

Active Member
I'm so disgusted!I bought some virgin indian hair from Mane Depot and its full of them.From the start of the weft and just throughout the hair.I have never in my life dealt with lice/nits.If I didnt pay so much for the hair it would be in the trash outside.

I'm not sure if what I'm seeing are the empty shells or still just nits waiting to hatch.I did not see any movement though...Please tell me how to get rid of these nits,hopefully in the first try.I'll ziplock it to contain it for now.

I'm on my way to work so I'm going to soak it in a ziplock bad with vinegar and JBCO to start.When I get home I was thinking about washing with a drugstore brand treatment and combing them out.
Girl, send that NASTY hair back!!

Would you REALLY put that in your head, even if you got the nits out? It's creeping me just THINKING about it. yuck!!
that's gross. i've heard of that happening to ladies on BHM....this is why if (ok, when) i get my virgin indian hair i will be scouring the heck out of their trusted vendors list!!!

are you going to contact them about it?
Does the Virgin mean they haven't put any chemicals on it? That's nasty, i'd chuck that out. Just when you think you got read of all of them, there will be a least on hiding in the weft, ready to make more babies.
Does the Virgin mean they haven't put any chemicals on it? That's nasty, i'd chuck that out. Just when you think you got read of all of them, there will be a least on hiding in the weft, ready to make more babies.

this is disturbing. once they hatch on ur scalp, can it cause balding?
It's sad that the vendor would send you such a horrible product. Nothings going to change unless we make a change. Please report them to the BBB, CDC and I'm sure there is a regulatory department that handles this type of complaint. Keep complaining until someone listens.
Gurrl don't use that hair ! Either try to get your money back or take it as a loss, but buggies in your hair is not a good look !
the whole time i was reading, i was like CherryPie, "Girl, send that nasty hair back and get your money back!"

a hot mess.

i was reading and wondering if you were still considering using it anyway. I don't care if someone told me it's been disinfected fully by the Pope himself, I'd need a new bag, from a different brand, a different company, shi*, I'd just go get the clean hair from the BSS

that's so gross, can you imagine them laying eggs inside your scalp and reproducing? UGHHHHH!!!
Please don't use the hair if it's "full" of them as you say.

If it's little white things that are stuck on the strand then that's an egg. Whether it's alive or dead iono... but if I paid a grip for some hair I wouldn't even think twice about sending it back and complaining.
Why am I ovah here scracthing my scalp, and swiping my face........

Is it really worth it to put that in your hair?!?!?!?!

I think I would chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned and put that in the garbage.

Please make sure that wherever you opened that bag there are no nits that landed anywhere.

Uggghhh......and we are scratching and wiping......
it is not uncommon to see nits in virgin indian hair. wht u r seeing is the nit shells, not actual lice. but just 2 be sure u can get medicated shampoo AND a special lice comb designed 2 comb the shells out. a rattail comb or other small-tooth comb simply will not do in this situa.

also search bhm 4 ways to de-nit ur hair. there is plenty of info over there 4 these sort of matters. :)
it is not uncommon to see nits in virgin indian hair. wht u r seeing is the nit shells, not actual lice. but just 2 be sure u can get medicated shampoo AND a special lice comb designed 2 comb the shells out. a rattail comb or other small-tooth comb simply will not do in this situa.

also search bhm 4 ways to de-nit ur hair. there is plenty of info over there 4 these sort of matters. :)


This is very common when you're dealing with virgin hair. Go to BHM to the weave section and the ladies there will tell you how to get rid of them. They are just shells nothing is going to "hatch" lol.

BHM is the better website when it comes to weaves IMHO.:drunk:
I'm sorry, don't mean to be rude or anything--but like the other posters have stated...why would you use this? Why not return it? They need to know what's in their "hair." Keeping or using the hair seems like you are asking for trouble. I wouldn't even want that in my house!

Oh by the way, what's wrong with just wearing your God given hair? (I'm not necessarily anti-weave btw)
iTA w/Shawnti "& Sonya.. its not uncommon at all.. let me know what you do bec I plan on getting virgin hair 1 day "& I know this can happen.. but i'd def let them know abt what they sent you.. "& take pics.. hope you get what you need

I wish we had more weave info here =/
@aminata.. maybe she's protective styling, or feels like a different look .. =/

I kn0w im getting a sew-in as a protective style bec I need to give my natural hair a break
ew. i had no idea it was common to see nits or the little shell thingys in virgin hair. wow this weave game must be serious to be puttin up with all of that. :nono: ain't no way. ♥
I'm sorry but I can't keep quiet...
Warning strong opinion forthcoming...

Why is it acceptable to pay a lot of money for lice infested hair?
Why are people putting time and effort into delousing an item they paid good money for?
Would we find it acceptable to buy a mattress, clothes, furniture that was infested?
I think not.
I don't know many people that would find it acceptable to purchase something and discover it is covered in rat droppings. Why are nits okay?
Thanks to this thread, I know to NOT buy virgin's not that serious.
OP, apparently you have some options so good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I'm sorry. It is NOT that deep for some "virgin" hair.

Part of the whole "virgin" designation is that it's PURE, not that it's UNWASHED, but whatever. Wouldn't be me.
ITA 100% with lovegynmasts.
I feel a way about this BS, for real. WE pay good money for virgin/indian hair and it should be presented to us in top shape. These products are bloody expensive and as WE purchase a vast amount of hair from these vendors, WE should expect it to be in an acceptable condition. Why should we have to part with our hard earned dollars and finish the cleaning/delousing processing at home? WTF. I can guarantee if the majority of virgin/indian was being purchased by another demographic/customer base, this type of crap would NOT be happening. I'm fuming over this crap. :wallbash:

Why is it acceptable to pay a lot of money for lice infested hair?
Why are people putting time and effort into delousing an item they paid good money for?
Would we find it acceptable to buy a mattress, clothes, furniture that was infested?
I think not.
I don't know many people that would find it acceptable to purchase something and discover it is covered in rat droppings. Why are nits okay?[/QUOTE]