Long hair ladies, can I live vicariously through you?

I have serious hair anorexia and I am usually caught in a bun or a shrunken twistout. When I do wear my hair straightened and mbl, I do like the looks I get from men and the weave checks. I think most folks are just surprised at the difference in length and texture. They don't know the future Rapunzel is inside of those buns and updos!

And btw, these are the "Pocahontas" braids I want:

Girl who you telling? :lachen::lachen
Keep it coming ladies!

Blackmasterpiece, I know you got some more stories...

I want more goodies on how the men act a fool.
:grin:How'd you know? :giggle:

Well there was the one time I went to a party and there was this one delicious lookin brotha that all the girls at the event were staring at....well I walked up to him and started conversation, amung other things he complimented me on my hair, when I told him it was mine he was like:blush: can I touch?!?! In amazement:lol: I was just like *shrugs* sure why not? He ran his hands thru my hair for the remainder of the party and just flirted & had deep conversation the rest of the night.....BOY was I getting side-eye the rest of the night from the women at that event!:lachen:

Theres this one perfect guy I dated he's model handsome in terms of looks, he's successful, intelligent and worldly, but I threw some things out there on the first date to see how he felt about it......eventually we got on the topic of hair and I said to him you know my hair is straight right now but I'm actually natural, sometimes I like to wear my hair in a huge fro.....before I could finish he was like "seriously?!?! I *LOVE* afro's they're sooooo sexy!" I was like:blush3:

Alot of guys when they try to holla as I'm walking down the street and I'm not payin them any mind or if there are other ladies getting gassed they'll be like no! The caramel one with the long hair! and I'm just like:giggle:

You go girl!!!, i know exactly how you feel!!! but i still get hair anorexia. i love everything you said!!! black men act like your from another world becuase you have long hair that not glued or weaved, or slapped on head. lol lol no offence to some :look:
Absolutely, they treat me like this amazing exception to everything they thought they knew about black girls. I definitely get treated differently, its like they're fascinated by me lol between my booty and the long hair I got em wrapped around my pinky finger:grin:...I'm the worst lol

But you know one thing I do notice and I'm sure others do too, does it seem that other races of men don't go as ga ga crazy over women long hair grown from her own scalp as black men do? If it's another race in which it's the norm for women to have effortlessly long hair it's not really that spectacular and men look at other indicators of healthy hair such as bounce, softness, thickness, and shine. However I think other races of men will notice a black women with authentically long hair ALOT MORE since it's not expected. As black women start to grow their own long healthy hair along with our other advantages such as youthful skin, pretty skin tones, amazing body shapes plus many of us have the volume and thickness that YT women would kill for. bsssshhhhh! What do you think will happen?! I think we will become a MAJOR threat! :grin:
I dunno, I get alot of approaches from men of other races when my hair is straightened and my length is showing, I think to them the long hair on a black girl combined with my body shape makes me look more exotic to them....but they don't go as gaga over it as Black men thats for sure. I totally agree with you, as soon as we can get the word out to most sista's about how to care for their hair properly and grow it out, between our curves, thick lips and gorgeous array of skin tones we could TAKE OVA!!!:woot:
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:grin:How'd you know? :giggle:

I dunno, I get alot of approaches from men of other races when my hair is straightened and my length is showing, I think to them the long hair on a black girl combined with my body shape makes me look more exotic to them....but they don't go as gaga over it as Black men thats for sure. I totally agree with you, as soon as we can get the word out to most sista's about how to care for their hair properly and grow it out, between our curves, thick lips and gorgeous array of skin tones we could TAKE OVA!!!:woot:

I agree!!!

