Vaseline is the ultimate!!!!!

I tried it on Saturday and I was pleasantly surprised now I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner.:yep:
definetly will be trying this.... does it leave the hair heavy? im having trouble with that. every time i add oil to my hair, it gets so stiff and heavy.
Say what now??!! hmmm.. since going natural.. like others I always read that vaseline was the str8 up devil!!! Now Im wondering if it'll work on my 4a hair after I wash/co wash.?? (what I mean is normally after I wash or co wash it takes a couple days for my hair to get back to being soft/moisturized, maybe THIS will speed the process up... :confused: :shrugs: guess it wont hurt to give it a try :D
I read somewhere that you must poo the hair with a sulfate poo to remove the vaseline. Is that true?
So she also oils her scalp with the melted Vaseline...what do we think about that?

I have some NuGro grease that I want to used but I'm scared of clogging my scalp...Even thought I used Dr. Miracles "feel it grow" grease before the boards and I don't recall seeing less growth.

IMO dont do it unless you have a chronic case of the itchies. I use vaseline as a lash conditioner and sometimes I will get clogged pores under my eyes (attractive) because its so rich. I don't think it allows the skin to breathe much either. Just my 2 cents
So she also oils her scalp with the melted Vaseline...what do we think about that?

I have some NuGro grease that I want to used but I'm scared of clogging my scalp...Even thought I used Dr. Miracles "feel it grow" grease before the boards and I don't recall seeing less growth.

:nono: Oh no; won't be doing that, the length of my hair only and a little bit goes a long way!
^^^Thanks. I think I'll take your advice. I'd rather be safe than sorry. :yep:

Too bad it is petroleum based because it has tons of other good ingredients. :nono:
so I tried some vaseline last nite before bed.

as normal when I shower at night, I run my wet hands thru my hair to loosen it up from tangles and whatever style I wore for the day. I put my hair in a low pony-bun, put on a satin scarf and that was it.

this morning I used a little leave in conditioner (as normal) and a lil eco gel. I must say.. I notice the difference in how my hair feels/lays down. My curlies are poppin all over the place today in my 'puff' too. :D I likes.
I've been using this on my ends when I do ponytail rollersets for awhile, but hadn't really tried it on the length of my hair.

Usually, if I air-dry without rollerseting or braiding, I get SSK's or the ends dry frizzy, but I rubbed some in my palms and applied it to the ends and length of my hair while soaking wet after CW'G, and it dried so soft!

It wasn't greasy at all. It also laid my edges down pretty well. My daughter's hair loves it! I seal the ends of her braids or twists with it.

I still love my oils, but Vaseline will be a keeper for me, especially in the winter.
I love Vaseline. I applied it to my ends last night and they are perfectly sealed. My hair is soft and has a nice sheen to it! Thanks to whoever put me on!
Just a quick update. This product did not work well for me.
Pros: hair was soft, shiny, smells good
Cons: felt greasy and attracted lint
Maybe the cons were due to the mineral oil.
I look forward to trying the regular vaseline though.

I also became curious about this, especially with all of the positive responses. So last night, I added a petrolatum based product to a 4 day old braidout, then rebraided it. Looking forward to seeing how it looks.
BTW, does anyone know if petrolatum based products works the same as plain petrolatum.
The product I used is called BB SuperGro Hair Conditioner, with Vitamin E, sage and sulfur. It also has ceramides, as well as mineral oil. I had this unused bottle from about 3 years ago.

Petrolatum , Mineral Oil , Coconut Oil , Sesame Oil , Hydrolyzed Collagen , Maleated Soybean Oil , Vitamin E , Vitamin D , Vitamin A , Wheat Germ , Sage , Sulfur , D&C Green #6 , D&C Yellow #11 , Fragrance
Just a quick update. This product did not work well for me.
Pros: hair was soft, shiny, smells good
Cons: felt greasy and attracted lint
Maybe the cons were due to the mineral oil.
I look forward to trying the regular vaseline though.

I had the same problem when I used coconut oil(grease) was too heavy, greasy and weighed my hair down....I prefer regular vaseline..
Dumb question but what are people doing to melt Vaseline?

Currently I am using a blowdryer to melt what I need because I am too lazy to go downstairs.

But if I melt a huge amount in the microwave will it solidify later?

I noticed someone mentioned rubbling it in hands but I like liquid Vaseline better.
Question, I'm going to flat iron my hair tomorrow. Do you think I should seal leave in with Vaseline then put on my heat protectant?
i have been contemplating trying this for quite sometime especially since it is so cold in MD, my hair is dry, my ends are breaking. I am going to go for it. I think I need a good trim though and I can't wait till I get one. I don't care how much...well i do, but i hope too much doesn't have to be taken off.

I tried some old school hair and scalp conditioner from TCB, and I don't like the way my hair felt. It was sheeny but not that moisturized, also tried this on my kids twists and their hair had high sheen but days later it's dry again, i know I need to re-moisturize it and I am going to try straight up Vaseline next time.
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Okay, I'm gonna try this for my next braid-out. Ladies who already do it, would you put vaseline on top of soaking wet hair saturated with conditioner?

I've found its easiest to braid my hair up for a braid-out when saturated with conditioner and I'd love it if some good old school vaseline could give it that extra oomph when it dries.

I dont dare put a thing on my scalp because of my oily skin but as a sealant for just my hair, I can totally see it working well.

I hope I have good news to report after my next braid-out!:grin:

Since I found out about Vaseline....I've been using it.

But instead of heating it for spreadablity, I simply mix it with:
Wheat Germ oil -or-
Amla oil -or-
Jasmine oil or any other Ayurvedic oil.

You'll get an even distribution and yes I apply it to soaking wet, heavily conditioned hair (preferably Suave Humectant or the Suave Damage control)

I have my twists in right now and they are shiny and moist...and yes---soft!:yep:

Great thread. Its washday so I moisturised with NTM Silk Touch leave in and sealed with Vaseline airdrying in plaits.

Eagerly awaiting the result tomorrow morning :grin:
Okay ladies. I tried it last night, using the reverse method that was talked about on the 7 day v challenge thread. I think I used way too much because my hair was still slightly greasy all day today. Here's what I did. Last night, I put my hair in two puffs and slathered it all over the puffs. I then took down the puffs, got in the shower and brushed it through with my Denman. The vaseline was literally coming out all over my Denman. I than got scurred and thought what have I done; so I took my vo5 shampoo, which does have sulfates and washed my scalp twice. I still only came off a little. Next, I applied my moisture milks strawberry condish and cw'd with it, as well as used it as my leave in. When I got out, I got brave again and applied some vaseline to my ends. I then did some random chunky braids, wrapped with a makeshift cotton cloth, in hopes that the cotton would soak up some of the excess and went to bed. Well, my hair was still damp around 2pm the next afternoon. Talk about holding the moisture. However, the jury is still out. Since my hair was still damp and too greasy to tell if there was a noticeable difference in softness, I twisted it in some random chunks and took down later in the evening. Still slightly greasy, so I will spray later and protective style. I will not add anymore vaseline until tomorrow night. Basically, what I'm doing is rinsing or cwing at night, applying the v over my leave in, and protective styling for the night. We shall see. Sorry I'm so long winded.
[size= 3]Thanks alot for the response Action Actress:) I tried it last night using Jamaican mango and lime locing creme wax (smells delish!:grin: and #1 ingredient is petrolatum) I've noticed my hair drying slower (a good sign) and so far my hair feels soft. We'll have to see the final verdict when my hair is completely dry (right now it's about 85%) but so far this is looking promising!:yep:[/size]

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I also thought that my hair drying much slower is a good thing. I figured it must really be holding in the moisture longer. Good to hear someone else confirm it.
Here is the funny thing ladies.

When I first started on hair boards back over on Yahoo (365 day challenge-late 90's) and I think another on one of these types of boards after that(mixed board). Most of us were new to the idea of BAD and EEEEVVILL Mineral and Petroleum. Wanakee still owned her company and we were still new to her hair line. This is when we all hopped on the Aubrey Organic bandwagon and is was Aubrey this and Aubrey that. This is when the term product junkie first came into being as we started using more and more expensive products.

Eventually the Ayurveda became popular for was mainly Alma we kept hearing about and then henna and on it goes.

Some years later, I have come to the conclusion to just keep it simple. After all of that Aubrey-ing and other expensive products I am now back down to a simple Suave clarifying shampoo, Suave Humectant/Damage conditioner...Ayurvedic oils/powders and WGO. In addition to a recent return Vaseline.

My hair is NOT suffering and it is growing VERY well I must say. My scalp isn't clogged since I do clarify my scalp. I too was taught this stuff was from the pits of Hades! But revisiting it --this time armed with knowledge, it is a gift from above for retaining moisture in this winter weather--at least for me.

Blessed Day!

My shameless plug. :grin: check out my new channel...will be doing a show. I will inform you all in the future. Sub and rate!

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I don't use Vaseline, but I've always had a big tub of Blue Magic Hair Grease with Coconut Oil.

It serves as the base for my home made sulfur mix, and I usually take a swab with my index finger, mixed with my Vatika oil for sealing. I started doing that when this evil cold descended :cold: and it seemed like my Vatika alone wasn't sealing my hair right when I wore it out (i'm usually protective styled under weaves). Definitely gave me softer hair, but I think moderation is very key to it working the way it should :yep: