Long hair ladies, can I live vicariously through you?

Not lame!:grin:

I tend to do this alot....when i'm irritated by another female....lol:lachen:

I'm mentally thinking..."yeah whatever...but my hair is still longer than yours."

:lachen::lachen:I know that's right!! :lachen::lachen:

Let me get out of this thread, it's making me want to go to sleep and wake up MBL.
:goodpost: OP! I love hearing everyone stories so keep them coming ladies! :love4:

I can't wait til I get to BSL stretched although Midback is my goal. Since I'm tall I know thats a whole lotta hair! I will be swanging my hair all the time!

I am the very Minority Here but that is okay!

I never liked long hair, I hated my hair down my back, I tucked it into fake pony tails, I have always had long hair, my father use to do my hair and kept all his little girls hair in tact.

I BC'd about 4 times from MBL / WL to the clipper with NO Adapter to the smallest adapter. I don't like the heat and my hair touching my back and face!

That was then......., (still don't like it on my back on a hot day)

NOw I wonder If my FOOL Arse didn't cut my darn hair to make my husband mad I'd probably been schudlrknelfkuten by now LOL! the Husbands like to pull on the hair (I am tender headed) he also use to lay on my hair sometimes at night I get up to go to the bathroom and it feels like someone yanked my neck down, nope under the husbands arms (he is 250lbs so that is alot of arm).

This grow back out I've learned to love my hair styles an all. I still wear my wigs and my Ponys, BUT I LOVE, LOVE LOVE LOVE it, You ladies have actually made me excited for the first time to grow my hair out and to keep it! (I promised the hubby and kids as well so)

when I go into the beauty supply store with my wig on and ask for a wig and the girls look all FUNKY like Bald Hepher coming up in here you need our hair. ANd I TAKE OFF My wig and rewrap it to make it tight when I don't wear a cap, and they look like glupensmurf, yeah Byatch I am not bald. Gals with long hair like wigs too! I rock my hair and a wig and I look great. (my hubby loves the new lace fronts, short style with out chopping my hair)
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Wow what a difference some sleep makes. :lachen:

I am looking forward to one day achieving full BSL (should reach BSL by end of 2010). I feel if I can overcome that hurtle, I can do anything. I have to admit though, I think DH might have seizures. When we met I was almost SL (and I thought that was long:rolleyes:) and he could not keep his hands out of it. I had to constantly tell him to stop. When my oldest son was born I cut if off for convenience. Now almost 14 years later, I am growing it back out (at DH's request). The difference is that now it is so much healthier. I could not have done this without LHCF's help. I am so grateful for the ladies on this board.

My husband made that request too! LOL :grin:

Wow what a difference some sleep makes. :lachen:

I am looking forward to one day achieving full BSL (should reach BSL by end of 2010). I feel if I can overcome that hurtle, I can do anything. I have to admit though, I think DH might have seizures. When we met I was almost SL (and I thought that was long:rolleyes:) and he could not keep his hands out of it. I had to constantly tell him to stop. When my oldest son was born I cut if off for convenience. Now almost 14 years later, I am growing it back out (at DH's request). The difference is that now it is so much healthier. I could not have done this without LHCF's help. I am so grateful for the ladies on this board.

:lachen::lachen:I know that's right!! :lachen::lachen:

Let me get out of this thread, it's making me want to go to sleep and wake up MBL.

Girl who you telling? :lachen::lachen
Keep it coming ladies!

Blackmasterpiece, I know you got some more stories...

I want more goodies on how the men act a fool.
I'm only freshly APL, but my BF plays in my hair allllllll the time now. It's kinda nice. Having a man play in your hair makes u feel beautiful. :love3:

HOWEVER, I can count 2 separate times in the last 30 days that some fool has stepped to me with some variation of "I love a long-haired thick redbone". *Sigh*.......are u serious, sir? (and my hair ain't even my idea of "long".....I wonder what I'll get when I'm MBL!) :lachen:
I am the very Minority Here but that is okay!

I never liked long hair, I hated my hair down my back, I tucked it into fake pony tails, I have always had long hair, my father use to do my hair and kept all his little girls hair in tact.

I BC'd about 4 times from MBL / WL to the clipper with NO Adapter to the smallest adapter. I don't like the heat and my hair touching my back and face!

That was then......., (still don't like it on my back on a hot day)

NOw I wonder If my FOOL Arse didn't cut my darn hair to make my husband mad I'd probably been schudlrknelfkuten by now LOL! the Husbands like to pull on the hair (I am tender headed) he also use to lay on my hair sometimes at night I get up to go to the bathroom and it feels like someone yanked my neck down, nope under the husbands arms (he is 250lbs so that is alot of arm).

This grow back out I've learned to love my hair styles an all. I still wear my wigs and my Ponys, BUT I LOVE, LOVE LOVE LOVE it, You ladies have actually made me excited for the first time to grow my hair out and to keep it! (I promised the hubby and kids as well so)

when I go into the beauty supply store with my wig on and ask for a wig and the girls look all FUNKY like Bald Hepher coming up in here you need our hair. ANd I TAKE OFF My wig and rewrap it to make it tight when I don't wear a cap, and they look like glupensmurf, yeah Byatch I am not bald. Gals with long hair like wigs too! I rock my hair and a wig and I look great. (my hubby loves the new lace fronts, short style with out chopping my hair)

Has anyone ever slammed their hair in the car door? I look forward to the day when I have to be careful about where my hair is:yay::yay:
I've been living vicariously through long haired ladies since I was 8 years old! :lachen: When I see how long my hair is getting, I imagine how I'll feel once it gets to BSL. I'm almost at APL (actually have a few strands past APL) and I already feel sexier! :sekret: when I'm alone in my room, I watch hair porn of members like longhairdontcare, Irrisitable, lexiwiththecurls and even the one who shall not be named....:look: I keep her on mute
I'd like to be like my mom one day and feel something on my arms, wondering what the heck it is. Then I realize it's my hair :grin:
NOw I wonder If my FOOL Arse didn't cut my darn hair to make my husband mad I'd probably been schudlrknelfkuten

when I go into the beauty supply store with my wig on and ask for a wig and the girls look all FUNKY like Bald Hepher coming up in here you need our hair. ANd I TAKE OFF My wig and rewrap it to make it tight when I don't wear a cap, and they look like glupensmurf, yeah Byatch I am not bald. Gals with long hair like wigs too! I rock my hair and a wig and I look great. (my hubby loves the new lace fronts, short style with out chopping my hair)

:lachen::lachen:Girl, you have me dying! I can't wait to call someone a glupensmurf lol!

I love these stories! I'm having fun pretending that my braids are all mine when I take a shower. It feels so good to have wet hair on your back..
OMG I read this entire thread so far and my heart was beating slightly faster with each long hair story. My hair grows slightly faster than average, but it also breaks slightly faster than average due to extreme dryness. :sad: If I had paid attention to LHCF more since joining I would have been full SL or beyond by now I KNOW since last night when I clarifying with Bentonite Clay one section of my hair near the crown at that stretched ALL the WAY to APL (that's ALOT to say for me since I'm 5'9 with a long torso), that's the longest any part of my hair has ever been in my life. However, due to breakage and damage fom not caring enough about my hair other sections of my hair vary in length from EL to CL to NL to SL. HORRIBLE UGLY LAYERS! :wallbash: This is why my main goals this year are humble FIRST AND FOREMOST Find a simple and effective regimen that works for me (no bandwagon-ing/pjism), Healthy, Strong Hair with a proper Protein/Moisture Balance, FULL EVEN SL by Dec at least, so I'll definitely have to trim that APL section :grin: Only then can start my journey toward APL to BSL to MBL then WL maybe TBL if my terminal length will allow it and then maybe I could fall in love and get married with LONG Healthy Hair.

