When to Cowash


I was just wondering if you gurls think there's a best time to cowash? Do you think it's always good to cowash or do you do it when NG starts to take over? I just relaxed and thought maybe my hair would behave better when I cowash then when it's full of NG. My hair takes better to everything when I'm relaxed and flat ironed. If I wear braid-outs and decide to cowash it's not as cooperative. What you think?
I think you just have to experiment and do what works for you on this one. Everyone's hair is different. Some people find that cowashing is necessary to make their new growth easier to comb, while others find it causes more tangles.
i find its easier to manage my ng when i cowash. i personally only shampoo my hair once every 2 weeks, between that i only cowash and deep condition. i found this has helped me lessen the number of broken/shed hairs on my comb and bathroom floor :)
I usually cowash every other day, or at least twice a week starting after my touchup; I increase it to daily once the NG gets wild. It keep my hair manageable and moisturized; I don't know how I ever managed without frequent cowashing.
i cowash when:

i'm too lazy to moisturize
too lazy to take care of ends
have too much ng
too many tangles from airdrying (from cowashing)
too dry to comb due to ng

and other reasons