2011 HYH (Part I) Reveal! :-D


New Member
Well Ladies,

Today is the day!:grin: After six months of hiding behind buns, twists, braids, weaves, rollersets, wash n' gos, phony ponies, and yes wigs, it's time to let your hair swang!:rocker:

Whether you've retained length, thickness, or your hair is healthier than it's ever been, let's celebrate the fruitage of all of our hard labor.

Don't forget to join the new challenge if you haven't already:


Now let those locks flow for all to see!:lick:
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I will post pics when I get home from company picnic:)

First pic is my sad attempt at flat ironing in late Oct 2010 (dont have any closer to dec)
Second pic is my flat iron after BKT about 2 weeks ago (From Oct 2010 to this pic I have trimmed a little over 4inches off to make my hair more even)

Why did I cut 4inches off? I was sick and tired of this long train hanging off the back(Think wedding dress:()

Why BKT? I was sick of getting so much breakage when trying to manipulate my dry hair without tons of product. My hair was soft but it was o so tangly.
I love it:) My hair is so much more manageable. I can actually do pics like #3 again without being scared of the damage.

What did I do to gain 3-4inches in the last 6months. BUNS HON:) I did a lot of buns using the banana clip and chignon net from sallys( I got the idea from a lady on LHCF that has the juiciest buns)

What do I plan on doing for the next 6months to gain my 4inches back? Buns, rollersets, cornrows and twists. Basically PSing 5-6 days a week BKT every 3-6months to maintain manageability.


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My siggy pic is when I started the challenge. I only flatironed a small section just see my progress and I'm satisfied.

I think I'm just gonna go ahead and flat iron my hair so I can trim it. I'll be back with pictures later.

ETA: I straightened and trimmed. My ends weren't as bad as I thought they were. I trimmed off anything that was see through and scraggly looking. Im still finding pieces here and there and have been snipping as I see it.

I'll be honest I'm not happy with how my hair looks straight. It's not as thick or full as I would like it to be. It also still shrinks to some degree when it's straight which make it look shorter and like I haven't made much progress. I can never get as straight as they do at the shop and my roots are still puffy. I've yet to figure out how to get them totally straight. I ended up setting it on flexi rods to give it some curl so we'll see what it looks like when I take them down.

Here's my hair after I blowdried, flat ironed and trimmed.





Finished Product

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Saving my spot. Will update with pic this evening.

I can't believe it's been 6 months. This is my first challenge, so I'm excited. I can't wait to see everyone's progress.

ETA: Ok I'm back. Here's my pics. The top is where I started and then the second is the reveal picture (I don't know why I typed that. It's not like you all couldn't figure it out. :lol:) I'm pleased with the progress.:yep:

ETA2: I wore lacefront wigs pretty much all the time. I just love the ease of wearing wigs, since I have to do 2 other heads of hair.




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I don't feel that I've made GREAT progress. But any progress for me is well welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you to Ms_CoCo37 for overseeing this challenge. I'm looking foward the the next 6 months.

December 25, 2010
*Notice my hair stretched to the "r"


June 29, 2011

Now it's on the "m".



I Claim APL. :yep:
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Great progress ladies...As you post your triumphant results could you pretty please add the style method you used most during the challenge...TIA
beautiful hair and results. Seems like the ones posted have gained length and health! Congrats
(will post mine when I get off work @ 11)
brg240 I had NO IDEA you had all that hair, wow. If only....
beautiful hair and results. Seems like the ones posted have gained length and health! Congrats
(will post mine when I get off work @ 11)
brg240 I had NO IDEA you had all that hair, wow. If only....

Ijanei probably b/c i don't post that many pics and i always forget about the hair forum:look:

i'm looking forward to your update
ive hidden my hair for 6 months and don't have great progress as all yours ladies !!! damn all these progresses are impressive for me !!!! :shocked:
I'll be back later this evening to post my reveal. Gonna have to post my starting pic, BC pic, and reveal.
Great progress everyone :)


Start of the challenge

March relaxer

June relaxer and end of challenge. The back part of my hair was not completely dry but its the only pic i have facing the same direction. had a mini setback after clarifying and then following it up with a protein condish but Im fine with the results.
All of you ladies made wonderful progress great or small. any progress is still progress. just goes to show that protective styles is the key to retaining (IMO)