I hope this will take my the estimated 4-5 years tops cause I'm almost 25 and I would like to get married by 30. I'm sure I will die if I have to wait past that cause saving my self against these hormones is a bit more than slightly frustrating. :grin:
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I was the girl with the tightly coily coarse type 4 hair that everyone had a comment to make about, the skinny late bloomer, they called my hair ugly, nappy and told me to "resolve it" and as a little girl........ I believed them.

Eventually I became a young lady that came into her own, I looked at my childhood massive fro and promised myself I would let my hair be what it is and see if I can get that length again.

Well I got it and I surpassed it.

I'm a curvaceous size 2 in dresses, I have a music video booty and MBL hair well on its way to WL.........you can't tell me nuthin at this point:cool2:

When the wind blows my hair just cascades with each gust and its an amazing feeling sometimes I see guys just staring at the effect as I approach and its sooo empowering.

Sometimes I can't believe my progress and it makes me sooooo happy I just wanna share my tools and techniques with every sista I encounter interested in it.

I swing my hair out of my way allllllll the time its still gets me excited sometimes.

To the lady that said sometimes when theres a chick she doesn't like or a hater she'll swing her hair like oh well I still got longer hair.....omg that is the TRUTH I do the SAME thing!!:lachen:

I *love* how amazed brotha's are with my hair and my progress and how within the 1st to 2nd date after they've asked if its all mine and I invite them to touch they can't get over it and run their hands thru my hair routinely from that point on. I've noticed men of other races find me to be more "exotic" looking being that I'm a Black girl with unusually long hair so that keeps things interesting and fun.

I recently did a length check and I couldn't believe how close I'm getting to WL....I still keep my avatar from 2 months ago up because I'm still in the inbetween phase....I dont have very much hair anorexia I know my hair is long ....its really something I give thanks for every day....it makes me smile.

I changed into my pajamas tonight and my hair was just swinging and hanging down my back and for a moment I was just swinging my hair from side to side because it was soooo relaxing to feel hair all down your back...I'm just very grateful....its been an awesome fullfilling journey and I enjoy every step of the way:love2:

You go girl!!!, i know exactly how you feel!!! but i still get hair anorexia. i love everything you said!!! black men act like your from another world becuase you have long hair that not glued or weaved, or slapped on head. lol lol no offence to some :look:
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**timidly checks in....**

I love this thread!!!

It feels weird to include myself in the long hair category, but I am currently MBL ( trying to make it to waist this year). I love the way my braid feels against my back, when I'm in a bra or halter. My DH also plays in my hair, and I love when he " nuzzles" it. It is sublime to have him wash my hair, and he has this googley-eyed face when it's wet and covers my girls.

It makes me feel like such a woman when it's a windy day, and my hair is swirling all around my head, and just flowing in the breeze. I've got my " hair flip" perfected! I love the looks I get from doubters;( you know, the is that all hers looks?).

But....best of all, is the take-down.

This is when I unravel my twisted bun, that shows my length, just at the right time, like when I'm getting a stanky eye from someone, or a clear woman is flipping her shorter blonde locks ( I have a compulsion to out-flip her).

Long hair can cover for me when I'm having a bad face day, and can almost have the effect of cleavage when you need assistance from a man. Shoot, don't put the two together....you will get pretty much get whatever you need.

Love my LHCF sisters and HHG.
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I bumped into the cutest guy from junior high at the post office one day. He recognized me immediately (it's been a while y'all lol). Anyway, I was so wishing that I hadn't had my wig on that day! I was just wondering how much BIGGER that grin of his would have gotten!

I plan on trying to ambush him there when my hair is on point!
Oh i am jealous of all you ladies, and your hair stories:grin:

I just cant wait till i can reach behind my back and touch my hair, i can almost do it now(when straighten) but i dont want to dislocate my arm:lachen:
And i just cannot wait till i can use my hair as a shirt, oh and until i can put my hair into a ponytail w/o the aid of water or gel:drunk:

And last but not least, i just CAN NOT wait until someone ask me "Why do you wear your hair in a bun all the time" Then i can pimp slap them with my WL hair and they will never question my bun again:alcoholic

GOOD ONE!!!!! i totally forgot to mention that i can just reach behind and grab my hair without effort, i took that for granted untill it was metioned by you lol
I want waist length hair so I can tilt my head back and feel it tickle the top of my booty.(God help me for I am nuts)
I'm not long since my BC but when it get back I still want to do my Pantene commercial. You know where it's bouncing as you walking down the stair. Shining, swanging, bouncing. I'ma have some killer legs from all that stair walking.

Yeah I wanna be like one of those girls on the Garnier Fructis commercials. I wanna tie my strong, shiny long hair around a tree and pull it down LOLOLOL

Oh and my Pocahontas braids on my MBL hair are between SL-APL. If my hair is curly then its barely SL. Damn shrinkage!
*Puts towel on head and ....swangs it*

One day, one day.. I'm going have hair that's long
enough to slap people in the face..
I am the very Minority Here but that is okay!

I never liked long hair, I hated my hair down my back, I tucked it into fake pony tails, I have always had long hair, my father use to do my hair and kept all his little girls hair in tact.

I BC'd about 4 times from MBL / WL to the clipper with NO Adapter to the smallest adapter. I don't like the heat and my hair touching my back and face!

That was then......., (still don't like it on my back on a hot day)

NOw I wonder If my FOOL Arse didn't cut my darn hair to make my husband mad I'd probably been schudlrknelfkuten by now LOL! the Husbands like to pull on the hair (I am tender headed) he also use to lay on my hair sometimes at night I get up to go to the bathroom and it feels like someone yanked my neck down, nope under the husbands arms (he is 250lbs so that is alot of arm).

This grow back out I've learned to love my hair styles an all. I still wear my wigs and my Ponys, BUT I LOVE, LOVE LOVE LOVE it, You ladies have actually made me excited for the first time to grow my hair out and to keep it! (I promised the hubby and kids as well so)

when I go into the beauty supply store with my wig on and ask for a wig and the girls look all FUNKY like Bald Hepher coming up in here you need our hair. ANd I TAKE OFF My wig and rewrap it to make it tight when I don't wear a cap, and they look like glupensmurf, yeah Byatch I am not bald. Gals with long hair like wigs too! I rock my hair and a wig and I look great. (my hubby loves the new lace fronts, short style with out chopping my hair)

wowww, this has happend me last year a couple of times when i wore half wigs for protective styling, oh man, ive seen those "glupensmurf" faces too many times!!!!! good one!!!
I'm only freshly APL, but my BF plays in my hair allllllll the time now. It's kinda nice. Having a man play in your hair makes u feel beautiful. :love3:

HOWEVER, I can count 2 separate times in the last 30 days that some fool has stepped to me with some variation of "I love a long-haired thick redbone". *Sigh*.......are u serious, sir? (and my hair ain't even my idea of "long".....I wonder what I'll get when I'm MBL!) :lachen:

wohhhhhhaaaaaa, i got that toooooooooo, a man started sanging that to meeee as i walked offf with another guyyyy that wasnt my os lol. my hair was flat ironed loongg and i had tight jeans on, and he sung it!~!!!!! i was like "okkkkk<----ill be that. llol i liked it. i was about to back it up and do a booty pop right quick while swinging hair. he sung it that good lol
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But you know one thing I do notice and I'm sure others do too, does it seem that other races of men don't go as ga ga crazy over women long hair grown from her own scalp as black men do? If it's another race in which it's the norm for women to have effortlessly long hair it's not really that spectacular and men look at other indicators of healthy hair such as bounce, softness, thickness, and shine. However I think other races of men will notice a black women with authentically long hair ALOT MORE since it's not expected. As black women start to grow their own long healthy hair along with our other advantages such as youthful skin, pretty skin tones, amazing body shapes plus many of us have the volume and thickness that YT women would kill for. bsssshhhhh! What do you think will happen?! I think we will become a MAJOR threat! :grin:
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But you know one thing I do notice and I'm sure others do too, does it seem that other races of men don't go as ga ga crazy over women long hair grown from her own scalp as black men do? If it's another race in which it's the norm for women to have effortlessly long hair it's not really that spectacular and men look at other indicators of healthy hair such as bounce, softness, thickness, and shine. However I think other races of men will notice a black women with authentically long hair ALOT MORE since it's not expected. As black women start to grow their own long healthy hair along with our other advantages such as youthful skin, pretty skin tones, amazing body shapes plus many of us have the volume and thickness that YT women would kill for. bsssshhhhh! What do you think will happen?! I think we will become a MAJOR threat! :grin:

i dont think we're a threat yet. lol i wish more blk women knew what we know.
*Puts towel on head and ....swangs it*

One day, one day.. I'm going have hair that's long
enough to slap people in the face..

OMG! Your post bought back nostalgia with a boom!

Picture it: 1984, a little girl sitting in her room. She's supposed to be folding the towels that her Mama made her go get out the dryer. Instead, she is sitting at her desk with a gray towel on her head :gorgeous:, the round laundry basket is the make-believe steering wheel to her make-believe car :driver: that is powered by 2 shoes on the floor - 1 is the gas and 1 is the brake - creative, huh?

In walks Mama and I am :busted:
My Mom is stomped for words but her face says :spinning::look::grin::nono::rolleyes::wacky::scratchch :eye::dizzy: :shocked::nuts:.

Then she finds her voice :orders: :fistshake: :angry2: :naughty: :whyme: and is threatening :spank::whip: :bat: because I am dirtying up her clean towels and not doing my chores :badgirl: ! I just wish I could :hide: :cantlook: at this point....(am I invisible yet? :crazy:) My Mom argues that if I kept my hair neat in the morning when she combed it instead of getting sand in it and losing hair bows I wouldn't look like :antlers:! - Gosh, why don't parents understand? Didn't they ever play make-believe? LOL!

Later when the :phone: rings I have to listen to her tell :lots: that I was messing up her clean laundry! I could hear my Auntie and others:rofl::giggle: !!!!

I told my Mama :imsorry:

Is it bad that I still put a towel on my head and try to dance sexy in front of the mirror? I'm getting better at making my bum bounce!
**timidly checks in....**

I love this thread!!!

It feels weird to include myself in the long hair category, but I am currently MBL ( trying to make it to waist this year). I love the way my braid feels against my back, when I'm in a bra or halter. My DH also plays in my hair, and I love when he " nuzzles" it. It is sublime to have him wash my hair, and he has this googley-eyed face when it's wet and covers my girls.

It makes me feel like such a woman when it's a windy day, and my hair is swirling all around my head, and just flowing in the breeze. I've got my " hair flip" perfected! I love the looks I get from doubters;( you know, the is that all hers looks?).

But....best of all, is the take-down.

This is when I unravel my twisted bun, that shows my length, just at the right time, like when I'm getting a stanky eye from someone, or a clear woman is flipping her shorter blonde locks ( I have a compulsion to out-flip her).

Long hair can cover for me when I'm having a bad face day, and can almost have the effect of cleavage when you need assistance from a man. Shoot, don't put the two together....you will get pretty much get whatever you need.

Love my LHCF sisters and HHG.


can't wait so I can do that for DH. :yep:

*Puts towel on head and ....swangs it*

One day, one day.. I'm going have hair that's long
enough to slap people in the face..