Ok so I this dream last night, most likely from reading on the thread and stalking fotkis, so here is another fantasy

I go to a place where there are lots of black women just hanging out and my hair is MBl and thick and shiny and just swanging. The women run up to me in disbelief. OMG your hair is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, who did your weave!?!?
This is not a weave, this is my hair, stares all around in disbelief.
Go ahead, touch it.
Everyone starts touching and checking, and just in disbelief!
What did you do?!?!?
I tell them what I did, and ask if anyone wants regimens, and that I will suit them what they are willing and have time to do.
Suddenly I am printing out regimens (don't know where the computer and printer came from). :loL:
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^ Maybe it was a vision of your future.....trust me, thats gonna start happening for you:yep: A situation *just* like that happened to me just a week ago, I just went over my aunts house to chill and catch up, I call her my aunt but she's close to me in age and always very fashion forward.

She couldn't get over my hair she was like what are you doing?!?!? What do you use? She then began to parade me around to people as more and more people came over:rofl: she was like YES its all hers no extensions and she's NATURAL go ahead touch it! Girl I thought it was a weave too! lmao and I was just being flooded with questions, I answered them all and gave my tips and tricks it was really sweet:love2:
@ BlackMasterpiece

Girl, don't you know you are a triple threat? It's like my granddaddy used to say "Black men love pretty hair, pretty teeth, and pretty booty." :lachen:

I hate to get all religious up in here, but I wonder. The bible says that a woman's hair is her glory. Considering that he created us, I guess he knows of what he speaks.

I wonder how much of our feminine power we give up when we choose to cut our hair, abuse it, or even hide it. :look: Since it is part of the temple, I wonder if it pleases him to see us as women enjoy it. Don't know where the thought came from - it just popped into my head.
I feel like I'm reading porn :lol: 2010 is the year to get the total package, even though I suffer from hair anorexia I'm hoping to be cured by the time I reach MBL. I have been taking care of my hair better than my body for almost 2 years so this year I'm really going to shoot for the total package.
@ BlackMasterpiece

Girl, don't you know you are a triple threat? It's like my granddaddy used to say "Black men love pretty hair, pretty teeth, and pretty booty." :lachen:
:blush3: thanks love!:love3: I do my best to keep in mind all the ways I have been blessed:yep:
Um... I guess I qualify as having long hair. :look:

Well, it's almost never out. But when it is down in the shower I feel kinda like a sex goddess or something :blush: and I can assure you I am in the shower practising my skripper moves and slanging this hair ALL around :lol:

*flees the thread* :blush3:

ETA: came back in to say that I did wear my hair out and down to a restaurant this Christmas. I had a white man looking at me with... longing? He could NOT stop eyeballing me even though I was there WITH DH and kids in tow! It felt nice having my hair covering pretty much my whole back. I was a bit worried that black women might give me stink eye or make comments about it being fake... but from the texture it's pretty much 100% obvious that it's real, I think.

ETA AGAIN lol: Once I get my body tight nobody on planet earth will be able to tell me NOTHING!
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Um... I guess I qualify as having long hair. :look:

Well, it's almost never out. But when it is down in the shower I feel kinda like a sex goddess or something :blush: and I can assure you I am in the shower practising my skripper moves and slanging this hair ALL around :lol:

*flees the thread* :blush3:


OMG, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can't wait to do that! :yep:
I agree!!!

Ok so I this dream last night, most likely from reading on the thread and stalking fotkis, so here is another fantasy

I go to a place where there are lots of black women just hanging out and my hair is MBl and thick and shiny and just swanging. The women run up to me in disbelief. OMG your hair is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, who did your weave!?!?
This is not a weave, this is my hair, stares all around in disbelief.
Go ahead, touch it.
Everyone starts touching and checking, and just in disbelief!
What did you do?!?!?
I tell them what I did, and ask if anyone wants regimens, and that I will suit them what they are willing and have time to do.
Suddenly I am printing out regimens (don't know where the computer and printer came from). :loL:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:That is too funny. It will happen watch. :grin:
Girl i used to work it when my hair was APL...before LHCF...i used to go to the salon and get these curls all over the top of my head....and they were burgundy...i love color rinses...and walk through the mall like a model...you know how they step hard enough to make everything bounce?:grin:

Heads would turn HARD!!:lachen:...I shoulda passed out neckbraces as i walked by!

