Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

chebaby So when you think you gone get the rest of your stuff from that NaturalStore?:rolleyes:

They'd hafta' send me a Coupon or something "Free" :rolleyes:

And I ain't talmbout no sample of nothin' I don't want either:lol:
ok yall dont ask me why i keep posting the same video lmao. its supposed to be another video but it wont freaking post.:lol:
I gotta tell you...I really like the Enso Naturals Blue Malva Hair Lotion.
IDareT'sHair - I love it too. Makes my hair nice and soft and smells :lick:

The rule is try not to buy too much, and the definition of 'too much' is in direct correlation to how good the sale was, how bored you were that day, how tricky that pay now button can be and whether or not you felt the haulin spurrut :lol:
Zaz, that's why I came to this thread to quickly find that it means U1 Buy3 mo.

Some of the questions/statements lately is really making me think it's the Heat.:perplexed
IDareT'sHair - well then this question will then not disappoint your theory. :giggle: Why is it called hauling? :look: Honestly. I've seen this tons of times and just made up a definition/meaning for it. What's the true PJ meaning?