Combing Airdried hair=Breakage?


New Member
I get cornrows after I wash my hair and I let airdry my ends are usually a little frizzy and when I comb it I get breakage my hair is soft it doesnt feel crunchy or anything but is it common for some breakage when combing airdried hair?
Shea said:
I get cornrows after I wash my hair and I let airdry my ends are usually a little frizzy and when I comb it I get breakage my hair is soft it doesnt feel crunchy or anything but is it common for some breakage when combing airdried hair?

I had this problem (breakage from air-drying). You have to be especially careful with air-dried hair when combing because all hair breaks at a certain threshold angle with a certain amount of pressure (which can vary from head to head). Unless your air-dried hair is perfectly straight, the bends and rifts (ie various angles) in the strands will push them closer to that threshold angle so it takes less manipulation to push them over the edge and that's when pieces break off. The comb coming through one of those bends the wrong way gives it enough added pressure to surpass the threshold angle. Not all people get breakage when combing air-dried hair, though, because not everyone manipulates their hair in the same manner (ie some are more careful combing than others). But with combing manipulation and the same products, your hair is much more likely to break when the strands are already bent in several places than when they are straight and a comb passes through (unless they are straight and weak, but that's a different story).
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thanks:) Whats your major your explanation sounds like a little orgo I was a bio major
Shea said:
thanks:) Whats your major your explanation sounds like a little orgo I was a bio major

Glad you picked up on it. I love orgo (but the labs were a pain in the ass when you had somewhere to go)!

My major was Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology.
For me, it depends on the product I use to airdry with.

I am actually torn between products for this very reason.

When I use my Pantene Smoothing comb in treatment and serum, my hair airdrys soft and I can comb in.

But, when I use my sidr tree butter balm my hair, which is way more moisturizing for the long haul, my break more when combing it airdried.

I am torn between which on to use.

Maybe I can airdry 50% with the Pantene and then when it is damp put some Sidrtree on it.
My hair breaks more when I air-dry(if I am post relaxer) I sit under the dome dryer with my rollerset style.. this makes my new growth straighter and minimizes much breakage. But when I have a fresh relaxer air-drying doesn't produce as much breakage and I don't have to sit under the dryer.
I've been noticing some breakage on my air-dried hair, too. I usually air dry in a ponytail or small twist. I'm not sure if the breakage is occuring at the point where my hair is "bent" (from the ponytail holder), but it's highly likely. Of course, I'm not the most gentle stylist in the world, either.:look:

I sort of want to blowdry at least once, just to see if there would be a difference, but I haven't blowdried in MONTHS (and I would fail several challenges by doing it)! I guess I should start rollersetting again. I haven't done that since November.

OT: Fellow science geek checking in! My major was microbiology. I had to take a sh%tload of chemistry, though.
being a science geek is so cool I love spilling out information in science terms to people just to seem super duper smart:dork: :bookworm:
I would suggest saturating the ends in oil while your hair is still wet. This helps your hair dry straighter so you won't have as many bends and zig zags that Navsegda is describing. Then, after that avoid touching, manipulating, or combing your ends.
For the most part, I only airdry when I am going to wear my hair in my 3/4 wig and its braided up. I lose too much hair otherwise.
In general my rule is to never comb my hair when I airdry it in a bun, however, when I plan to flat-iron my hair...I airdry it down with serum, this makes it easier to comb through with no breakage. Even then I use a wide tooth comb and Im VERY gentle.
I air dry 99% of the time. It drys while it is straight. I make sure that I apply all of my products while it is still wet. I seal with serum always and I have not had any problems to date. My hair is very thin and does not take long to dry. I do not comb my hair afterwards. I tie a silk scarf over it at night and finger it in the morning. It comes out very soft.

But you have to do what works for your hair type, we don't want any breakage. Perhaps a low setting on a dome dryer would be helpful.
I think it depends the products you're using moreso than the technique. I airdry 100% of the time and it took some time for me to be able to airdry and not have any breakage or dryness. When I used to put in 2-3 products in my hair, my hair was dry and there was some breakage. However, I think that the breakage also had to do with the state of my hair. It takes time to nurse your hair to good health where there is absolutely no breakage. I'm 100% certain that if I did the same thing with heat (like I used to) I would've experienced the same breakage. Anyhow, now that I am just using one good (imo) leave-in moisturizing conditioner, my hair is strong, moisturized and soft and combing is a breeze/problem-free.
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I started a thread a while back asking if the ladies here combed out their rollersets, which included airdried rollersets. I've learned here (and with my personal experience) that if the hair and cuticles are very smooth after airdrying (as in rollersets), then there is little or no breakage when carefully combing, using a good seamless, wide-tooth comb. The hair must be smooth first.

If the hair is rough after airdrying, don't do it, just use your fingers. I prefer airdrying and using my fingers anyway and just combing when my hair is wet on wash day.
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Yeah, i used to think Combing Airdried hair=Breakage too, but i found that now if i put oil, distilled water, and conditioner in a spritz bottle and spray my hair well with it, and then put a few loose plaits in my hair then once it's dry it's always slightly oiled with makes hair more pliable:) HTH
I air dry 100% of the time, and I don't have any problems combing my hair after it's dry. I actually have more breakage if I manipulate my wet hair too much... so I've given up on rollersets. I only use products that leave my hair soft, smooth, and detangled so I don't have to do any manipulation until my hair is at least 40% dry. Then I gently comb my hair once more before it's completely dry. I think finding the right products and technique will be the determining factor on breakage.
I always airdry and my cardinal rule is I never comb my airdried hair. I have recently fallen in love with Kids Organics Shea Butter detangler lotion, I've been putting a little on my hands and gently massaging in, and fingestying. My hands serve as brush and comb between washings. :D