Loves it!!! You ladies are gonna be something terrible!
ETA: came back in to say that I did wear my hair out and down to a restaurant this Christmas. I had a white man looking at me with... longing? He could NOT stop eyeballing me even though I was there WITH DH and kids in tow! It felt nice having my hair covering pretty much my whole back. I was a bit worried that black women might give me stink eye or make comments about it being fake... but from the texture it's pretty much 100% obvious that it's real, I think.

ETA AGAIN lol: Once I get my body tight nobody on planet earth will be able to tell me NOTHING!

OH now thats juicy! Imaging him checking out the sista. Did your DH notice? I want DH to be like "fools get back, this my woman!" :lachen:
OH now thats juicy! Imaging him checking out the sista. Did your DH notice? I want DH to be like "fools get back, this my woman!" :lachen:

No, he didn't notice because the guy was behind DH's back, facing me. That man's gears were grinding, boy. I could see him wondering about me... in the Biblical sense! :blush:
Ok, I'm almost APL and I have a story.

One night I was out with hubby. I was on the dance floor doing a line dance, just flipping my hair back and forth because I had a fresh relaxer. Hubby was standing beside one of his friends. Later that night hubby told me that his friend said to him, "Is that all her hair?" Hubby said, "Yeah, man. That's all her." I felt like this :grin::yay::thumbsup::bouncy::gorgeous::Copy of 2cool::rocker::yahoo:

Man, I can't wait until I'm MBL. I'ma be a flippin fool. LOL
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No, he didn't notice because the guy was behind DH's back, facing me. That man's gears were grinding, boy. I could see him wondering about me... in the Biblical sense! :blush:


Ok, I'm almost APL and I have a story.

One night I was out with hubby. I was on the dance floor doing a line dance, just flipping my hair back and forth because I had a fresh relaxer. Hubby was standing beside one of his friends. Later that night hubby told me that his friend said to him, "Is that all her hair?" Hubby said, "Yeah, man. That's all her" I felt like this :grin::yay::thumbsup::bouncy::gorgeous::Copy of 2cool::rocker::yahoo:

Man, I can't wait until I'm MBL. I'ma be a flippin fool. LOL

:lol: at your reaction(s)

I'm gonna be like



I've actually asked DH about this. I was like what would you say if someone was asking if my hair was a weave. Are SO's be so proud.
:lol: at this thread. i stay living vicariously through other women with long hair. I've had dreams and all. I already got the body/booty, all i need is that hair down my back, and as long as i keep doing what i'm doing i know ima get there sooner than later.. lol, my friends already tell me that i'm not gonna know how to act when it reaches BSL. lol.

I really live vicariously through people who started off like me, above ear length, and who now has made tremendous progress w/in 2-3 years. I'm already SL and its been like 1 yr and 3 months. i predict *crosses fingers* that i will be full APL by Dec. and BSL by mid 2011 when i get out the military*crosses fingers*. then i can wear my hair down out and just lookin' :gorgeous:.

*sigh*... i'm mad at yoou exoticmommie.. as if i don't do this enough.. lol.. now there's a thread filled with this stuff.. i love it..
:Ya'll know what? Here's what I want to do one day (I'm between NL and SL currently, aiming for APL or longer):

1. Be (with girlfriends of course) in a store trying on a coat/shirt/jacket and be wearing my hair down and have to dramatically flip my hair from underneath the coat/shirt/jacket. I want my friends, salesgirls, errybody watchin'!!

