I Double-dare YOU to take the 7 day V-challenge!

I started last night with vaseline. I had been using other creams to moisturize my ends, but still needed some more moisture in this dry climate. So far so good!
Hey ladies, i know i'm a lil late, lol, but i wanted to join the challenge also. Can I only do it for 7 days or is it safe to start using vaseline in my regular routine?
I was taking a stroll down memory lane... and came across this thread that got me hooked on LHCF:D (back in 2003). This Challenge is the thing that really got me seeing progress!:love: :notworthy Thanks Leejure, and Big Thank you to Adrienne.. For being my first hair buddy! You are truly an inspiration!!!!! And a little message to the ladies that has post to this thread...I haven't seen you post much lately but I'm sure you've all reached and some surpassed their hair goals..THANK YOU! for keeping the hope alive for people like me still in the `game':) (war against dry stubborn hair,tryn' to reach goal)

keep it growing!Ladies
well this challenge just appeared out of nowhere, lol, I know it's like almost 3 years late but I think I'll give this a try during the winter months and since I'm already in the bun challenge why not. would anyone else like to bring this challenge back to life w/me?
I will! I remember this thread. This was when I was still a lurker. lol This will be good for me, esp. since I am on the "dont touch it challenge".
i just went out to get me some more vaseline and i will be giving this a try! hope i get good results!
BeautifulWideEyes said:
well this challenge just appeared out of nowhere, lol, I know it's like almost 3 years late but I think I'll give this a try during the winter months and since I'm already in the bun challenge why not. would anyone else like to bring this challenge back to life w/me?

hahaha yea it did appear out of nowhere!! damn i was back in high school when this came out!! hahaha...ahhh man...id love to bring this challenge back too...ive got messed up ends for DAYSSSSS and desperately need something to revive them now...since im super close to my goal!;)
I just finished reading through all the entire thread and I am totally in! I remember my mother using vaseline to press my hair when I was younger....Nothing else except vaseline and it always worked well.

I am at 13 weeks post and have been bunning and cw'ing just about every day, so I am just going to slap some vaseline on the ends now. Heck, I may even go 20 weeks if the S-curl stuff and this bunning keeps doing well for me!
BeautifulWideEyes said:
well this challenge just appeared out of nowhere, lol, I know it's like almost 3 years late but I think I'll give this a try during the winter months and since I'm already in the bun challenge why not. would anyone else like to bring this challenge back to life w/me?

Count me IN! :p
Toni said:
I tried the Vaseline on my 7 yr olds 4a natural hair before I braided her hair for the week. That was sunday, this morning (tuesday)her ends are baby soft. I'm going to do this on a regular basis for her along with African Pride sheen braid spray, that stuff is my favorite.

How did you style her hair. Do you mean you cornrowed her hair, or just plaits?

I really want to do this with my 8 yo's hair.
Thanks so much to whoever pulled this thread out of obscurity. My hair and ends are loving the vaseline! I put a couple of pics in my signature. You can see how shiny my hair is when I put it up. I am also a faithful MTG user and my growth is really taking off. I can't figure out how to re-size my picture to put it in my avatar.
Okay, I have been using it on my daughter's hair since last week. Mine too.

How do you get around the greasy pillow case?
My daughter's pillows have grease stains on them.

Chajen, 32, how do you get your hair to lie flat like that? My hair is about 9 inches all around, and I cannot get it to lie flat in a bun for anything.
rosie said:
Okay, I have been using it on my daughter's hair since last week. Mine too.

How do you get around the greasy pillow case?
My daughter's pillows have grease stains on them.

Chajen, 32, how do you get your hair to lie flat like that? My hair is about 9 inches all around, and I cannot get it to lie flat in a bun for anything.

Well, I used the vaseline on the ends but it still wound up getting on the rest of my hair. To combat the grease stains, I tied my hair up with a scarf and then a bonnet. I also use MTG pretty religiously, so I think the combination of the two things is helping my hair to lie flat. I was pretty shocked myself since I don't use any heat.
Just wanted to say this is what turned my hair around. I hated it but it worked. Rmember to change the position of your bun frequently and vaseline the ends (I did just the legnth of my ponytail when it was wet.) I may even go back to this for the next month.

I gave the Mango Butter and Healthy Ends a break. My ends were looking a mess so I'll gave this a shot last night.:)
yourleoqueen said:
Why you bump this old-ass thread?! :lol:


I was like 351 respones how did I miss this!!

then of course, I see the date :lol:

I use mango butter on my ends. I may have to give the vaseline a try because $4.99 for that tiny lil jar gets expensive when used daily. Since so many have had such great results with it maybe I'll give it a try. I'm scurred though. :look:
Chicoro told me about this back in January, and I tried it. I've been doing it at every wash since, and I have to say it has worked wonders for my ends. So much so, that I have no idea when I will trim again. It's already been over a year.
leejure said:
That's right, I dare...no, I double-dog DARE all of you to take the 7 day vaseline challenge!

If you are not SCUR-RED...then read on...

the vaseline challenge is very easy. But you can only take the challenge if you are a protective style (bun) wearer. Meaning, if you roll your hair, or use hot curlers, then this challenge is NOT for you.

To take the vaseline challenge, this is what you have to do;

Start off with a freshly washed/conditioned hair. Once you have done all that you usually do BEFORE you get to the styling, pull out the great tub of vaseline and get yourself a nice amount. Now I am not talking about that "dime and nickle size" that your shampoo bottle talks about using, I am talking about the amount of vaseline that WANDA (In Living Color) used to use to lubricate lips...I am talking a good amount, okay?!

Oil the last few inches of your hair. I mean oil it to wear it is "stuck" (if you will) together and you can poke someone in the eye with your hair! No is does not take a lot of vaseline to do this, but you will need enough to get the "poking-in-the-eye" effect.

After the oil, style your hair in its protective style...mine is usually a bun.

At night, there is no need to add more vaseline to the ends, just pin up and wrap with scarf. BUT IN THE MONRING...if you are a daily rinser, then rinse and condition your hair as normal. You will notice at this point that your ends are very soft. ADD MORE VASLEINE to your soft and wet ends and style. If you are not a daily riniser, simply SPRITZ your ENDS with water add more vaseline and style. REPEAT FOR SEVEN DAYS

I promise you all that you will not be sorry. Try it!I guarantee, you will be "won over"!

:lol: :lol:
At this post

Anyway I will re-iterate this and apply vaseline on my ends (freshly spritz with water) b/c at the moment they arent looking too cute.
This is one of my favorite threads even though I never posted in it before. This is the thread that turned me on to vaseline and baggying my ends. I went from raggedy split ends and dry dull hair to a more healthy head. I loved Leejure's and Adrienne's ends. The proof was in the pudding so to speak by looking at the results in their respective hair albums. I had never seen ends like theirs before and this was their secret. It definitely helped me!
Does anyone still use Vaseline on their ends? My ends have been so dry lately that i'm thinking about trying this for at least 7 days.

I don't limit it to just vaseline. I use any hair grease on hand (Indian hemp, Dax Sulphur, etc.) But last night I did EVOO and castor oil on dry ends and wrapped in plastic shower cap overnight; my ends feel like SILK 2day. Even DH commented on how healthy and smooth my hair was! :grin::grin::grin:
I did this to my daughters hair when she was very young with some Dixie Peach! Dixie is nothing but Vaseline with an artificial Peach fragrance. Her hair is MBL (relaxed). It really does save the ends from everyday wear and tear.
A seven Day stretch for frazzled ends can be too bad of an idea. It does help with retaining the ends.