Washing&Conditioning in Braids to Decrease Tangling/Breakage??


New Member
Hey yall!! After my six month failure to retain my growth I am trying to ATTACK what I think the problem was...I am 100% positive that my hair grew at a normal rate; however, by looking at my ends I think it was a breakage issue and I think this happened during the washing/detangling process...

I have seen people on here including my hairspirations say they wash and condition their hair in 6-8 plaits/braids. I was just wondering how that process works...if someone that does this can explain that process I would GREATLY appreciate it!! I am trying to stop losing three handfuls of hair everytime I wash and dry :wallbash:
I do this
Basically, before I wash or condition, I section my hair into about 6 or 7 sections and I braid each section. Sometimes I twist if I'm feeling lazy.

Then, in the shower, I lather up with shampoo (if I'm shampooing) and rinse, leaving the braids/twists in tact. Then I coat each section with conditioner, one by one. First I coat the braid/twist so it has slip, then I unravel it, finger comb through (sometimes I use a comb, maybe once a month), make sure the hair is totally saturated, then I retwist or rebraid. Other times, I dont bother to unravel and just slap the conditioner on the braid/twist. Again, when I'm being lazy.

I have found since I started doing thing, I have almost no SSKs, my ends are less ratty, and the moisturizing/combing/styling process after are far easier because the hair is sectioned off. I also believe keeping it like that, as I'm styling, helps keep the hair moist so that there is no real breakage while styling.
Try this method by kisses03,
from this thread

Originally Posted by KiSseS03
I swear by this method, I am 12 months post, and washing in sections has allowed me to hang onto my relaxed ends, avoid splits, and my "detangling" time is around 5-10 minutes for my entire head.

I usually wear my hair straight so pre-wash it is already detangled. I part my hair down the middle of my head (hairline to nape), and then further divided those halves into 3 sections each. This leaves me with 6 sections. I have experimented with smaller sections, but 6 seems to be the magic number to allow me to adequately get to my scalp, smaller braids tend to be too tight for this.

I leave my braids in for the entire washing process, prepoo, shampoo and deep condition. This is key! My hair never ever gets a chance to tangle through the entire process, so combing at the end is so easy! I was skeptical at first about DC'ing in braids, I wasn't convinced that the product would thoroughly coat my strands, but it works! I use an applicator bottle with a nozzle to get down near the roots, and I always DC with a hooded dryer so this may help the product to adequately reach the inner strands.

In the end because my hair never had a chance to tangle, "detangling" is as simple as running the comb through each section to get rid of any minor tangling, and then I run my knock-off denman through to remove any shed hair. It takes 5-8 minutes, at the most 10 if I had been wearing a textured style the previous week.
last night I washed and condtioned in four plaits and saw a difference even though I don't tangle alot,so from here on out I'll make 6 plaits and wash and condtion like this forever :)