2. Have people ask, "Is that all your hair?" on the regular

3. Go to the beauty shop and have a roller set on the *gasp* big gray rollers

4. Get long enough to have to shampoo & condition in sections

5. Make big, beautiful, moisturized, neat and professional buns to wear to work and accessorize w/ cute hair goodies

6. And of course, I've got plenty of X- rated fantasies but I can't get started on that in public:blush:

*sigh* A girl can dream...GR8 THREAD:yep:
I love my medium/long hair. I went from "track star" to "SUPASTA" and it's the shizzy. And I no longer have to "karate chop" a man when he reaches to touch my hair..Whoowaaaaahhhh!:lachen:
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Now you know I have imagined that as well. :lachen:

DH is behind :blush: and my hair all over my back looking sessy. :lachen::lachen::lachen:


I can't wait to do wash and go's and it's long enough to look good in a pony.

You can do it! (I need to too though,:look:)

And baby girl is good, I am holding her right now. She is soooo nosy. She a tough cookie too, much tougher than her sisters. Only cries when hungry.

You two long haired divas need to contribute. :yep:

Girl you know I've been on LHCF too long to think of myself as a long haired diva! I have a bad case of hair anorexia! :yep: My hair still seems short to me. But thank you for the compliment. It made me :blush:.

But I will tell you that this is the absolute longest my hair has ever been. I love feeling hair on my back. I love when people stand close to me when I'm in line and I know they are trying to figure out if it's all mine <insert random hair toss and finger comb through - hey I gotta let 'em know it's real!>. I love when I'm airdrying my hair and DH smells on it. I love getting compliments left and right when I only spent 1 minute styling my hair. Long hair is a style in itself! If I think of more, I'll be back.
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This thread made my night yesterday and it did it again tonight!

I can't wait until I have stories to share about my long hair and swangin it just EVERYWHERE for no damn reason but to swang!! lol
I have serious hair anorexia and I am usually caught in a bun or a shrunken twistout. When I do wear my hair straightened and mbl, I do like the looks I get from men and the weave checks. I think most folks are just surprised at the difference in length and texture. They don't know the future Rapunzel is inside of those buns and updos!

And btw, these are the "Pocahontas" braids I want:

Wavez, Is this You? If so, You are a Very Pretty Lady, Just Gorgeous!
:Ya'll know what? Here's what I want to do one day (I'm between NL and SL currently, aiming for APL or longer):

1. Be (with girlfriends of course) in a store trying on a coat/shirt/jacket and be wearing my hair down and have to dramatically flip my hair from underneath the coat/shirt/jacket. I want my friends, salesgirls, errybody watchin'!!

2. Have people ask, "Is that all your hair?" on the regular

3. Go to the beauty shop and have a roller set on the *gasp* big gray rollers

4. Get long enough to have to shampoo & condition in sections

5. Make big, beautiful, moisturized, neat and professional buns to wear to work and accessorize w/ cute hair goodies

6. And of course, I've got plenty of X- rated fantasies but I can't get started on that in public:blush:

*sigh* A girl can dream...GR8 THREAD:yep:

I can't wait to do that.
omgomgomgomgomg this is a dangerous thread. i hadn't planned on taking down my locs for another 3-4 years, but mannnnnn yall are going to mess me all up. i want to take them down NOW!!! lol hmm now i'm actually gonna wait for boo to wake up so I can see his reaction when i mention this :grin: definitely living vicariously through you long-haired ladies!!
I can say I get the attention but its rather annoying sometimes and I'm sorta kinda shy and cant stand strangers staring at me lol. It also makes girls dislike you that much more! and the biggest thing is when you catch the people who you think are your friends giving you stank looks on the sly when its all down and swinging !!! I have seen it all!!
I can say I get the attention but its rather annoying sometimes and I'm sorta kinda shy and cant stand strangers staring at me lol. It also makes girls dislike you that much more! and the biggest thing is when you catch the people who you think are your friends giving you stank looks on the sly when its all down and swinging !!! I have seen it all!!

I am not shy, but I can relate. I really do not like the attention my hair gets. Heck, I get comments wearing it bunned. :blush: