Major Breakage!!!

I have nothing to add, it's all been said. Just wanted to say sorry for all the
you're going through. I hope it gets better. Hang in there....leave the cutting as a last resort.
OMG, I love yall ladies so so much. I'm not amazed at the at this wonderful support, because I see it time and time again, but it just uplifts me so much. Every single one of you are the greatest. Thank you all for the support , encouragement and advice. I really needed that.

After re-evaluating my recent post relaxer regime and reading all these posts, I'm seriously starting to believe that I am experiencing protein overload. I heard someone mention that the 5n1 reconstructor was a mild protein, so I really didn't think that following up the next day with another mild protein would hurt. Guess I was wrong. And on top of that, I've been using the Lanza PP shampoo. I'm almost convinced now that's it's protein overload.
My hair cannot take too much protein. I have tried Aubrey GPB on several ocassions and it wreaks havoc on my hair. Literally eats right through it.

Last night after posting this message, I was so upset that I just had to do something. I made up a concoction of castor oil, coconut oil, rosemary EO, and a Megatek conditioner in a spray bottle. I sprayed my hair with this and blowdryed (I Know, but I just had to inspect and I could only do this with dry hair). Anyway, I did lose a few hairs but not that much. Also, I went back and checked the hairs that came out earlier only to find that many of them had bulbs on the end. Someone suggested weather being a factor and it is true. One day it's in the 80's and the next the 50's.

I really wanted to follow the advice of leaving the hair alone, but I just can't. I have to do physical training every morning of the week and rinsing my hair is a must for me. So this morning after PT, I rinsed my hair with water and applied my beloved Tropical Avocado Conditioner. My hair softened really nicely as usual. But I wasn't out of danger yet. With that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I reached for my pick to comb through my hair. TO my pleasant surprise, only a few (5) hairs came out. I wanted to jump for joy. I was soooo happy. I won't be shampooing for the rest of this week. Just rinsing and conditioing. This weekend I will do a moisturizing wash (CON) and a deep moisturizing conditioner with heat. Hopefully ladies, this is the end of my problems. Yall must have really been praying for me. But I felt so hopeless last night.

Thanks again everyone for all the love and support. When I say I felt your sincerity through this screen, I mean that. Yall are truly my hair buddies

I feel like I've been talked off a ledge
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
pebbles said:
Hi (((Armyqt))),

I'm really sorry to hear this! Can I tell you that my hair has been acting up lately as well?! I KNOW how you feel about being sick of trying to grow your hair, but hang in there girl. Could it be too much protein? The 5 in 1 is a protein treatment as well. Don't cut your hair yet. The breakage may suddenly stop. Just keep washing and deep conditioning for now. Let's see what happens...

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Hey Pebbles, what's been going on with your hair?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
BlkMane said:
Armyqt, I'm so sorry. The only thing I can think of is that you are using too much protein as someone else mentioned.

Maybe you overconditioned with the protein?

I would quit the protein for a while and do strictly moisturing treatments.

Use honey in your mixes. I would also recommend Na-PCA spray by Twinlab. This stuff is EXTREMELY moisturizing.
The non-oily version must be rinsed out of your hair. You can use it as a leave-in if you get the Aloe version.

[/ QUOTE ]

Being the big time PJ that I am, I actually have some of this. Never really knew what to do with it though. I will definitely put it to good use this week. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hey Armyqt, we are more than happy to be a source of support for you anytime
Even though I am wayyyy late! Another aspect is wearing your hair in the same style. If you wear it pulled back exactly the same that could be too much tension for your hair. Try changing your protective style or not pulling so tightly. I know you wear the Phony Pony some and that could be a contributor! GOOD LUCK BABE
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and a Megatek conditioner in a spray bottle

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi ArmyQT
I am glad to hear your hair is doing better.

Quick question for ya....

Is Megatek a protein conditioner or do they make several different types of conditioners including the protein one that was all the rave over at the old LHL board?

just curious b/c I wanted to buy this a few month sago but was having trouble finding it out here in LA. Then someone told me I could get the same results using any other protein conditioner.

Hey Valleygirl
It contains some marine protein in it, but it does not dry the hair out like regular protein ( at least I don't think so). It's very expensive so I never use it as a regular conditioner. As a matter of fact, I haven't used it in a long while. But after my disaster last night I had to resurrect it cause I was very deperate. It really thickenened my hair on the spot and made it feel really strong. I'm gonna stick with my little mixture until I get any negative reactions. If you're looking to purchase it, you have to get it online or try a store that sells horse maintenance products. hth
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Hey Pebbles, what's been going on with your hair?

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Well, since you asked, my hair has been shedding like crazy. I'm starting to get a bit freaked out now. I'm not sure what's causing it. Now when I wash my hair, I have these big balls of hair coming out that I have never experienced before. I don't even want to touch my hair now. I noticed some split ends creeping up on my and got a trim to remove 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch.

Yes, I know, it's not that much, but I'm trying to grow your hair to bra- strap length and I can't get it passed my shoulders. That's a big set back for me.
So yes, I'm depressed about my hair and I just want to cut it. I feel like all of this energy I'm focusing on my hair is only frustrating me, and a cut may bring me back down to earth. I have been seriously thinking of cutting it off and going natural again. I don't know what I'm going to do yet.
Armyqt, I feel like crying for you, girlfriend.
But don't worry, and don't cut your hair off. I know you worked so hard to grow your hair, but I have to agree with the rest of the people here.

Just remember, it happens to people, and it's not your fault. Continue doing your deep conditioning until the problem arises. I'm here, and the other people are with you, Armyqt. Hang in there, hon.
Got my fingers crossed that you've reached a turning point here Armyqt. I'm taking notes on what you're using as a hair rescue. Is the Megatek you're using the one that for both human and horse usage? If so, I have the same product, but have only used it a few times. Do you only use it as part of your leave-in mixture?

i noticed in your original post that you stated that your hair wasunderprocessed and that u are getting another relaxer in 2 weeks. please DO NOT do this, if u just recently got your last touch up. i don't know if u previously used a no lye that in part explains the underprocessing of your hair as opposed to a lye relaxer that just didn't take. I advise you t exercise EXTREME CAUTION b4 getting a corrective relaxer. 6 months ago, Ihad this procedure done by a nationally renowed hair care expert in NY and it caused MAJOR damage to my hair. My previously underprocessed hair became seriously overprocessed and damaged. Talk about thinned out, limp, broken off mess. I would just look at my hair and CRY. My hair is extremely thick , otherwise i would have probably ended up bald. I think that u should just cut back on the protein, do lots of moisturizing conditions and nurse your hair back to health. u have such beautiful hair and i think u need not cut it off nor should u get another touch up so close to the last one. If i recall correctly, u wear your hair up alot anyway and u can gradually cut off the underprocessed while growing out your hair. in the meantime, just keep it plenty moisturized so that it won't break off where the 2 textures meet. i just really don't want u to go thru the hell that i have been through trying to get my hair back in shape. pm me if u have any ??s. take care and God bless. deborah
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
OneShinyface said:
Got my fingers crossed that you've reached a turning point here Armyqt. I'm taking notes on what you're using as a hair rescue. Is the Megatek you're using the one that for both human and horse usage? If so, I have the same product, but have only used it a few times. Do you only use it as part of your leave-in mixture?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, that is the one I'm talking about. I've had it for quite some time and have rarelyused it. I been eyeing it again lately and decided to use it after my fiasco last night. It strengthens the nails on contact and is purported to grow hair thick and lustrous.
Hi Deborah11, thanks for your input. I think you're right about waiting to get another relaxer. I usually go 3 months in btwn relaxers, but I'm just sick and tired of not being able to wear my hear out. I am now almost positive that the cuase of my breakage is due to too much protein and not the underprocessed hair per se. I have managed 2 textures successfully on many occasions with no breakage. So I guess I will hand in there with the ponytail until it's time for the next touch-up.

I don't know if this has anything to do with the breakage your experiencing, however this keeps coming to my mind when I see your post.

Next time you get a relaxer, try to wait about 3 days after before doing anything like coloring, or even shampooing/conditioning/treating the hair. You just put harsh chemicals on you hair and it needs time to recuperate.

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pebbles said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hey Pebbles, what's been going on with your hair?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, since you asked, my hair has been shedding like crazy. I'm starting to get a bit freaked out now. I'm not sure what's causing it. Now when I wash my hair, I have these big balls of hair coming out that I have never experienced before. I don't even want to touch my hair now. I noticed some split ends creeping up on my and got a trim to remove 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch.

Yes, I know, it's not that much, but I'm trying to grow your hair to bra- strap length and I can't get it passed my shoulders. That's a big set back for me.
So yes, I'm depressed about my hair and I just want to cut it. I feel like all of this energy I'm focusing on my hair is only frustrating me, and a cut may bring me back down to earth. I have been seriously thinking of cutting it off and going natural again. I don't know what I'm going to do yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh My dear Pebbles ((Pebbles)). Can I just say that I SO know what you are going through right now. Ladies please feel free to jump in here for Pebbles. Sweetie, have you examined what you have been doing lately to figure the possible culprit? Like everyone urged to me, please don't cut your hair. We always think things are worse than what they are. But I so know how you feel to see the hair coming out like that. What have you been doing recently since this started. Let's see if we can't figure this out together.
Hang in there Pebbles.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
emgurl said:

I don't know if this has anything to do with the breakage your experiencing, however this keeps coming to my mind when I see your post.

Next time you get a relaxer, try to wait about 3 days after before doing anything like coloring, or even shampooing/conditioning/treating the hair. You just put harsh chemicals on you hair and it needs time to recuperate.


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks emgurl, I'll definitely remember that next time around
I'm very very late. But I just want to say I'm both sorry about the breakage and glad that you are seeing a turnaround.

Like most people said, it could have been the overload of protein, but you also said you had been underprocessing your hair.

I'm not sure if this could help (or if it relates to you), but from what I've read, when there is a difference of textures on one head, there may be breakage b/w the weak and strongest parts. This often happens when people go from relaxed to natural hair. The natural hair is stronger and eventually the relaxed hair just falls off.

I'm not saying that this relates to you, but this may be something to at least look at.

In any case, I'm glad that you're getting back on track. Please continue to moisturize and wear protective styles. Essential oils really help the hair also.

Armyqt, Well I caught this thread a little late...but Im glad to hear your hair is doing better!
Doesnt it just make you so sad when you treat your hair like a little baby and then you get a setback??

Pebbles: I just saw a picture of your hair and I am soooo wanting to have your hair!! I am annoyed and irritated with my hair as well...I keep getting these urges to cut my hair down to half an inch(but I always get like this when it is...umm...well that time of the month ) Thankfully I know why I get like that so I just ride it out.
Dont let your hair frustrate you into doing something drastic to it!! This feeling will pass and before you know it you will be loving your hair again

Take care everybody!!
You know, since you asked me what I'm doing wrong, I had to sit and think and at first I thought "I'm doing what I've always done." But I guess I really haven't. I've been eating more junk food lately. My diet has gone to hell in a hand basket. It's gotten busy at work and I don't have the time to plan meals, I just eat whatever is convenient. Hmmm..., never considered that could be the culprit. What do you think? If that is the problem, then I really have a problem.
I don't have the time I did a few months ago.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Pebbles: I just saw a picture of your hair and I am soooo wanting to have your hair!! I am annoyed and irritated with my hair as well...I keep getting these urges to cut my hair down to half an inch(but I always get like this when it is...umm...well that time of the month ) Thankfully I know why I get like that so I just ride it out.
Dont let your hair frustrate you into doing something drastic to it!! This feeling will pass and before you know it you will be loving your hair again

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi LavenderDutchess,

I guess you're right. I've just been seeing so much shedding that I figured, well why not just cut it and start over again? Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Armyqt - Sorry to hear about your hair breakage and i hope its improving now.

Im in a similar situation. I dont know why this is happening?

What i have decided to do is keep it simple, wash every 5 days, deep condition and airdry. Im also using essential oils only(im using lavender &amp; sage to massage my scalp every second day). On my length and ends im only using olive oil or avacado oil. I wear it in a loose bun daily.

Pebbles - Im sorry too, i had the experience with a chunk of hair coming out recently when i was combing out my hair after shampooing
. I just wanted to cry. Please dont give up and cut your hair. Hang in there.

Im so grateful for the ladies on this forum who share their hair experiences . Everytime i just want to give up and just chop it, i came here and i get inspiration
. Lets continue to support each other especially when we experience setbacks
Pebbles, you have to hang in there!!!!
All of you ladies who have been here for awhile are an inspiration to all of us!!! I will definitely keep all of my hair buddies in my prayers.... I believe things will get better for you

Hey Pebbles!
If work is busy maybe you can go to the health food store and pick up those healthy breakfast cereals, and those healthy frozen meals they have. You can pop them in the microwave just as easily as anything else and its much better for you. Don't forget the salad bars and the supermarkets, too. Or healthy takeout. You can drive to the Boston Market or Chicken out and get REAL food, fast.
Or if you're stuck at the drive-thru, you can still minimize the damage. If you are just craving a hamburger and fries, you can get the kids meal to satisfy that urge for less calories. Keep yourself from getting hungry by ordering a salad as well. Pass on the soda and get an iced tea instead.
Your hair (not to mention your hips) will thank you for it!
And whatever you do, hands off your yummy creations!
Re: pebbles

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Your hair (not to mention your hips) will thank you for it

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL!! I love you guys; you're always good for a laugh!

UmSumayyah, thanks for the great suggestions! Reading your post made me realize that I can do somethings to help my diet even if it is getting crazy around here. Of late, I have only had time for burgers and fries, soda, you name it. That's not how I usually eat but we've been so busy that it's easy and quick since the burger place is across the street and I don't have to think about it. I think the extra grease is starting to affect my hair and my skin.
I'm going to take the great advice that you gave me.

Thanks again guys!
Re: pebbles

Pebs I am sorry to hear about your hair. I am not feeling mine either. I am getting a relaxer (out of town
) in a couple of days. GURRRRLLL my hair has shedded some too and I was like WHAT is going on but over time it stopped. Who knows maybe all that nice new hair is growing in or could it be all the HACKERS on the board stressing u out
!!!!! I know you will handle it and Pebs I CANNOT believe u let your hair just airdry and it is straight. Girl if I tried that my hair would be a big PUFF ball! LOL and keep the smile on. Have u changed your regiment at all?????
Re: pebbles

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Who knows maybe all that nice new hair is growing in or could it be all the HACKERS on the board stressing u out
!!!!! I know you will handle it and Pebs I CANNOT believe u let your hair just airdry and it is straight. Girl if I tried that my hair would be a big PUFF ball! LOL and keep the smile on. Have u changed your regiment at all?????

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! Girl, you are crazy.
My hair isn't thick so I can get away with airdrying it straight without looking like I'm wearing a hat.
The lottabody cream wrap helps to keep my hair straight. Aside from the junk food and more work, everything is pretty much the same.