgin hair and had this happen.It freaks me because I've never dealt with lice other than on my patients.I have contacted the vendor,I will send back and exchange if they'll let me.If not I have people pming me on both sites already willing to buy.The waves/curls are beautiful.

Some of you are funny when you actually make it seem like I'm going to put the hair in my head w/ the nits.I'm :grin: at that...I will not throw away this hair.It's getting exchanged with the vendor or sold.If I treat it completely I'll wait a month and put it in.Nits are disgusting but you can treat them.I thought since this was a hair board I could get better insight how to do that at home.:ohwell::look::lachen:
ITA 100% with lovegynmasts.
I feel a way about this BS, for real. WE pay good money for virgin/indian hair and it should be presented to us in top shape. These products are bloody expensive and as WE purchase a vast amount of hair from these vendors, WE should expect it to be in an acceptable condition. Why should we have to part with our hard earned dollars and finish the cleaning/delousing processing at home? WTF. I can guarantee if the majority of virgin/indian was being purchased by another demographic/customer base, this type of crap would NOT be happening. I'm fuming over this crap. :wallbash:

Thank You!
It continues to happen because we as a people/consumer base accept it.
Complacency is not a catalyst for change.
Change will happen if people stop buying it or start returning it.
Thats horrifying. I would return it, I wouldn't even consider removing them myself!!! Take it back! I had lice in the 6th grade and had to go through 2 sessions of an awful chemical application to kill the nits which are the eggs so they would loosen up and be easily combed out. The itching was unbearable sometimes. Don't you feel that you deserve lice egg free hair? Please,get an exchange....
I posted a similar thread on BHM.It's funny how different the personalities are between the two boards.They're telling me to keep the hair and treat it.

I always buy virgin hair,I dont mess with BSS.For some of yalls info,they are finding nits in BSS hair as well...There was a recent thread on another forum about that,as well as the corresponding news story.

This is the first time I've purchased virgin hair and had this happen.It freaks me because I've never dealt with lice other than on my patients.I have contacted the vendor,I will send back and exchange if they'll let me.If not I have people pming me on both sites already willing to buy.The waves/curls are beautiful.

Some of you are funny when you actually make it seem like I'm going to put the hair in my head w/ the nits.I'm :grin: at that...I will not throw away this hair.It's getting exchanged with the vendor or sold.If I treat it completely I'll wait a month and put it in.Nits are disgusting but you can treat them.I thought since this was a hair board I could get better insight how to do that at home.:ohwell::look::lachen:

To start out...not attacking...not attacking but...
Sorry, I still don't get it.
From what I am reading, this is a very expensive item and the distributors believe it is acceptable to sell it to consumers in this state? On top of that, these (in my opinion) exploited women receive nothing so the mark up is outrageous in the first place then they lower their expenses even more by not properly treating/prepping/preparing the hair?
It would stop if people would not accept it.
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Oh lawd!
Girl yes i heard it on BHM also they had me hessitating on ordering my Indian Hair. I didn't find any in the hair i ordered but I sure was looking and checking.
That's gross... I remember people posting a few years ago about hair from having nits in it sometimes. They pretty much just cut it off somebody's head weft it and ship it out. Check over on BHM I'm sure there are threads on how to remove them if you don't want to send the hair back.
I have never heard of this. After I finished vomiting and scratching at my hives, I would be back in my car driving to the store to return it. Well after I finished taking pictures as proof when I filed a complaint with the BBB. :yep:
I knew I should not have clicked on this thread while eating...ugh. There's no way that hair would have made it in my house!
This is disgusting. There is no way that I would clean parasites off of someone else's hair and then put that hair on my own head. Weave should not be that serious. :nono:
@lovegymnasts.. I agree with you also.. but in all the lurking I've done I have yet to hear (or read) abt any1 returning the hair.. however idk if anyone has tried either. I think we as customers should raise the bar as far as what we will accept from Indian Vendors, Chinese vendors, Brazillian Vendors, Everyone. I know I don't want to spend upwards of $200 and have to put work into it before it can be used.. I appreciate your post :)

if you can exchange it OP I'd suggest you do so.. if not then you can treat it.. either way If I were you I'd get my money or my money's worth..

I Still plan on getting virgin hair 1 day bec this hair, if taken care of, can last YEARS.. it saves money over time "& if you like weaves as a protective style then its a good choice
Be very wary of having this in your house. I'm am hoping that these are shells as other posters have noted. If not, the last thing you want is to bring lice not just into your hair/scalp, but potentially, your home!
Before hair boards did we know nits could possibly be in virgin hair? Is it possible that the itches we got or heard about from friends and family were this lil bugs? Just because they washed the nits out of some of the hair at the factory instead of us washing it out at home does that make the weave ok?

We all know that the gov't allows a certain % of mouse droppings in our food right?
Gross and more gross. Creepy. Good luck and good riddance OP! It is not acceptable to have that in ones product. I never knew about this so OP thanks for posting.
I never said which route I was going to go_Of coarse if the vendor lets me exchange that is the first route.If not I already have buyers,EVEN HERE ON LHCF LOL,willing to buy.Last case scenario always was to clean the hair and keep it.At the end of the day,it can be done.I wont be doing that though lol,not when I can get the exchange or my money back.(Through the vendor or another poster)

My coworkers are laughing at this,they dont see the big deal.They're telling me stories about all the times they had to deal with lice in their life.I had no idea it was that prevalent with some other races.Glad it wasn't me,and I guess black people really dont get lice.(Judging by the reactions on here:lachen:)Everybody I have told who is not black is looking at me like whats the big deal...
Ok, I have now heard it all!!

i have never considered this before and I have read a lot of things about weave hair , good and bad .

However, I think I have just found my cure. I don't think I will ever buy fake hair again. EVER!!!
Be very wary of having this in your house. I'm am hoping that these are shells as other posters have noted. If not, the last thing you want is to bring lice not just into your hair/scalp, but potentially, your home!

Theyre the shells,I re-checked the hair before I left.When I posted I was angry.I just woke up,had to get ready for work,but checked my mail first.I didnt have time to do anything except seal the hair back and put in my garage next to nothing.

I do know what to look for I was shocked because I was not expecting that.Like I said I buy virgin hair often,and this is the first time.I deal with lice all the time at the hospital.They run and come get me because I'm black.:rolleyes:
That is nasty i would have returned the hair thats crazy!
you got me itching awww take it back!
I don't think i ever had to deal with that i have bought from adorables and wagmans......never.........
*itches self*
My coworkers are laughing at this,they dont see the big deal.They're telling me stories about all the times they had to deal with lice in their life.I had no idea it was that prevalent with some other races.Glad it wasn't me,and I guess black people really dont get lice.(Judging by the reactions on here:lachen:)Everybody I have told who is not black is looking at me like whats the big deal...

But have any of them spent hundreds of dollars for the privilege of dealing with it? My non-black co-workers definitely freak out when they think they have transported a child that has lice. They immediately want the lice spray to spray down their car.
Virgin hair = possibility of nit shells
It's really that simple. Why do ya'll thinking they use all those chemicals on non virgin weave????

It's also very unlikely that you would find live lice on a weave. They need human skin flakes to survive.
Virgin hair = possibility of nit shells
It's really that simple. Why do ya'll thinking they use all those chemicals on non virgin weave????

It's also very unlikely that you would find live lice on a weave. They need human skin flakes to survive.

If the consumers can pick them out after spending all that money; then the distributor can do it before they sell it.
Seems logical to me
it is not uncommon to see nits in virgin indian hair. wht u r seeing is the nit shells, not actual lice. but just 2 be sure u can get medicated shampoo AND a special lice comb designed 2 comb the shells out. a rattail comb or other small-tooth comb simply will not do in this situa.

also search bhm 4 ways to de-nit ur hair. there is plenty of info over there 4 these sort of matters. :)

I had no idea. I will stick to my fake $20 half wigs. I am over here scratching like crazy right now.